Prof Mike Rand is industry postive We will

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Prof Mike Rand “is industry postive”. . We will “speak with Rand. . about

Prof Mike Rand “is industry postive”. . We will “speak with Rand. . about the attitudes of these speakers” (PM 2021588913)

Change Marlboro blend to “thus make it harder for smokers to leave the product”

Change Marlboro blend to “thus make it harder for smokers to leave the product” and make “the advertising more appealing to younger smokers who are in the process of forming brand preferences” Bill Webb (PM Aust) 7 Dec 1984

Dallas Morning News 22 Aug 1997 page 1.

Dallas Morning News 22 Aug 1997 page 1.

Any desired additional nicotine ‘kick’ could be easily obtained through p. H regulation.

Any desired additional nicotine ‘kick’ could be easily obtained through p. H regulation.



Part 2: Denying nicotine is addictive

Part 2: Denying nicotine is addictive

Nicotine’s a drug of course. . But don’t say this beyond these four walls.

Nicotine’s a drug of course. . But don’t say this beyond these four walls. . . 1003289921/9922 (Feb 1969)

But they’ve known it is addictive for many years. Dr Helmut Wakeman’s 1969 presentation

But they’ve known it is addictive for many years. Dr Helmut Wakeman’s 1969 presentation to the PM Board of Directors on why people smoke … they’ll take cigarettes ahead of food if starved of nicotine… PM 1000276678_6690 (1969)

(text for next one) • Indeed, tobacco companies have often tried to associate smoking

(text for next one) • Indeed, tobacco companies have often tried to associate smoking with illegal drugs. Here, in 1974, BAT’s US subsidiary talks about cigarettes that smell like marihuana.

BW 650208893

BW 650208893

But surely the companies would never do anything like this today? No? Then what

But surely the companies would never do anything like this today? No? Then what was Philip Morris Australia doing making this offer of a free keyring featuring this hidden device ideal for storing drugs like ecstasy and amphetamine in Melbourne in 2000?

(text for next one) • Scientists at the US Council for Tobacco Research knew

(text for next one) • Scientists at the US Council for Tobacco Research knew that nicotine acted like an opiate and was “habituating” but the Philip Morris brass thought this research was “digging our own grave” and should be abandoned.

In 1978, BAT memo writers talked among themselves about the addictive and poisonous nature

In 1978, BAT memo writers talked among themselves about the addictive and poisonous nature of nicotine BW 1486959 (August 1978)

The industry undertook lots of experiments on the addictive nature of Nicotine. Philip Morris

The industry undertook lots of experiments on the addictive nature of Nicotine. Philip Morris warned though that the studies show that nicotine produces withdrawal symptoms, “we will want to bury it” PM 1003293588

(text for next one) • Tobacco companies have often gone apoplectic when it has

(text for next one) • Tobacco companies have often gone apoplectic when it has been suggested that they add or “spike” tobacco with extra nicotine … see what you make of this then:



And “the nicotine transfer is massive” in Philip Morris brands BW 570305198

And “the nicotine transfer is massive” in Philip Morris brands BW 570305198

In fact, when it all boils down, it’s nicotine that they are really selling.

In fact, when it all boils down, it’s nicotine that they are really selling. . . 1003030124/0125 (1980)

But meanwhile. . What did they tell the public? · ". . . the

But meanwhile. . What did they tell the public? · ". . . the industry believes that there is no evidence to substantiate that it [nicotine] is addictive, " Phil Scanlon, Manager of Corporate Relations and Public Affairs, Amatil (W. D. & H. O. Wills). 18 June 1984 · "Cigarettes are not an addictive drug. They are a habit like chewing gum, " Peter Mc. Adam, Manager, Corporate Affairs, Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. 9 July 1987. · ". . tobacco is not addictive in the strict sense, " Tony Mc. Adam, Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. 27 April 1988 · "I don’t think smoking is addictive, " Donna Staunton, Tobacco Institute of Australia Limited. August 1994 · "I do not think that cigarette smoking is addictive on any reasonable definition. . If it [being addicted] means that tobacco smokers would become physically dependent, like heroin users, then tobacco smokers are not addicted, " Donna Staunton, Chief Executive, Tobacco Institute of Australia Limited. 3 February 1995. · "Thus I can only conclude that cigarette smoking is a habit. Indeed, I believe that to label smoking as addictive provides individuals with a ready made excuse not to quit, " David Chapman, Chief Executive Officer, W. D. & H. O. Wills (Australia). 10 February 1995 · "It [smoking] is habit forming but it is not addictive in the way heroin or cocaine is, " Henry Goldberg, Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. 9 March 1997.

Donna Staunton, then head of the Tobacco Institute of Australia 2048548688/8702 (12 Dec 1994)

Donna Staunton, then head of the Tobacco Institute of Australia 2048548688/8702 (12 Dec 1994)