Employability What does employability mean Employability refers to

Employability What does employability mean?

Employability refers to a person's ability to gain employment (get a job) and maintain employment ( keep a job. )

Employability is about being capable of getting and keeping work.

Employability Skills are skills that apply across different life situations and jobs. They are sometimes referred to as key skills, core skills, essential skills, key competencies, and transferable skills. Employer's use the term ‘Employability Skills’.

Employability Skills are defined as the “skills required to gain employment or get a job and maintain employment or keep a job. ”

1. In your own words, tell me what ‘Employability Skill’s are.

There are 8 Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem solving 4. Initiative and enterprise 5. Planning and organising 6. Self-management 7. Learning 8. Technology.

2. How many employability skills? a) Recall how many employability skills there are. b) List three and briefly describe them.

For individuals, employability depends on the knowledge, skills and attitudes they have, the way they use those assets and present them to employers.

3. Employability depends on three things, what are they? • K________ • S________ • A________

4. In your own words, how can each of the following help you get a job; • Knowledge • Skills • Attitudes -

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