Propaganda Techniques A propaganda technique is used for

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Propaganda Techniques • A propaganda technique is used for the purpose of swaying the

Propaganda Techniques • A propaganda technique is used for the purpose of swaying the opinions of an audience. • Common propaganda techniques: – Bandwagon – Loaded words – Statistics and Technical facts – Testimonials – Slogan

Bandwagon makes it look like everyone else is buying the product so you should

Bandwagon makes it look like everyone else is buying the product so you should too Evian

Plain/Regular Folks shows people just like you using the product, so it helps you

Plain/Regular Folks shows people just like you using the product, so it helps you relate Campbell's Soup

Loaded Words • Used by broadcasters or often in politics to persuade voters •

Loaded Words • Used by broadcasters or often in politics to persuade voters • Words are loaded with strong, emotional associations • Create a visual image for consumers ipad amazing

nutritious Buzz Words – words that are popular and have a positive good feeling

nutritious Buzz Words – words that are popular and have a positive good feeling WHOLESOME pure (e. g. organic, people you can trust) Dog food

Snob Appeal appeals to the desire for prestige or status (looking like you’re rich)

Snob Appeal appeals to the desire for prestige or status (looking like you’re rich) Grey Poupon

Emotional Appeal appeals to the audience’s emotions (e. g. love, fear) Chevy U of

Emotional Appeal appeals to the audience’s emotions (e. g. love, fear) Chevy U of R: You Are Home

Fear- scare you into believing something bad will happen if you don’t do it

Fear- scare you into believing something bad will happen if you don’t do it (e. g. If you do not buy this product, your family may be in danger ) Lifecall

Statistics: Technical Facts/Words uses impressivesounding scientific or technical information, facts, and numbers Alli

Statistics: Technical Facts/Words uses impressivesounding scientific or technical information, facts, and numbers Alli

Criticism of competitors these ads make fun of the competition Mac PC

Criticism of competitors these ads make fun of the competition Mac PC

Testimonial • Uses an association of a respected person advertising a product, wanting us

Testimonial • Uses an association of a respected person advertising a product, wanting us to accept their testimony of the product. • Also known as: – Famous People: prestigious person – Experts: professional person in the field – Transfer: an authority figure

Famous People uses famous people to tell you the product is good Macy’s

Famous People uses famous people to tell you the product is good Macy’s

Experts someone with authority (e. g. a doctor or scientist) tells you to buy

Experts someone with authority (e. g. a doctor or scientist) tells you to buy it Oral B

Slogan and Repetition • A short phrase that enthuses people to act in a

Slogan and Repetition • A short phrase that enthuses people to act in a certain way • A short simple phrase repeated – Apple: “Think Different” – Lego: “Play On” – Mc. Donalds: “I’m Lovin’ It” – Hallmark: “When you care enough to send the very best” Nike