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The last six months: evolving and improving ■ Building confidence in my leaderships and

The last six months: evolving and improving ■ Building confidence in my leaderships and decision-making skills. ■ Initiating team-building methods I would not have considered prior to the Academy. ■ Improving upon my goal setting routine. ■ Getting ORGANIZED – yeah! ■ Providing information, while also making faculty feel “heard” and appreciated. ■ Surviving transitioning to online (and supporting my faculty the best way I could!

MAP ■ Core purpose/Mission: I am genuine, supportive and nurturing of one’s talents. –

MAP ■ Core purpose/Mission: I am genuine, supportive and nurturing of one’s talents. – I am a person who creates a strong connection with others. – I have a caring, empathetic approach to leadership. – I am imaginative and appreciate creativity! – I am careful with my decisions - I plan, revise, and revise again. – I appreciate harmony and do not like discord. – I am an organizer who cannot live without “To Do” lists and proper planning! Evaluation: I was not surprised by my results. Being able to put a finger on my strengths helps me build them. I am also aware of areas to improve.

What stands in the way… • Self-doubt. • Too many details! • Sweating the

What stands in the way… • Self-doubt. • Too many details! • Sweating the small stuff. • The need to please …I am improving!

■ Learning Style: Imaginative ■ Only one other person in our group had this

■ Learning Style: Imaginative ■ Only one other person in our group had this style! IMAGINATION

■ Values: all of my favorite things – Family – Creativity – Happiness –

■ Values: all of my favorite things – Family – Creativity – Happiness – Friendship, – Love/affection

Strengths Learner – I am always trying to evolve and improve. Harmony – I

Strengths Learner – I am always trying to evolve and improve. Harmony – I do not like discord, I am not comfortable with debate – I just want everyone to be happy. Individualization – I have always appreciated uniqueness and individuality! Input – I am a collector of information, history, mementos, memories! Achiever – Hard work pays off. I value productivity (and am entirely anti-procrastination.

Di. SC Style: SC ■ Steadiness: Cautious, listener, problem solving, collaboration ■ Conscientiousness: Get

Di. SC Style: SC ■ Steadiness: Cautious, listener, problem solving, collaboration ■ Conscientiousness: Get it right, organization, priority, data

Complex Role: I will reflect daily on both personal and quiet meditation and professional

Complex Role: I will reflect daily on both personal and quiet meditation and professional matters in an deep breathing. effort to focus more on mindfulness. Strengths: I will fully explore my 34 signature themes and discover how to use my strengths to work collaboratively with others and develop strong leadership skills. Understand the Strengths report fully. Reflect (Gallop strengths app) Work Behavioral Style: I will evaluate my LPI results and determine ways to use the information to help in chair duties as leader of the Reading Department. Address “lesser talents” and work to raise those. IPDP SUMMARY

Mentor Meetings This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC ■ My

Mentor Meetings This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC ■ My wonderful mentor! – I value my mentor’s experience and feedback!

Challenges and Growth Opportunities ■ Challenges - pivot to online teaching due to COVID

Challenges and Growth Opportunities ■ Challenges - pivot to online teaching due to COVID 19! – My faculty was not familiar with online teaching. Quick training and management was a challenge. ■ Growth Opportunities – becoming a better leader and educator due to having to the impact of COVID -19. – I am more efficient with compiling and relaying information to my faculty. – I am more confident with my leadership skills because I worked hard and DID successfully pivot! We all survived the transition – Ultimately, some of the changes due to transitioning online are GOOD for the department and our students.

Academy Part One (and part two) ■ My favorite memory from the Academy Part

Academy Part One (and part two) ■ My favorite memory from the Academy Part One, was getting to know other folks from Arizona (and all over the world)! Hearing about the many different perspectives, achievements, struggles was beneficial.

Growth is an ongoing process…enjoy the ride. ■ I will continue to work on

Growth is an ongoing process…enjoy the ride. ■ I will continue to work on my IPDP ■ The struggles we have gone through over the past several months have changed me and given me confidence. I will appreciate these changes and build on them. ■ I will continue to implement improvements within our department – we have many ideas to implement once we can get back on campus. ■ I will collaborate with my mentor and get her valued feedback. ■ I will continue coming up with innovative ideas to bring together our faculty – especially now since we are only “virtually” together (not all on campus).