The Lightning Thief Vs Percy Jackson Olympians The

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*******The Lightning Thief Vs Percy Jackson & Olympians: The Lightning Thief Name: Zoe! Class:

*******The Lightning Thief Vs Percy Jackson & Olympians: The Lightning Thief Name: Zoe! Class: 7 y

Pre-Reading Activities Book Cover vs. Movie Poster Book Cover Movie Poster older in movie

Pre-Reading Activities Book Cover vs. Movie Poster Book Cover Movie Poster older in movie poster

Pre-Reading Activities Book Cover vs. Movie Poster 1) How can a Book Cover or

Pre-Reading Activities Book Cover vs. Movie Poster 1) How can a Book Cover or Movie Poster affect your feelings towards a book or a movie? Well the movie cover could be showing a whole different setting or message 2)What are some big differences between the Book Cover and the Movie Poster that could affect your overall impression towards the storyline? If you saw the movie cover then saw the book cover and its less exciting 1) Based on the Book Cover and Movie Poster, which format are you more drawn towards? The Movie or the Book? Why? the movie because i liked the movie

Reading/Viewing. Elapsed Session Movie Time: 0: 00 - Book Pages: 1 -15 14: 55

Reading/Viewing. Elapsed Session Movie Time: 0: 00 - Book Pages: 1 -15 14: 55 Plot Developments in Book Plot Developments in Movie - percy goes to boarding school poseidon meets with zeus goes on field trip percy underwater trouble maker in english class (sub) dodds dyslexic brunner quizzes percy in museum goes home to mom-meets gabe fights with nancy goes on field trip-answers questions from brunners mrs dodds brings percy into museum (attacks percy) dodds pulls him aside brunner gives him sword percy kills dodds turns into fury-asks for bolt brunner and grover portends nothing happens attacks percy leave for beach flies off percy and his mom talk about his dad brunner gives pen to percy-brunner tells grover to take percy home sent to school for protegain • percy has a dream about the horse an eagle and voice of bala • grover shows up • • Characters Introduced • percy • grover • • percy's dad poseidon • percys mom and gabe • percy nancy

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast Mrs dodds is a brunners and math teacher

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast Mrs dodds is a brunners and math teacher in grover don’t the book deny mrs dodds being a monster thing mrs dodds turning into in the movie Nancy is not in monster the movie. -does not kill dodds. -mrs dodds is an english teacher in movie.

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: 16 -43 Elapsed Movie Time: 14: 5518: 00 Plot Developments

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: 16 -43 Elapsed Movie Time: 14: 5518: 00 Plot Developments in Book Plot Developments in Movie leave for beach Percy goes home again percy and his mom talk about his dad Grover defends percy sent to school for protegain Percys mom driving him to camp(talks to percy about his dad) percy has a dream about the horse an eagle and voice of bala Flying cows grover shows up Grover is half goat • • • • • Characters Introduced • mom • • gabe • • •

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast -montauk Gwets kicked out -talked about blue of

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast -montauk Gwets kicked out -talked about blue of yancy food -the dream -half goat -hurricane -3 old ladies/fates -bus breaking down -kicked out of -Gabe yancey academy

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: 44 -56 Elapsed Movie Time: 18: 0020: 30 Plot Developments

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: 44 -56 Elapsed Movie Time: 18: 0020: 30 Plot Developments in Book Plot Developments in Movie driving to camp car crashes grovers a goat monster bull thing comes grover gets hurt percy , percy mom and grover go to the camp monster attacks percy's mom and percy ________________ ___ percys mom vanishes percys mom can't go through the barrier percy tries to attack the monster bull attacks percy's mom percy hits head on rock and kills the monster percys mom vanishes grover and percy climb mountain percy killed the bull percy passes out • • • Characters Introduced • • •

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast percys doesn't get hurt

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast percys doesn't get hurt

Reading/Viewing Session ● Book Pages: 56 - ● Elapsed Movie Time: 20: 30 -29:

Reading/Viewing Session ● Book Pages: 56 - ● Elapsed Movie Time: 20: 30 -29: 34 ● Plot Developments in Book ● Plot Developments in Movie percy wakes up and grovers there girl asks what's stolen in infirmary in camp half blood everything hurt tell percy hes half blood grover comes talks to mr brunner(ciren) whos a sentare grover brings percy a chocolate smoothie thing that tastes like his moms shows cabin brings percy to half blood camp percys dad is poseidon mr brunner (ciren) is sentare talks about gods most of the people were older than him percy sees a shadow in attic window and ciren says no one lives in there talk about grover with ciren talks about percy's mom with ciren gives percys a tour of the camp shows percy cabin

same sheet as before. to page 106 -annabeth showed percy around m -percy and

same sheet as before. to page 106 -annabeth showed percy around m -percy and annabeth talk about their parents -percy and annabeth talk about winter soulstice -dinner -percy learn how to fill his glass with anything at all -campfire smells good. -percy falls asleep -

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast annabeth is brunette in movie but blonde in

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast annabeth is brunette in movie but blonde in book

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: _____ Elapsed Movie Time: _____ Plot Developments in Book Plot

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: _____ Elapsed Movie Time: _____ Plot Developments in Book Plot Developments in Movie most of the people were older than him • percy sees a shadow in attic window and ciren says no one lives in there • talk about grover with ciren • talks about percy's mom with ciren • gives percys a tour of the camp • shows percy cabin • • • • Characters Introduced • •

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast

-people tried to figure out whos his dad is -percy liked camp -had first

-people tried to figure out whos his dad is -percy liked camp -had first fencing lessons everyone watched -practiced with luke -splashed himself with water and got healed -percy twisted luked blade with his own 112 -grover and percy talked about grover wanting to be a searcher -talked about girl who sacrificed her life to save percy annabeth and luke 116 -fenced again -people being mean to percy -water heales cut -hound caame and it cut percy's arm open monster drops dead

-shows everyone the water healed him End Chapter 8

-shows everyone the water healed him End Chapter 8

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: _____ Elapsed Movie Time: _____ Plot Developments in Book Plot

Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: _____ Elapsed Movie Time: _____ Plot Developments in Book Plot Developments in Movie • l • • • • • • • Characters Introduced • •

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast

*2 Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: _____ Elapsed Movie Time: _____ Plot Developments in Book

*2 Reading/Viewing Session Book Pages: _____ Elapsed Movie Time: _____ Plot Developments in Book Plot Developments in Movie • • • • • • • Characters Introduced • •

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast

Reading/Viewing Session Elapsed Movie chap 10 Book Pages: 149 -167 Time: _____ Plot Developments

Reading/Viewing Session Elapsed Movie chap 10 Book Pages: 149 -167 Time: _____ Plot Developments in Book • packs for trip • ciren gives them some food • Plot Developments in Movie -comesinto a place with lots of stacues • annabeth find a girl who is scared of something ciren introduces percy to the person who was driving them • find medusa • luke gives percy flying shoes • medusa talks hat and glasses off • percy gives grover the shoes • lady who was sc • ciren gives percy a pen sword that hiss father gave ciren to give to percy • • the pen always returns to you • • the pens name is riptide • percy asks about gods • • starts drivving • • asks why annabeth hates him so much • only going to save mom • • mrs dodds and other old ladys come

(Same) -Percy annabeth and grover fights mrs dodds and her sisters -the bus exploded

(Same) -Percy annabeth and grover fights mrs dodds and her sisters -the bus exploded -lost all bags __ -walked far away from bus -annabeth made that percy almost died because she wants to see the world -gets misty -walks more and then smells food he was just hungry -finally find food -grover smells monsters -sees women completely cover except for her eyes -she asks them why they were out this late and she offers them food -aunty em locks door behind them aunty em hadlot of food -

(same) -knew annabeths name -aunty em brings burgers to them -percy notices most of

(same) -knew annabeths name -aunty em brings burgers to them -percy notices most of the statues look scared -make the statues herself -annabeth wants to leave -wants to take photo of annabeth grover and percy so she can make a statue -aunty em wants to turn annabeth and percy to stone -aunty em is medusa -grover comes in with a tree branch grover hit her medusa yelled -annabeth says percy has to cut her head off -cuts medusashead off -percy looks though medusas stuff -finds money -End!!! -

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast

Reading/Viewing Session ___ Compare and Contrast