6 The true reason you hesitate to make

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唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 6. The true reason you hesitate to make investment is that you

唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 6. The true reason you hesitate to make investment is that you are unable to find a secure way. 6. 找不到安全的方法,才是你真正不敢投資的原因 Precious advises - 46 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 46條 If you wish to be a rich man, let’s see what a rich dad or mom is going to tell us. 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page

There are no absolutely secure investments, only comparatively secure ones. If you can reduce

There are no absolutely secure investments, only comparatively secure ones. If you can reduce the risks of an investment as low as possible, it will be the most secure investment. 「沒有絕對安全的投資,只有相對安全的投資,只要你能把投資風險降到 最低,這就是最安全的投資」。 To recognize the properties of different investment tools is the first step to avoid failures in investment. 「熟悉各種投資 具的特性,這是避免投資失敗的第一個步驟。」

To identify the qualities and risks of investment tools can prevent you from making

To identify the qualities and risks of investment tools can prevent you from making mistakes. 「認清楚投資 具的好壞與風險,這樣才能夠保護你遠離犯錯。」 The purpose of making investment is to let you enjoy making money, not to suffer the misery of losing money. 「投資的目的是要你享受賺錢的快樂,而不是要你去承受賠錢的痛苦。」 Good investments will help you make money; inappropriate investments will let you lose money. 「好的投資會讓你賺到錢,不適當的投資反而會讓你賠到錢。」

Before you make any investments, you must investigate the advantages and risks of stocks,

Before you make any investments, you must investigate the advantages and risks of stocks, option, mutual-fund, bonds and real estates. 「投資前,你必須認清楚股票、選擇權、共同基金、債券、房地產的優點與風險, 然後才去投資。」 Poor people can’t get rid of their poverty only by saving money. But they can get rich by making good investments. 「僅靠儲蓄不能讓窮人翻身,想要致富還是要靠正確的投資才能達成。」

You can barely make both ends meet by working with you hands. If you

You can barely make both ends meet by working with you hands. If you want to make big money, you must depend on your wisdom and investments, instead of your two hands. Investment is the only way to make money be your slaves. 「用兩隻手賺錢,最多只能糊口。如果想賺大錢,絕對不可以僅靠雙手,而是要靠 智慧與投資。要讓錢成為你的奴隸,唯一的方法就是做好投資。」 Without making investments, money can’t reproduce itself. Therefore, to grow rich must rely on investments. 「不投資就不可能有「錢生錢」的事發生。想要發財致富,一定要靠投資。」

Ordinary people are afraid of making investments just because they are lack of financial

Ordinary people are afraid of making investments just because they are lack of financial knowledge. So, the more financial knowledge they learn, the more confident and courageous they will be in their investments. 「一般人害怕投資是因為他缺乏足夠的財經知識,財經知識愈豊富的人,就愈敢於 投資。」 Making big money depends on wisdom, not on your two hands. 「賺大錢是靠智慧賺來的,不是靠雙手賺來的。」

“Investment” will certainly make profits. It is like a log drifting in the sea.

“Investment” will certainly make profits. It is like a log drifting in the sea. No matter how stormy the weather is, it will keep floating on the surface making the profit. “Speculation” is like an ironclad boat. When weather is calm, it will float on the surface making the profit, but when weather is stormy; it will sink to the bottom and will never return to the surface again. 「 投資」就像汪洋中的浮木,不管狂風巨浪它永遠能浮出水面、因此而獲利。「投 機」就像汪洋中的鐵殼船,風平浪靜時它浮在水面上獲利,狂風巨浪時它沈入水底, 永遠無法翻身。」 Common people do not quite understand the difference between investment and speculation. That is the reason for their investment failures. 「一般人投資失敗的原因,就是因為他沒搞清楚投資與投機是不同的。」

The purpose of investments is to upgrade your living standard, not to make your

The purpose of investments is to upgrade your living standard, not to make your life miserable. So, never be afraid of making investments. In fact, if one has no intention to make investments, there is no way for him to improve the quality of his life. 「投資的目的是要提升你的生活水平,而不是要讓你的生活變得更糟。千萬不要害怕 投資,事實上不去投資的人,他的生活品質才無法改善。」 Once you participate in an investment, you have to face risks. It is impossible to avoid risks, but you can control the risk, reduce your loss. 「只要你參與投資,你就要面對風險,任誰也躲不掉風險,但至少你可以控制它,讓 損失減少些。」

Don’t be afraid of risks. Instead, you should learn how to control them. If

Don’t be afraid of risks. Instead, you should learn how to control them. If you can deal with different kinds of risks, you will be the winner. 「不要害怕風險,而是要學會控制風險,只要讓一切的風險都能在你的掌控之中, 你就會是嬴家。」 Investments will certainly bring us profits, and inevitably bring us risks too. But we can’t stop making investments because of the risks. What we should do is to find the effective ways to evade or reduce risks. 「投資能帶來獲利,也必定帶來風險。我們不能因為風險而不去投資,我們應該去 找出規避風險、降低風險的有效方法才對。」

There is no 100% secure investment. If you can reduce the risks to the

There is no 100% secure investment. If you can reduce the risks to the lowest point, that will be the most secure one. 「世界上沒百分之一百安全的投資,只要能夠把風險降到最低的投資,就是最安全 的投資。」 People who can’t see what risks lie in their future are so ignorant and vulnerable because they can’t handle their own destiny. As a result, they’ll be cheated, exploited and enslaved by others. 「不知道前途危險的人,就是等於把自己的命運交給了別人 ,讓別人隨意玩弄宰 割你。」

If you follow the steps of others blindly, you are letting them control your

If you follow the steps of others blindly, you are letting them control your fate. Once they make mistakes and collapse, you are doomed to failure, too. These are so-called risky investors. 「盲目跟著別人的腳步走,就是將自己的命運交給了別人,一旦他們出了差錯,你 也就跟著出了差錯,像這樣的投資人是很危險的。」 Failures in investment are not due to “bad luck” only. Mostly, it is because the investors do not equip themselves with enough professional knowledge before making investments. 「很多投資失敗的原因,往往不是因為運氣不好,而是投資前沒有好好的做好學習。 」

Keep on learning and learning”. Only learning incessantly is the powerful weapon to conquer

Keep on learning and learning”. Only learning incessantly is the powerful weapon to conquer failures. 「學習、學習、學習再學習,才是戰勝失敗的利器。」 It’s most dangerous for those who don’t know where the traps are. Only people who know where the traps are can really feel secure and confident. 「不知道陷阱在那裡的人最危險。只有知道陷阱在那裡的人,才會感覺到安全。」 Don’t save your money in the bank. Hold the long-term bank stocks, and you’ll be the winner. 「不要把錢存在銀行之中,而是要去買優質的銀行股票 ( 長期持有 ) ,這樣你才會 是嬴家。」

Do not save your money in the bank; however, you can take advantage of

Do not save your money in the bank; however, you can take advantage of the money you borrow from the bank to buy bank stocks. In doing so, you are really a very smart guy. 「不要把錢存銀行。而是要利用向銀行借來的錢,去買銀行的股票,這樣才是聰明。 」 Don’t be a bank saving account customer. Be a banker yourself. 「不要做銀行的存款戶,而是要去做銀行的股東老闆。」 The biggest risk in an investment is none other than your greedy heart. If you cannot get rid of the greediness from your heart, you will never feel secure. 「投資中最大的風險,就是自己心中的貪婪。如果你不能除去心中的貪婪,你就不 會感覺到安全。」

If you do not have a thorough understanding of your investment conditions and cannot

If you do not have a thorough understanding of your investment conditions and cannot find the profitable tools either, it will be very difficult for you to make money. 「如果不了解自己的投資條件,也找不到致勝的 具,那你就很難賺到錢。」 Before you make any investments, it is extremely important for you to ask for advice from experts, so that you might avoid investment failures 「投資前向專家請益非常重要 , 這樣可避免投資失敗。」

Do not drift along with the current trend, and lose your direction. The tools

Do not drift along with the current trend, and lose your direction. The tools of investment which are suitable to others might not be applicable to you. You have to make efforts to learn by yourself. 「不要隨波逐流 , 不要迷失自己。適合別人的投資 具不一定適合你。哪一種投 資 具適合你,你要自己下功夫去學習。」 Actually, it is pretty easy to make money, if you can find the correct ways and means, choose the right people and do the right things. Making money will become quite easy. 「賺錢其實很容易,只要你找對方法、找對人、做對事 ( 有具體行動 ) ,賺錢真的 變得很容易。」

Never touch anything that you don’t understand yet. Wait until you have mastered the

Never touch anything that you don’t understand yet. Wait until you have mastered the skill and knowledge, then you are ready for investments. 「不懂的東西不要碰,等你學會以後再去投資。」 Don’t let yourself stay in a state of ignorance. The only way to overcome your defects is to stop boasting and learn diligently. 「使自己不再無知,唯一的方法就是不唱高調、勤奮學習。」 The more you research on the investment tools, the fewer risks you’ll encounter. 「愈能勤作投資 具的研究 , 愈能降低投資的風險。」

The better you can utilize the miracle of investment tools, the more profits you

The better you can utilize the miracle of investment tools, the more profits you will make. 「愈能掌握投資 具的妙用,愈能在投資中獲利。」 If you do frequent research on different kinds of investment tools and learn sufficient financial knowledge, you will not be afraid of making investments any more. 「勤作各種投資 具的研究,當你有了充分的財經知識之後,你就不再害怕 投資了。」

Being afraid to make investment won’t let you feel more secure with your money.

Being afraid to make investment won’t let you feel more secure with your money. On the contrary, it will cause depreciation of your money. 「害怕投資不會使你的錢更安全、只會使你的錢幣貶值。」 Understanding your own personality, your own financial power, your own agent, and your investment company are the powerful warranties for the success of your investment. 「認清自己的個性,認清自己的財力, 認清自己的經紀人,認清自己投資的 公司,這個就是成功投資的保證」

The busiest people in the world are the poor, because they have become slaves

The busiest people in the world are the poor, because they have become slaves of money. The most leisure people on the globe are the rich, because money has become their slaves. 「世界上最忙的人是窮人,因為他們成了錢的奴隸。世界上最閒的人是富人, 因為錢成了他們的奴隸。」 If you want to be a leisure man, you shouldn’t be afraid of investments. If you always try to avoid investments , you are giving up yourself to poverty. 「要成為有錢有閒的人,就不要害怕投資。逃避投資的人,就是自甘做窮人 的人。」

Dreams are not the sweet words for one to boast. They need to be

Dreams are not the sweet words for one to boast. They need to be fulfilled by practical actions. The greatest choice you make in your life time is not what you should invest in, but whether or not you have the courage to make investments. 「夢想不是掛在嘴邊炫耀的語言,而是需要有具體的行動來實踐夢想。人生 最大的抉擇,不是你投資了什麼?而是你有沒有勇氣去投資。」 One who does not have courage to make investments is unwilling to change his life. 「沒有勇氣去投資的人 ,就是不願改變生活的人。」

Poverty is not scary. What is scary is that you are reluctant to learn

Poverty is not scary. What is scary is that you are reluctant to learn investment to improve your life. 「貧窮並不可怕,可怕的是你不願意為了改善自己的生活而去學習投資 。」 To make a correct investment is much more important than to complete ten ordinary jobs, because a correct investment may help you to live a wealthy life. 「做出一件正確的投資,這件事要比正確地做出十件普通的事來得重要。做 出正確的投資能使你富貴一生。」 Esc For Exit