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Unit 1 1. Which of the following statements BEST explains the dramatic increase in

Unit 1 1. Which of the following statements BEST explains the dramatic increase in African Americans in colonial America between 1730 and 1750? A The number of industrial opportunities in New England colonies decreased. B The number of industrial opportunities in southern colonies increased. C Slaves were emancipated throughout the middle colonies. D Plantation agriculture expanded in the southern colonies. Unit 1 2

2. One result of the French and Indian War (1754– 1763) was that dominance

2. One result of the French and Indian War (1754– 1763) was that dominance in North America was achieved by A Russia B Great Britain C France D Spain Unit 1 3

3. Which of the following was one of the original thirteen colonies? A Rhode

3. Which of the following was one of the original thirteen colonies? A Rhode Island B Vermont C Kentucky D Florida Unit 1 Unit 4

4. Attempts to escape religious persecution were key factors in the original settlement of

4. Attempts to escape religious persecution were key factors in the original settlement of which American colonies? A South Carolina and Georgia B Virginia and New York C Pennsylvania and Maryland D North Carolina and New Jersey Unit 1 Early Colonies 5

5. Use this passage to answer the question. “A treaty and agreement betwixt the

5. Use this passage to answer the question. “A treaty and agreement betwixt the commissioners for the United Colonies of New England on the one part and. . . [the] Sagamores of the Narraganset and Niantic Indians on the other part made and concluded at Boston in the Massachusetts the xxviith of the sixth month 1645. ” This passage suggests that Sagamores were A tribal leaders B formal treaties C rival clans D wooded areas Unit 1 6

6. A Native American living in the Ohio River valley region would have which

6. A Native American living in the Ohio River valley region would have which of the following views about the Proclamation of 1763 that forbade colonists from entering the region? A They would agree because they didn’t want to see Europeans in the area. B They would be angry because they could not sell their land to the colonists. C They would ignore the law, since the English government could not regulate Native Americans. D They would agree, since the settlers wanted to start a war with the French. Unit 1 7

7. The rush among European powers to establish colonies in the Americas can BEST

7. The rush among European powers to establish colonies in the Americas can BEST be described as A an attempt to create regional cooperation and unity B an extension of military and economic rivalries C a desire to learn about other cultures D an effort to spread Christianity around the world Unit 1 8

8. What was one way that the development of the colonies responded to the

8. What was one way that the development of the colonies responded to the fact that Florida was a Spanish colony? A A colonial navy patrolled the coast of Georgia. B Georgia was founded as a base for the British army. C Georgia was a buffer zone between the British and Spanish. D The British attacked Florida and took possession of St. Augustine. Unit 9

9. Which of the following actions would have been supported by Northern manufacturers and

9. Which of the following actions would have been supported by Northern manufacturers and opposed by Southern planters? A allowing slavery to expand into Missouri B imposing a tariff upon finished goods C making improvements to the port of New Orleans D making improvements to the cotton gin Unit 10

10. Which of these statements can be supported by information on the time line?

10. Which of these statements can be supported by information on the time line? A President Jackson thought the U. S. government should not interfere on Native-American issues. B The chief executive and state governments disagreed significantly on Native-American issues. C The U. S. Supreme Court generally supported the executive branch on Native-American issues. D President Jackson supported the states over the Supreme Court on Native-American issues. Unit 11

11. “…governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of

11. “…governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government…” This excerpt expresses the basic concept of which document? A the Bill of Rights B the Monroe Doctrine C the Emancipation Proclamation D the Declaration of Independence Unit 12

12. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occurred in which century? A seventeenth

12. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occurred in which century? A seventeenth century B eighteenth century C nineteenth century D twentieth century Unit 13

13. Demands for the calling of a Constitutional Convention in 1787 reflected the growing

13. Demands for the calling of a Constitutional Convention in 1787 reflected the growing belief that the A small and large states should be political equals B rights of businesses were not being protected C national government needed to be strengthened D state governments had too little power Unit 2 14

14 “. . . In contemplating the causes which may disturb our union, it

14 “. . . In contemplating the causes which may disturb our union, it occurs as matter of serious concern that any ground should have been furnished for characterizing parties by geographical discriminations—Northern and Southern, Atlantic and Western—whence [from which] designing men may endeavor to excite belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. . . ” George Washington Farewell Address, September, 1796 Based on this advice to the nation by President Washington, delivered upon his retirement, which of the following statements BEST reflects his principal concerns for the future of the United States? A Truly patriotic citizens should vote in local elections. B Citizens should be wary of sectionalism in the United States. C The future of the United States depends upon its economic strength. D A responsible citizen cannot accept at face value the views of any politician. Unit 15

15. “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is,

15. “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far we have already formed engagements and let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. ” In his Farewell Address, President George Washington warned future Americans about the problems that could result from A immigration quotas foreign nations B passing high protective tariffs to control foreign imports C becoming allied with foreign powers D expanding westward into lands claimed by others Unit 2 16

16. When southern states’ representatives were contributing to drafting the Constitution, they tended to

16. When southern states’ representatives were contributing to drafting the Constitution, they tended to argue that A church and state should be separated B slave trade should be abolished C slaves should be counted in the census D territories should be open to slaveholding Unit 2 17

17. Most anti-Federalists changed from opponents to supporters of the Constitution after they were

17. Most anti-Federalists changed from opponents to supporters of the Constitution after they were promised A a bill of rights B term limits on the office of president C good relations with Native Americans D a bicameral legislature Unit 2 18

18. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,

18. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are established among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ” —Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence, 1776 Thomas Jefferson was restating the ideas expressed in the Two Treatises on Government by British philosopher A Sir Isaac Newton B Thomas Hobbes C John Locke D David Hume Unit 2 19

19. The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 served to restrict A the right

19. The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 served to restrict A the right to bear arms and the right to a jury trial B the right of women to vote and to hold office C freedom of speech and freedom of the press D freedom from unreasonable search and seizure Unit 2 20

20. One major compromise at the Constitutional Convention settled the difference between large states

20. One major compromise at the Constitutional Convention settled the difference between large states and small states over the issue of A representation in Congress B taxation C territorial expansion D civil liberties Unit 2 21

21. Because of the passage of the Stamp Act in 1765, many colonists began

21. Because of the passage of the Stamp Act in 1765, many colonists began to believe that A they should only abide by laws enacted by their own representatives B they should appeal to the French for help against the British government C Native Americans should follow the same laws as the colonists D the British government was attempting to improve government Unit 2 22

22. How did the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 impact New York

22. How did the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 impact New York City? A New York City ceased to be a major point of European immigration. B New York City became a major economical and financial center. C New York City lost financial and political influence to the city of Albany. D New York City gained control of western agricultural production. Unit 3 23

23. The nullification confrontation of 18321833 between President Andrew Jackson and South Carolina Senator

23. The nullification confrontation of 18321833 between President Andrew Jackson and South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun concerned A Jackson’s attempts to abolish slavery in the South B Calhoun’s claim that a state has the power to ignore federal laws C the constitutionality of the second Bank of the United States D whether slavery would be allowed in western territories Unit 3 24

24. “You have secured to us the free navigation of the Mississippi. You have

24. “You have secured to us the free navigation of the Mississippi. You have procured an immense and fertile country: and all these great blessings are obtained without bloodshed. ” This quotation refers to A the Louisiana Purchase B gains from the Black Hawk War C the loss of British forts in the West D the annexation of Texas Unit 3 25

25. When the U. S. government needed 10, 000 rifles for the army, Eli

25. When the U. S. government needed 10, 000 rifles for the army, Eli Whitney applied for the contract. He took several guns, dismantled them, put the pieces in a box, and shook it. He then randomly selected the pieces he needed, assembled one rifle, and fired it. What did he demonstrate? A interchangeable parts B assembly line production C mass production techniques D the factory system Unit 3 26

26. Which of these statements expresses an official U. S. government policy of the

26. Which of these statements expresses an official U. S. government policy of the 1850 s? A Alcohol consumption is dangerous and should be abolished. B Immigration should be unrestricted and universal. C Labor unions are immoral and should be prohibited. D The nation has a right and a duty to expand to the Pacific Coast. Unit 3 27

27. President Madison urged Congress to declare war on which country in June of

27. President Madison urged Congress to declare war on which country in June of 1812 and for what reason? A. Britain; for interfering with American trade, impressments, and support for Indian settlers B. France; for dominating the fur trade in North America, turning Indian settlers against Americans, and making alliances with Britain C. Canada: for lowering tariffs, making deals with Britain, and giving lands to Indians D. None of the above Unit 3 28

28. In the late 1800 s, railroads were charging high prices to ship and

28. In the late 1800 s, railroads were charging high prices to ship and store agricultural produce. When other political efforts failed to reduce freight charges, farmers began to demand that the U. S. government produce more silver money. Why did the farmers want the minting of more silver money? A They anticipated monetary deflation, which would make money more valuable. B They hoped to ruin the railroad barons, who they felt were greedy and unfair toward farmers. C They expected monetary inflation, which would give them better prices for their crops. D They wanted to create political problems for other sectors of the economy. Unit 3 29

Unit 3 29. Use the map below to answer the question. What was the

Unit 3 29. Use the map below to answer the question. What was the status of Area 2 immediately prior to statehood? A United States territory B Spanish colony C independent republic D part of Mexico Unit 30

30. Which of the following contributed MOST to the forced removal of Native Americans

30. Which of the following contributed MOST to the forced removal of Native Americans from the Great Plains from 1867 to 1890? A the desire to establish military posts B the building of new canals C the westward shift of the frontier D the desire for more land to grow cotton Unit 3 31

31. “The slaveholding states will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection,

31. “The slaveholding states will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the federal government will become their enemy. . ” —South Carolina Legislature, Declaration of the Causes of Secession, 1860 “The Union is older than any of these states, and, in fact, it created them as states. ”—Abraham Lincoln, 1861 These quotes represent two sides in which important conflict in American history? A the conflict over how much independence states should have in the federal system B the conflict over what level of representation small states should have in the federal legislature C the conflict over an amendment to the Constitution that would allow slavery in the territories D the conflict over whether or not to forcibly remove Native Americans Unit 4 Civil War 32 from their lands in the West

32. Use the flow chart to answer the question. Which of the following “effects”

32. Use the flow chart to answer the question. Which of the following “effects” should appear where you see the question mark? A Regional differences are peacefully resolved. B Congress changes earlier compromises to reduce tensions. C Slavery spreads into western territories. D The United States enters into the period of Reconstruction. Unit 1 Unit 33

33. “I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of

33. “I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the reaction now existing in the slave holding states between the two is, instead of an evil, a good—a positive good. ” — 1837 Who expressed these ideas? A Frederick Douglass B Robert E. Lee C John C. Calhoun D Stephen Douglas Unit 4 34

34. The new Republican Party of the 1850’s drew much of its northern base

34. The new Republican Party of the 1850’s drew much of its northern base from A antislavery or “conscience” Whigs B immigrants from eastern cities C remnants of the Federalist Party D eastern land speculators Unit 4 35

35. Which of the following was a belief held by John Brown (1800– 1859)?

35. Which of the following was a belief held by John Brown (1800– 1859)? A Individual states should decide whether to permit slavery. B Abolitionists should work for gradual change. C The South should work to diversify its economic base. D Slavery should be abolished by violent means, if necessary. Unit 4 36

36. Which of the following BEST describes Abraham Lincoln’s public position on slavery by

36. Which of the following BEST describes Abraham Lincoln’s public position on slavery by 1860? A He opposed the expansion of slavery but not its existence. B He opposed both the expansion and the existence of slavery. C He supported popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery. D He believed slavery should be allowed to expand. Unit 37

37. • 21 July, 1861 First Battle of Manassas • 26 June – 2

37. • 21 July, 1861 First Battle of Manassas • 26 June – 2 July, 1862 Seven Days’ Battles • 30 August, 1862 Second Battle of Manassas Confederate victories in these battles are BEST explained by Confederate superiority in A industrial output B naval power C numbers of soldiers D military leadership Unit 38

38. By 1863, MOST military planners knew that the South could not continue to

38. By 1863, MOST military planners knew that the South could not continue to fight indefinitely because A increasing numbers of Southern citizens no longer supported the Confederate cause B the Southern industrial base was too weak to support the expense of waging war C large numbers of former slaves were joining the union army D the Southern leadership was too inexperienced to fight against Northern armies and navies Unit 39

39. The Confederate defeat at Vicksburg was important because it A ended the last

39. The Confederate defeat at Vicksburg was important because it A ended the last major Confederate invasion of the North B resulted in the Confederacy being split in half along the Mississippi River C caused Jefferson Davis to resign as president of the Confederacy D forced Robert E. Lee to leave Virginia and take command in the West Unit 4 40

40. Why was the Fourteenth Amendment NOT successfully implemented in Southern states during the

40. Why was the Fourteenth Amendment NOT successfully implemented in Southern states during the Reconstruction Era? A Southern states refused to acknowledge the amendment because of its provisions. B Most Southern legislatures had been disbanded by the United States military. C A majority of Southern states elected to remain outside the Union following the war. D Southern states were allowed to make their own decisions about segregation legislation. Unit 4 41

41. Read the excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address. “With malice toward none;

41. Read the excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address. “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds. . . to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations. ” —March 4, 1865 This selection expresses Lincoln’s hope for restoration of A civil liberties B national unity C racial equality D religious freedom Unit 4 42

42. Which word BEST describes the agricultural system used during Reconstruction that allowed white

42. Which word BEST describes the agricultural system used during Reconstruction that allowed white landowners to benefit from the labor of former slaves without paying wages? A freehold B indenture C plantation D sharecropping Unit 4 43

43. Which of the following actions would have been supported by Northern manufacturers and

43. Which of the following actions would have been supported by Northern manufacturers and opposed by Southern planters? A allowing slavery to expand into Missouri B imposing a tariff upon finished goods C making improvements to the port of New Orleans D making improvements to the cotton gin Unit 44

44. On May 10, 1869, in Promontory, Utah, the East and the West became

44. On May 10, 1869, in Promontory, Utah, the East and the West became connected by the completion of A a telegraph line reaching from New York to San Francisco B the Transcontinental Railroad C the Oregon Trail system D the stations that served the Pony Express Unit 45

45. The American Federation of Labor (AFL), led by Samuel Gompers, proposed that the

45. The American Federation of Labor (AFL), led by Samuel Gompers, proposed that the union should negotiate for all the workers. This idea is called A affiliated servicing B unified negotiating C collective bargaining D joint contracting Unit 46

46. The core membership of the Populist Party in the 1890 s consisted of

46. The core membership of the Populist Party in the 1890 s consisted of A factory workers B farmers C immigrants D socialists Unit 5 47

47. The Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that segregated accommodations were

47. The Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that segregated accommodations were constitutionally allowable as long as they were equal. So the doctrine of “separate but equal” was established. Why did many people object to that ruling? A People wanted a chance to live their own lives in their separate communities without the interference of government. B People thought it was unnecessary to make such a ruling. If people did not like their situation, they must improve it themselves. C People believed there were some instances where segregation was not important. They believed they should be able to decide case by case. D People knew that the reality of the situation was based upon inequality. If institutions were separate, they could not be equal. Unit 5 48

48. In the 1920 s, the Ku Klux Klan and nativist movements such as

48. In the 1920 s, the Ku Klux Klan and nativist movements such as the Immigration Restriction League shared the belief that A the United States must adopt a socialist form of government B the United States should conquer more overseas territories C white Americans should establish a separate republic D white Americans were racially superior to other groups Unit 5 49

49. Which of the following helps to explain the reason for American expansionism in

49. Which of the following helps to explain the reason for American expansionism in the mid-1800 s and early 1900 s? A The United States sought new markets for agricultural and industrial products. B The United States wanted to establish colonies in Asia, Africa, and Australia. C United States foreign policy rejected theory of “Social Darwinism. ” D The United States military wanted to establish overseas bases and recruit from those locations. Unit 5 50

50. The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the

50. The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by A negotiating an agreement with Colombia B invading Colombia and taking the land C implementing the Open Door policy D encouraging and supporting Panamanian Independence Unit 51

51. Which of the following Constitutional amendments MOST directly addresses the issue of limiting

51. Which of the following Constitutional amendments MOST directly addresses the issue of limiting the authority of the federal government? A Amendment 7—Trial by Jury in Civil Cases B Amendment 10—Powers of the States and People C Amendment 14—Civil Rights D Amendment 21—Repeal of Prohibition Unit 9 Civil Rights 52

52. When Theodore Roosevelt said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick, ” he

52. When Theodore Roosevelt said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick, ” he was trying to gain support for A imposing harsh laws to reduce crime B supporting woman suffrage to expand civil rights C building a powerful navy to aid United States diplomacy D using the national forests to stimulate building projects Unit 53

Effects of the Selective Service Unit 6 of May 1917 Act • required registration

Effects of the Selective Service Unit 6 of May 1917 Act • required registration of all men aged 21 through 30 • was intended to supply the military and war-related industries • provided exemptions for civil servants and the clergy • exempted conscientious objectors from combat • allowed no paid substitutes • 9. 9 million men were registered by June • 687, 000 men were immediately inducted 53. The United States entered World War I in April 1917. Less than a month later, the law below was passed by Congress. So many people were required so quickly because the United States previously had A adopted a policy of unilateral disarmament B established an unpaid militia after the Spanish-American War C maintained a very small peacetime military D posted most of its military as advisors in Europe t 54

54. Which statement is MOST true about many African Americans during World War I?

54. Which statement is MOST true about many African Americans during World War I? A They protested discrimination in the U. S. Army. B They left the rural South for jobs in the North. C They purchased large numbers of farms in the midwest. D They left the United States for Liberia and Sierra Leone. Unit 55

55. What was the effect on the United States of the sinking of the

55. What was the effect on the United States of the sinking of the ship Lusitania by a German submarine in 1915? A It led to an immediate United States declaration of war against Germany. B It aroused public anger against Germany and led President Wilson to demand that Germany respect the rights of travelers from neutral countries. C It led President Wilson to prohibit Americans from traveling on the ships of countries involved in the war. D It led President Wilson to sign a lend lease plan to provide Great Britain with military supplies. Unit 56

56. President Theodore Roosevelt stated that the people deserved a “Square Deal” from their

56. President Theodore Roosevelt stated that the people deserved a “Square Deal” from their government. What did he mean by that? A Business groups should be allowed to function unregulated by government. B Government regulators should determine fair profit margins. C Business groups should be restricted from unfair business practices by government. D Government regulators should determine wages for workers or commodity prices for consumers. Unit 6 57

57. Use this quote to answer the question. “The growth of a large business

57. Use this quote to answer the question. “The growth of a large business is merely the survival of the fittest. ” —John D. Rockefeller The point of view expressed in this quotation is an example of A Progressivism B Social Darwinism C communism D anarchism Unit 6 58

58. The Progressive Era business reform efforts of Ida Tarbell were largely aimed at

58. The Progressive Era business reform efforts of Ida Tarbell were largely aimed at what industry? A. Railroads B. Steel Industry C. Standard Oil D. Meatpacking Unit 59

59. What was one effect of the Wagner Act (1935)? A The number of

59. What was one effect of the Wagner Act (1935)? A The number of factory workers declined dramatically between 1935 and 1945. B Employers were prohibited from interfering in workers’ efforts to unionize. C Laborers shifted their support from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. D Laborers in companies with more than 50 employees were prohibited from striking. Unit 7 60

60. What was one result of the work of the Tennessee Valley Authority in

60. What was one result of the work of the Tennessee Valley Authority in the 1930 s? A restoration of a natural environment B construction of nuclear power plants C generation of affordable electricity for rural areas D improvement in systems of Communication Unit 7 61

61. Charles A. Lindbergh piloted The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to

61. Charles A. Lindbergh piloted The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris in the first successful solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. What was the greatest immediate impact of Lindbergh’s accomplishment? A It made air travel safe and inexpensive. B It helped to improve diplomatic relations with France. C It sparked public interest and boosted the aviation industry. D It encouraged American travel abroad an appreciation for European culture. Unit 7 62

62. By the early 1900 s, U. S. government interest in developing an economic

62. By the early 1900 s, U. S. government interest in developing an economic relationship with the Chinese empire was part of an overall plan to A become an imperialist power B spread democracy throughout Asia C establish a regional peacekeeping effort D limit the levels of Asian immigration Unit 7 63

63. Use this quote to answer the question. “Let me assert [declare] my firm

63. Use this quote to answer the question. “Let me assert [declare] my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. ” —President Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 4, 1933 In his first inaugural address, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was warning the American people NOT to be discouraged by the effects of A Adolph Hitler’s rise to power in Germany B Japanese expansion in the Pacific C the Great Depression D Prohibition Unit 7 64

64. In 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt initiated a comprehensive government program intent on

64. In 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt initiated a comprehensive government program intent on reversing the widespread economic hardships caused by the Great Depression. Roosevelt’s plan for economic relief, recovery, and reform is called A the Square Deal B the Great Society C the New Deal D the Lend-Lease Act Unit 7 65

65. Who was considered to be the “ambassador of American Jazz” in the 1920’s?

65. Who was considered to be the “ambassador of American Jazz” in the 1920’s? A. Ella Fitzgerald B. Babe Ruth C. Louis Armstrong D. Nat King Cole Unit 66

66. The purpose of the Nuremberg war crimes trials after World War II was

66. The purpose of the Nuremberg war crimes trials after World War II was to A punish German leaders for crimes against humanity B raise money to repair wartime destruction C stop secret cooperation between Nazis and Communists D prevent another world war in twenty years Unit 8 67

67. The development of suburban areas in the United States during the 1950 s

67. The development of suburban areas in the United States during the 1950 s can be attributed mostly to A decreasing cost of building materials B increasing supply of skilled labor C decreasing development of rural areas D increasing development of the national highway system Unit 8 68

Unit 8 68. Use the flow chart to answer the question. Which of the

Unit 8 68. Use the flow chart to answer the question. Which of the following events should appear in the box with the question mark? A Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii B Germany’s invasion of Poland C Germany’s attack on Great Britain D Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia Unit 8 69

69. Why did President Kennedy approve the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by

69. Why did President Kennedy approve the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles supported by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1961? A Castro had formed an anti-United States alliance with Venezuela and Nicaragua. B Castro had developed close economic and political ties to the Soviet Union. C Castro had cut off all Cuban trade with the United States. D Castro had released political prisoners into the United States, many of whom were criminals. Unit 9 70

70. Which of these MOST accurately describes a result of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society”

70. Which of these MOST accurately describes a result of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs? A Federal anti-poverty programs were enacted for the first time in history. B Less tax money was spent on social programs. C Federal spending was increased for education, housing, and health care. D The federal government gave up many state and local government functions. Unit 9 71

71. Use the information below to answer the question. I Montgomery bus boycott, 1955

71. Use the information below to answer the question. I Montgomery bus boycott, 1955 -1956 II Martin Luther King, Jr. ’s “I Have a Dream” speech, 1963 III Passage of the Civil Rights Act, 1964 IV Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision, 1954 Which lists these four events in the correct chronological order? A IV, III, I B IV, I, III C II, IV, III, I D I, IV, III, II Unit 9 72

72. United States involvement in the Korean War was part of its policy of

72. United States involvement in the Korean War was part of its policy of A containment B isolationism C Big Stick diplomacy D mutual assured destruction Unit 9 73

73. All of the following are examples of nonviolent demonstration against racial segregation in

73. All of the following are examples of nonviolent demonstration against racial segregation in the United States in the 1960 s EXCEPT A freedom riders B Montgomery bus boycott C lunch counter sit-ins D the integration of “Ole Miss” Unit 73 74

74. What action did President Dwight Eisenhower take when Governor Orval Faubus refused to

74. What action did President Dwight Eisenhower take when Governor Orval Faubus refused to allow African-American students to attend Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas? A He sent the U. S. Army to Little Rock to enforce the law. B He moved the African-American students to Memphis, Tennessee. C He led a regional meeting of governors to find a solution to the problem. D He forced Orval Faubus to resign as governor of Arkansas. Unit 9 75

75. What was one major result of the “space race” that occurred during the

75. What was one major result of the “space race” that occurred during the 1950 s and 1960 s? A successful landing of Soviet astronauts on the Moon B improvement of satellite telecommunications C development of nuclear weapons in space D creation of a model for international Cooperation Unit 9 76

76. Which of the following leaders during the Civil Rights era beginning in 1947

76. Which of the following leaders during the Civil Rights era beginning in 1947 is BEST known for advocating non-violent demonstrations? A Martin Luther King, Jr. B W. E. B. Du Bois C Malcolm X D Booker T. Washington Unit 9 77

77. In President Kennedy’s inaugural address he included the section, “To our sister republics

77. In President Kennedy’s inaugural address he included the section, “To our sister republics south of the border, we offer a special pledge. . . a new alliance for progress. . . Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. ” What previous American president’s policy was President Kennedy using for support for his position? A President Monroe’s Monroe Doctrine B President Mc. Kinley’s Open Door policy C President Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal D President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Unit 78

78. Which of the following events is a direct cause of the involvement of

78. Which of the following events is a direct cause of the involvement of the United States in the Persian Gulf War? A Iran threatened to launch missiles toward Israel, an ally of the United States. B Iraq invaded Kuwait, an ally of the United States. C Saudi Arabia and Iraq threatened to cut off oil to the United States. D Syria and Iraq invaded Iran, a member of the United Nations. Unit 9 79

79. During the 1990 s, the economies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States

79. During the 1990 s, the economies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States became more integrated when all three nations agreed to A lower trade barriers B create a common currency C pool their tax revenues D standardize wages and prices Unit 9 80

80. Over the last 100 years, the United States has experienced significant improvements in

80. Over the last 100 years, the United States has experienced significant improvements in transportation and technology. As a result, urban centers of today differ from those of the 1800 s in that modern cities A are less likely to suffer from environmental pollution B can be located farther from supplies of food and fresh water C are more attractive to newly arrived immigrants D can be reliant on one primary product or service for income Unit 9 81

81. What was the major contribution of Cesar Chavez to the cause of equal

81. What was the major contribution of Cesar Chavez to the cause of equal rights during the late 1960’s in America? A. Led public protests of industrial working conditions in the southeast. B. Organized California migrant farmworkers to form the UFW (United Farm Workers union) C. Published influential pamphlets declaring outrage against discrimination among African Americans D. Encouraged fishermen to go on strike during the early 1970’s. Unit 9 82

82. Which U. S. Senator was well known for his anti-communism crusade and extreme

82. Which U. S. Senator was well known for his anti-communism crusade and extreme allegations of government infiltration during the 1950’s? A. Strom Thurmond B. Robert Kennedy C. Joseph Mc. Carthy D. John Calhoun Unit 9 83

83. Which senator from Louisiana strongly opposed FDR’s new deal by proposing his own

83. Which senator from Louisiana strongly opposed FDR’s new deal by proposing his own “Share the Wealth” program? A. Margaret Smith B. Joseph Mc. Carthy C. Huey Long D. Adlai Stevenson Unit 9 84

84 Who was elected as the first president of the National Organization for Women

84 Who was elected as the first president of the National Organization for Women during the feminist movement in the 1960’s? A. Eleanor Roosevelt B. Betty Fredan C. Susan B. Anthony D. Margaret Sanger Unit 9 85

85. The Marshall Plan was a major effort by the U. S. to assist

85. The Marshall Plan was a major effort by the U. S. to assist in the recovery and rebuilding of what region? A. Europe after WWI B. Europe after WWII C. Asia after the defeat of Japan at Midway D. China after the Korean War Unit 86

86. The Truman Doctrine during the Cold War was directed at enforcing what type

86. The Truman Doctrine during the Cold War was directed at enforcing what type of foreign policy by the U. S. A. appeasement B. intervention C. isolationism D. containment Unit 9 87

87. Who was the leader of the new Communist China at the beginning of

87. Who was the leader of the new Communist China at the beginning of the Cold War? A. Jiang Jieshi B. Mao Zedong C. Tojo D. Hiroshima Unit 9 88

88. What was the disagreement that led President Truman to fire General Mac. Arthur?

88. What was the disagreement that led President Truman to fire General Mac. Arthur? A. Whether to attack China during the Korean War in 1951 B. Whether to conquer the Philipines during WWII C. Whether to practice a policy of appeasement with Japan D Whether to withdraw troops from South Korea Unit 9 Unit 89

Unit 9 89. Who was the first African American to join the major league

Unit 9 89. Who was the first African American to join the major league baseball in 1947? A. Babe Ruth B. Joe Dimaggio C. Jackie Robinson D. Frederick Douglass Unit 9 90

90. Which biologist/ environmentalist wrote the famous book “Silent Spring” exposing the dangers of

90. Which biologist/ environmentalist wrote the famous book “Silent Spring” exposing the dangers of pesticides on the environment? A. Margaret Mitchell B. Orson Wells C. John Steinbeck D. Rachel Carson Unit 91

91. The Grimke Sisters (Sarah and Angelina)were best known for their outspoken reform efforts

91. The Grimke Sisters (Sarah and Angelina)were best known for their outspoken reform efforts in the 1800’s promoting: A. equal rights for women B. Prohibition of alcohol C. education reform for children D. Collective bargaining for labor unions Unit 3 Unit 92

92. Who was the prominent leader of the Settlement House Movement during the Progressive

92. Who was the prominent leader of the Settlement House Movement during the Progressive Era? A. Abigail Adams B. Upton Sinclair C. Jane Addams D. Martha Washington Unit 6 Unit 93

93. Irving Berlin was a famous composer who immigrated to the U. S. in

93. Irving Berlin was a famous composer who immigrated to the U. S. in 1893. He was well known for writing what famous American song? A. God Bless America B. Stars and Stripes Forever C. Star Spangled Banner D. Glory Hallelujah Unit 94

94. Which leader toiled as a migrant worker himself, fought for the rights of

94. Which leader toiled as a migrant worker himself, fought for the rights of farm laborers in California, and successfully formed the UFW (United Farm Workers) union in 1962? A. Sam Houston B. Ralph Nader C. Cesar Chavez D. Dorothea Dix Unit 95

Unit 9 95. What agency was formed by Congress in the 1970’s under the

Unit 9 95. What agency was formed by Congress in the 1970’s under the Nixon administration to protect the environment? A TVA B CIA C EPA D AFL-CIO Unit 96

Unit 9 96. Impeachment charges were brought against President Bill Clinton for: A treason

Unit 9 96. Impeachment charges were brought against President Bill Clinton for: A treason B espionage C adultery D perjury (lying under oath) Unit 97

Unit 9 97. Who is first credited for transforming the office of First Lady

Unit 9 97. Who is first credited for transforming the office of First Lady from a ceremonial role to deep political involvement including helping citizens A Rosalind Carter B Mary Lincoln C Jaqueline Kennedy D Eleanor Roosevelt Unit 98

Unit 9 98. Under the Reagan administration, an economic policy referred to as “Reaganomics”

Unit 9 98. Under the Reagan administration, an economic policy referred to as “Reaganomics” was characterized by: A Decreased taxes and decreased government regulation B Increased taxes and increased government regulation C Increase in government spending and taxing D Federal Reserve lowered interest rates Unit 99

99. Which supreme court case essentially legalized abortion? A Roe v Wade B Mc.

99. Which supreme court case essentially legalized abortion? A Roe v Wade B Mc. Cullough v Maryland C Dred Scott D Bakke v California Unit 100

Unit 9 100. President Jimmy Carter’s greatest achievement in foreign policy came when he

Unit 9 100. President Jimmy Carter’s greatest achievement in foreign policy came when he helped to negotiate a historic peace agreement between Israel and Egypt that produced what is known as A Treaty of Paris B SALT C Camp David Accords D Helsinki Accords Unit 101

Unit 9 101. The only U. S. president to be impeached was Richard M.

Unit 9 101. The only U. S. president to be impeached was Richard M. Nixon due to the A XYZ Affair B Monica Lewinsky Affair C Thomas Crown Affair D Watergate Scandal Unit 102

Unit 9 102. Which famous supreme court case in 1978 reversed the precedent set

Unit 9 102. Which famous supreme court case in 1978 reversed the precedent set by previous affirmative action programs and denied the use of strict racial quotas? A California v Bakke B Miranda v Arizona C Tinker v Des Moines D Plessy v Ferguson Unit 103

Unit 9 103. What gave President Johnson the power to send troops into North

Unit 9 103. What gave President Johnson the power to send troops into North Vietnam without asking Congress to declare war? A Lend Lease Act B Gulf of Tonkin Resolution C Treaty of Versailles D Truman Doctrine Unit 104

Unit 9 104. What was the effect of the Baby Boom on American life?

Unit 9 104. What was the effect of the Baby Boom on American life? A population growth increased B inflation increased as postwar rush to buy goods increased C Families flocked to the suburbs, most women who worked during the war returned home to raise children D All of the above Unit 105

Unit 9 105. What law ultimately formed the Midwestern states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,

Unit 9 105. What law ultimately formed the Midwestern states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota and also barred slavery from this territory A Northwest Ordinance of 1787 B Louisiana Purchase C Mayflower Compact D Missouri Compromise Unit 106

Unit 9 106. How did the invention of the radio impact American life during

Unit 9 106. How did the invention of the radio impact American life during the Roaring 20’s? A advertising increased through radio commercials B fear of war increased across the country C Americans were able to share the same popular culture in all regions of the country D both A and C are correct Unit 107

Unit 9 107. What was the significance of the Battle of Midway? A ended

Unit 9 107. What was the significance of the Battle of Midway? A ended Japanese offensive in the Pacific B gave the Japanese the advantage C the Japanese surrendered D the U. S. surrendered Unit 108

Unit 9 108. The Salem Witch trials was an example of a conflict between

Unit 9 108. The Salem Witch trials was an example of a conflict between A men and women B government and religion C adults and children D good and evil Unit 109

Unit 109. The final major conflict between the U. S. military and American Indians

Unit 109. The final major conflict between the U. S. military and American Indians was A Battle of the Bulge B Battle of Somme C Battle at Wounded Knee D Battle of Crying Wolf Unit 110