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These materials were produced with Title I, Part A funds and are in the public domain.

The MI Excel Statewide Field Team at Calhoun Intermediate School District proudly recognizes our partners in this work: Eastern UP Intermediate School District Gogebic Ontonagon Intermediate School District Muskegon Area Intermediate School District We are grateful for their willingness to share their expertise with us and the entire state. Thank you!

District Story: Benzie Central Schools Matt Olson, Superintendent Stephanie Johnston, Board Member Cindy Hunt, MI Excel Facilitator These materials were produced with Title I, Part A funds and are in the public domain.

Dramatic Improvement in Student, Teacher, and Leader Performance in a short amount of Time. The Blueprint: Systemic Reconfiguration

Session Description In this session, superintendent and key district leaders from Benzie Central Schools will share their district's story of systemic reconfiguration. Learn firsthand about the intentional steps taken during Blueprint installation, as well as the successes and challenges faced along the way.

Session Outcomes Participants will: ● Learn about installation from the perspective of the district leaders who are installing. ● Hear about challenges, successes, and setbacks and hear how they worked to address each in their districts.

Learning Outcomes ❖ ❖ ❖ Consider the “story” of Benzie Central Schools Share the story of your own school and hear the stories of others in the room Gain insights into potential best practices for your district as well as pitfalls and past “fail forwards” that may be avoided or minimized in your own work

Benzie County Central Schools ● Located in the TBAISD situated between Traverse City and Frankfort ● Enrollment - Approx. 1400 K-12 ● Geography - Over 350 Square Miles encompassing 6 villages and 16 townships ● Econ Disadvantaged - ~60% ● Base Foundation District with tax base of approximately $800 million

Science of Storytelling● WHAT …. and HOW ● Why do stories stick? “Neural coupling” ● ○ The parts of our brains we use when remembering a story are active when listening ○ The point: When listening to a story, our brains respond as if they’re experiencing it Stories follow a common structure 9

Storytelling Framework ( Pixar) ● Once upon a time (Hero with a goal) ● ● Every day (Hero’s world is in balance here) One day (Introduction of conflict; hero’s goal faces a challenge) Because of that (Each scene has a key nugget that forces the next one) Because of that (Result) ● Until finally (Climax: good triumphs over bad) ● ● 10

Finding Nemo ● Once upon a time, there was a widowed fish named Marlin who was extremely protective of his only son, Nemo. ● ● ● Every day, Marlin warned Nemo of the ocean’s dangers and implored him not to swim far away. One day, in an act of defiance, Nemo ignores his father’s warnings and swims into the open water. Because of that, he is captured by a diver and ends up as a pet in the fish tank of a dentist in Sydney. ● Because of that, Marlin sets off on a journey to recover Nemo, enlisting the help of other sea creatures along the way. ● Until finally, Marlin and Nemo find each other, reunite and learn that love depends on trust.

Benzie’s story : “Benzification of the Blueprint” ● ● ● Once upon a time Every day One day Because of that Until finally ● Superintendent’s Perspective ● Board Member Perspective ● Facilitator Perspective

“Benzifying the Blueprint” HOW WE DID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY ● Board Involvement - EARLY ON TRAINING / INVESTMENT ● SWFT Facilitator / ISD / Superintendent Relationship Dynamics ● District Network made up of building leaders in addition to CBO (more a function of our size / organizational structure)

“Benzifying the Blueprint” HOW WE DID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY ● Diving Deeper customized training / Leadership / BP Institutes right out of the gate ● Began Lobby work with Learning Focused Partnerships - established routines right away

Learnings / If We Could Do It Again. . . - Baseline Data UP FRONT - Structures / Schedules - Troubleshoot Ahead - District team established earlier - Intentional “Stall” with intentional “Recovery”

Your turn ● ● ● Once upon a time Every day One day Because of that Until finally 16

Your Stories Story to Self Connections Sticky Notes from your conversations - On the Wall: ● ● ● Something unique to us. . . Challenges we faced. . . If we could do it over, we would… The most important lesson we have learned thus far in our installation has been. . .

Final Thoughts Matt Olson - Superintendent olsonmp@benzieschools. net Stephanie Johnston - Board of Education upnorth@acegroup. cc Cindy Hunt - Mi. Excel SWFT Facilitator huntc@calhounisd. org

Follow the MI Excel Statewide Field Team on Social Media Twitter - @Blueprint_SWFT Facebook - MI Excel Blueprint Professional Learning Instagram - @blueprint_swft

These materials were produced with Title I, Part A funds and are in the public domain.
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