Employability https store theartofservice comtheemployabilitytoolkit html Employability Employability

• Employability https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability 'Employability' refers to a person's capability for gaining and maintaining employment (Hillage and Pollard, 1998). For individuals, employability depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) they possess, the way they present those assets to employers. As such employability is affected by both supplyside and demand-side factors which are often outside of an individual's control. 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Origins 1 The concept of employability has been in the literature for many years. Current interest has been driven by: https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition While there is no singular definition of employability, a review of the literature suggests that employability is about work and the ability to be employed, such as: 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition 1 Berntson (2008) Employability refers to an individual‘s perception of his or her possibilities of getting new, equal, or better employment. https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition 1 Harvey (2001) Employability is the ability of graduate to get a satisfying job. Employability is a process of learning. https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition 1 Hillage and Pollard (1998) Employability is the capability to move self-sufficiently within the labor market to realize potential through sustainable employment. https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition 1 Fugate, Kinicki, and Ashforth (2004) define employability as a form of work specific active adaptability that enables workers to identity and realize career opportunity. Employability facilitates the movement between jobs, bothwithin and between organizations https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition Fugate et al. (2004) contend that employability enhances an individual‘s likelihood of gaining employment, although it does not assure actual employment. 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition 1 Harvey (2001) concurs that job acquisition should not be prioritized over preparedness for employment to avoid pseudo measure of individual employability https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition Thus employability by this definition is about learning, not least learning how to learn, and it is about empowering learners as critical reflective citizens (Harvey, 2001). 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition 1 Harvey‘s (2001) definition is important for it emphasizes employability of graduates, which is similar to our context, hence, able to provide insight about how to measure graduates‘ employability and what are the differences between graduates and experienced individuals in labor market. https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Employability: towards a definition 1 Berntson (2008) argues that employability refers to an individual‘s perception of his or her possibilities of getting new, equal, or better employment. Berntson‘s study differentiates employability into two main categories – actual employability (objective employability) and perceived employability (subjective employability). https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Four components of employability 1 This suggests that we can separate out four main elements in respect of individuals’ employability: the first three are analogous to the concepts of production, marketing and sales, and the fourth is the marketplace in which they operate. https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Assets An individual’s ‘employability assets’ comprise their knowledge (i. e. what they know), skills (what they do with what they know) and attitudes (how they do it). There a number of detailed categorisations in the literature which, for instance, distinguish between: 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Assets Further key points from the literature include the importance of the transferability of these skills from one occupational or business context to another for employability and the increased attention employers are paying to the softer attitudinal skills in selecting employees. 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Deployment 1 * Job search skills— i. e. finding suitable jobs. Access to formal and informal networks is an important component of job search and employability. https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Presentation Another key aspect of employability is being able to get a particular job, once identified— sometimes included under career management skills, but is given prominence as a separate element here due to its crucial importance to securing employment. It centres around the ability to demonstrate ‘employability’ assets and present them to the market in an accessible way. This includes: 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - In the context of personal circumstances and the labour market 1 Finally and crucially, the ability to realise or actualise ‘employability’ assets depends on the individual’s personal and external circumstances and the inter-relationship between the two. This includes: https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Priorities for action From 2005 to 2007 The Association of Graduate Recruiters in the UK identified where there was a skills gap in the graduates leaving university. http: //eprints. hud. ac. uk/14782/1/HE A__Employability_is_the_answer_but_what%27 s_the_question. pdf It suggested that commercial awareness, leadership, commitment and drive, problem solving and managing own learning as the areas in most need of attention 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Priorities for action For the individual the need is to boost those aspects of their employability which will most enhance their opportunities in the light of their circumstances. However, what the individual believes to be most critical does not necessarily coincide with the views of the employer. 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Issues for public policy The above definition of employability provides a basis for analysing the policies affecting the employability of certain groups (e. g. 16 and 17 -year-old school leavers), or conversely how major policy initiatives (e. g. the New Deal) impact on employability. A brief review of government initiatives in this area suggests that policy is aimed: 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Issues for public policy 1 the views of employers and the workforce of their employability; and outcome measures, e. g https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Duality of Employability An alternative account of employability takes a more relative approach. Brown and Hesketh define employability as ‘the relative chances of getting and maintaining different kinds of employment’ (2004). 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Duality of Employability ‘Employability not only depends on whether one is able to fulfil the requirements of specific jobs, but also on how one stands relative to others within a hierarchy of job seekers’ (Brown and Hesketh, 2004) 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Duality of Employability With the move to a more knowledge economy|knowledge based economy, it is widely thought that there is an increasing demand for high-calibre managerial talent. However, a focus on obtaining skills in order to gain good employment has led to an over-supply of graduates and a larger number of contenders chasing the same top jobs. Brown and Hesketh argue that there is a clear mismatch between 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Employability - Duality of Employability 1 This view of employability incorporates the dual aspects of supply and demand of labour to show that advancing one’s position in the labour market by gaining credentials is partially dependent on structural factors outside the individual’s control. The recent financial crisis demonstrates that global economic factors can and do have a significant impact on the likelihood of an individual securing a job regardless of their skills, credentials and social status. https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Higher education in Portugal - Employability Due to these factors, higher education courses with a higher employability rate include medicine (there is a very high demand for medical doctors across the whole country), some classic engineering specializations, and computer sciences. 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Higher education in Portugal - Employability Low employability is found among teaching, humanities and some social sciences fields of study, like history, geography, linguistics, philosophy, sociology; or to a lesser degree among the exact sciences and natural sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology or geology, when these courses are oriented towards a teaching career instead of a more technical or scientific 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Higher education in Portugal - Employability Despite their generally high reputation, economics, law and architecture degrees, even from some of the most selective and prestigious schools, have had an increasingly low employability rate due to an excessive number of new graduates each year. 1 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Higher education in Portugal - Employability 1 There are courses which used to have high or very high employability rates (at least during the 1990 s) and currently are among the most precarious in terms of employment for new graduates https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

Job guarantee - Full employability 1 The full employability agenda has come under fire from a number of sources in recent years (see, for example ILO, 2004). International Labour Organisation (ILO) (2004) Macroeconomic policy for growth and employment Committee on Employment and Social Policy, Governing Body, 291 st Session https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

University of the Arts London - Student Enterprise and Employability service 1 To make sure that students and graduates are prepared for the careers they will enter and that basic career skills and knowledge are built into the University’s curricula right from the start, UAL’s Student Enterprise and Employability service was set up in September 2011 https: //store. theartofservice. com/the-employability-toolkit. html

For More Information, Visit: • https: //store. theartofservice. co m/the-employabilitytoolkit. html The Art of Service https: //store. theartofservice. com
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