PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES AdjectiveAdverb Phrases 1 Identify prepositional phrases

PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES Adjective/Adverb Phrases

1. Identify prepositional phrases in the following: The girl in the class is happy. During break time, students played a lot. According to Ali, rules should be obeyed. In the park, there a lot of toys.

Adjective or Adverb? The beautiful girls are singing. The girls are pretty. They played skillfully. The quiz was extremely hard. They arrived early.

Adjective or Adverb? The beautiful girls are singing (adjective/describing the girls) The girls are pretty (adjective/describing the girls) They played(How? ) skillfully. (Adverb describing HOW they played) The quiz was extremely (How hard? )hard. (Adverb describing how hard) They arrived(When? ) early. (Early is an adverb describing when they arrived) They are too (To what extent? )scared. (Too is an adverb describing to what extent they were scared)

Adjective or Adverb? ? ? Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. Adverbs describe verbs(How? ) They played skillfully. Adverbs describe adjectives. They are very/too/happy. Adverbs describe other adverbs. They play extremely well. Adverbs describe the time. They arrived late. Adverbs describe the place.

How can we identify adverbs? ? ? We stop at the verb. We ask the following questions: How-When-Where-To what extent The answers to these questions are ADVERBS. Example: He played well. He played extremely/very/too strong. He played in the park. He played late.

Prepositional Phrases Adjectives OR Adverbs? The girls in the park are happy. The paper under the table is torn. The men in the green suits are handsome. The boys sang in a beautiful way. The streets are so crowded at night. The kids played happily in the park.

Prepositional Phrases Adjectives OR Adverbs? The girls in the park are happy. The paper under the table is torn. The men in the green suits are handsome. The boys sang in a beautiful way. The streets are so crowded at night. The kids played happily in the park.

Practice Elements of Language P. 417/418/419

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