Lightning Classification Types of Lightning Continued Lightning Facts

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Lightning Classification Types of Lightning Continued Lightning Facts Lightning Strikes Level 1 Level 2

Lightning Classification Types of Lightning Continued Lightning Facts Lightning Strikes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Back

Question Level 1: Answer Cloud to Cloud Lightning Question What type of lightning is

Question Level 1: Answer Cloud to Cloud Lightning Question What type of lightning is this? Back

Question Level 1: Answer Dry Lightning – Responsible for many forest fires in dry

Question Level 1: Answer Dry Lightning – Responsible for many forest fires in dry areas Question When a cloud to ground lightning strike occurs during a thunderstorm that does not produce rain, what is it called? Back

Question Level 1: Answer – Within a cumulonimbus cloud. Approximately 80% Question Where do

Question Level 1: Answer – Within a cumulonimbus cloud. Approximately 80% Question Where do the majority of lightning strikes occur? Back

Question Level 1: Answer Within 10 miles (16 Km) also within distance of striking

Question Level 1: Answer Within 10 miles (16 Km) also within distance of striking you! Question If you can hear thunder, how far is a thunderstorm from where you are standing? Back

Question Level 2: Answer - Cloud to Ground Lightning Question What type of lightning

Question Level 2: Answer - Cloud to Ground Lightning Question What type of lightning is this? Back

Question Level 2: Answer Blue Jet Question Lightning that shoots upward from a thunderstorm

Question Level 2: Answer Blue Jet Question Lightning that shoots upward from a thunderstorm into the upper atmosphere is Back called?

Question Level 2: Answer – About 5 seconds and it travels faster in warm

Question Level 2: Answer – About 5 seconds and it travels faster in warm air Question How long does it typically take for the sound of thunder to travel one mile & does it travel faster in warm or cold air? Back

Question Level 2: Answer Not really. It is estimated that every commercial airliner averages

Question Level 2: Answer Not really. It is estimated that every commercial airliner averages one strike per year. The outer shell of airplanes are typically aluminum, which are excellent conductors of electricity and allow electricity to flow from entry to exit point without interrupting the flight. Question Is this plane in danger of crashing? Why or why not? Back

Question Level 3: Answer - “Bolt from the Blue” Question What type of lightning

Question Level 3: Answer - “Bolt from the Blue” Question What type of lightning is this? Back

Question Level 3: Answer – St. Elmo's Fire Question - When the tip of

Question Level 3: Answer – St. Elmo's Fire Question - When the tip of a lightning rod, the mast of a ship, aircraft wings or other sharp pointed objects begin to glow during a thunderstorm, what is this phenomenon called? Back

Question Level 3: Answer “Bolt from the Blue” Question What is the name for

Question Level 3: Answer “Bolt from the Blue” Question What is the name for lightning that travels many miles horizontally away from a cloud and then turns downward and strikes the ground? Back

Question Level 3: Answer 89% were males / 30% were between the age of

Question Level 3: Answer 89% were males / 30% were between the age of 20 -25 / 25% of all that were struck were seeking shelter under a tree Question What percentage of males compared to females were struck by lightning in 2007? Back

Question Level 4: Answer - Ribbon Lightning is formed when wind slightly shifts the

Question Level 4: Answer - Ribbon Lightning is formed when wind slightly shifts the ions through which a lightning bolt travels between its initial strike and return stroke. Question What type is lightning is this / how does it differ from a typical cloud to ground lightning? Back

Question Level 4: Answer – Ball Lightning Question - What type of lightning appears

Question Level 4: Answer – Ball Lightning Question - What type of lightning appears as a floating sphere that lasts a few seconds longer than a typical lightning strike? Back

Question Level 4: Answer 30, 000 C (54, 000 F) Question What is the

Question Level 4: Answer 30, 000 C (54, 000 F) Question What is the temperature a lightning stroke can heat the air through which it travels? Back

Question Level 4: Answer Approximately 2 -3 miles. Therefore, if you count 15 seconds

Question Level 4: Answer Approximately 2 -3 miles. Therefore, if you count 15 seconds or less using the "flash-to-bang" method, you are in the danger of being struck! Question What is the average distance between two successive cloud to ground lightning strikes? Back

Sources Ahrens, Donald. Essentials of Metorology. 5 th. Belmont, CA: Thomson, 2008. "Lightning. "

Sources Ahrens, Donald. Essentials of Metorology. 5 th. Belmont, CA: Thomson, 2008. "Lightning. " Wikipedia. 2009. Web. 3 May 2009. <http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Lightning#Types_of_lightning>. "Flash Facts About Lightning. " National Geographic 24 Jun 2005 Web. 3 May 2009. <http: //news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2004/06/0623_040623_lightningfacts. html>. Narayanan , Sridhar. "How is a plane protected from Lightning strikes? . " Physlink. Web. 3 May 2009. <http: //www. physlink. com/Education/Ask. Experts/ae 568. cfm>. "When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!. " NOAA. 2009. National Weather Service. Web. 3 May 2009. <http: //www. lightningsafety. noaa. gov/>. Back