Employability Skills Introducing Employability Skills https www youtube

Employability Skills

Introducing Employability Skills https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=N 0 OOB 4 o 7 i 3 k Employability Skills - Communication - Part 1 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=QL 5 MPfxogvs Employability Skills - Communication Skills Part 2 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=5 cipr. Ey 6 Mg. U Employability Skills - Planning and Organising https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=x. GF 20 H 2 hu 0 w Employability Skills - Initiative and Enterprise https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=w. Lh. Tmn 2 Tg. Ko Employability Skills - Self Management https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ed. M 45 Yl. Nj 98 Employability Skills – Teamwork https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=CSRiyvhj. Yz 0 Employability Skills - Technology Part 1 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=8 x. Pd. P 2 bg. Db 0 Employability Skills - Technology Part 2 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=M 5 f. Pe. V 3 Ka. L 0 Employability Skills – Learning https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9 RR 5 yk. Ut. Gq. I

Employability skills are the non-technical skills, knowledge and understandings that are necessary to gain employment and participate ______ in the workplace. Often referred to as soft skills, they include skills such as communication, self-management, planning, decision making and problem solving. Your ability to ____ these skills is an important requirement when you are looking for work, as they are highly valued by employers and industry. effectively demonstrate

Navigate the world of work 1. Manage career and work life 2. Work with roles, rights and protocols Manage decisions throughout life about how, when and where to work. Understand work roles and workplace rights and expectations.

Interact with others 3. Communicate for work Use communication skills to achieve work outcomes 4. Connect and work with others Build the work-related relationships needed to achieve an outcome within a workgroup, or achieve goals through team based collaborations. 5. Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives Recognise and respond to differing values, beliefs and behaviours, to draw on diverse perspectives for work purposes and to manage conflict when it arises.

Get the work done 6. Plan and organise Identify and complete the steps needed to undertake tasks and manage workloads 7. Make decisions Make a choice from a range of possibilities. 8. Identify and solve problems Identify and address routine and non-routine problems in order to achieve work objectives. 9. Create and innovate Create, apply and recognise the value of new ideas to solve problems, improve or develop new processes, products or strategies, or deliver new benefits. 10. Work in a digital world Connect to other people, information and context for work-related purposes using digital systems and technology.

Developing your skills Employability skills can be developed in lots of ways and in many areas of your life, including at school, in the community, at work, and through hobbies and sport. Your motivation to develop a specific skill area is an important factor in your ability to perform at a higher level.

Developing your skills If you’re just getting started in your career, work experience can help you to develop your skills and provide ____ of your ability to perform a skill in a workplace. Work experience gives you time at a workplace to learn about an occupation or industry, and is generally ____. It is an opportunity to develop skills and networks, learn about the _______ of work and to decide what kinds of things you would like to do. evidence unpaid world

Influencing factors A range of factors can influence your ability to perform any one of the skill areas listed above, such as ____ skills, reflection, and support. The work contexts of the job roles you’ll have throughout your working life will be one of the most important ____ factors. existing influencing

Influencing factors As you move into new roles, you might be forced to _____ your skill level, as your performance of a skill isn’t automatically transferable. This is especially important in roles where the nature of the tasks is more complex. For example, if you move into a management role, you might find the problem solving _____ that you applied to your work previously don't work as well when dealing with problems at an organisation-wide level. re-assess processes

Influencing factors Other influencing factors can include your self-belief and resilience, degree of motivation, cultural and value-based factors, and level of autonomy in your role.
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