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Welcome to Northeastern. . . Eureka Math Social Studies Alive • -The world around

Welcome to Northeastern. . . Eureka Math Social Studies Alive • -The world around them • -Communities, regions, America and more… • -Research based whole class writing • -Use of a workshop model

Northeastern Elementary 2433 Gertrude Kalamazoo, MI 49048 (269)337 -0690

Northeastern Elementary 2433 Gertrude Kalamazoo, MI 49048 (269)337 -0690

TITLE 1 What is a Title 1 School? Refers to the Elementary and Secondary

TITLE 1 What is a Title 1 School? Refers to the Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965, which states that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

Northeastern Elementary is a Title I Schoolwide program. At Northeastern, ALL students benefit from

Northeastern Elementary is a Title I Schoolwide program. At Northeastern, ALL students benefit from Title I resources.

Qualifications -Certified/Qualified Tutors -Additional tutor support Funds -Instructional materials

Qualifications -Certified/Qualified Tutors -Additional tutor support Funds -Instructional materials

District Curriculum Reading Street -Provides accessible rigor -Builds content area knowledge Eureka Math Amplify

District Curriculum Reading Street -Provides accessible rigor -Builds content area knowledge Eureka Math Amplify Science -Most used math curriculum -Promotes inquiry and creativity -Aligns with common core state standards -Science & engineering practices

District Curriculum Being A Writer Social Studies Alive • -The world around them •

District Curriculum Being A Writer Social Studies Alive • -The world around them • -Communities, regions, America and more… • -Research based whole class writing • -Use of a workshop model

District Assessments NWEA/MAP Heggerty M-STEP (TBD) NWEA MAP growth: math, read, sci. , CAT

District Assessments NWEA/MAP Heggerty M-STEP (TBD) NWEA MAP growth: math, read, sci. , CAT Reading baseline assessment State assessment: all core content areas -Provides baseline & growth (2 x’s a yr. ) -Lowercase/Uppercase, early elementary -Summative assessment in Spring each year -Determines academic growth over time -Provides baseline, assesses pre-reading -Performance is ranked throughout the state

EXPECTATIONS AND POLICIES Attendance Assignments Parent forms Code of Conduct

EXPECTATIONS AND POLICIES Attendance Assignments Parent forms Code of Conduct

Classroom Visits OPEN HOUSE

Classroom Visits OPEN HOUSE

Northeastern Elementary Ms. Washington Principal Mrs. Bartley Lead Secretary Mrs. Morin Behavior Specialist Mrs.

Northeastern Elementary Ms. Washington Principal Mrs. Bartley Lead Secretary Mrs. Morin Behavior Specialist Mrs. Timmerman Parent Liaison

2 A Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mr. Pick K-3 rd Mrs. Fluellen 3

2 A Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mr. Pick K-3 rd Mrs. Fluellen 3 rd-5 th grade

Kindergarten Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs. Hiss Mrs. Friedmann

Kindergarten Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs. Hiss Mrs. Friedmann

1 st grade or 1 st/2 nd grade Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs.

1 st grade or 1 st/2 nd grade Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs. Hall Mrs. Warnsley

2 nd/3 rd Split and 3 rd grade Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs.

2 nd/3 rd Split and 3 rd grade Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs. Start Mrs. Law

4 th and 5 th grade Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs. Newberry Mrs.

4 th and 5 th grade Teachers (Click Door To Enter) Mrs. Newberry Mrs. Phillips Mrs. Williamson

Staff Mrs. Witzak HIL Ms. Nelson Interventionist Mrs. Wright Interventionist Ms. Dana CIS Mrs.

Staff Mrs. Witzak HIL Ms. Nelson Interventionist Mrs. Wright Interventionist Ms. Dana CIS Mrs. Hensley SIG Mr. Randy Custodian Mr. Woodford SIG Specials teachers Title 1 and SIG Tutors And a host of others

WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! http: //www. fhckzoo. com/mobile-units/

WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! http: //www. fhckzoo. com/mobile-units/

Classroom links Friedman (Kindergarten) Meeting link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/bw 3 hfnv 3 ph

Classroom links Friedman (Kindergarten) Meeting link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/bw 3 hfnv 3 ph ? authuser=0&hs=179 Hiss (Kindergarten) Meeting link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/bbnu 55 m 4 e 2? authuser=0&hs=179 Hall (1 st grade) Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/f 6 jts 2 zvr 5? a uthuser=0&hs=179 Warnsley (1 st/ 2 nd Split) Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/bspuwe 6 kxr ? authuser=0&hs=179 Start (2 nd/3 rd grade) Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/bw 24 rzs 5 hn ? authuser=0&hs=179 Newberry (4 th grade) Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/dkk 46 qs 6 fg ? authuser=0&hs=179 Phillips (5 th grade) Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/alriesbf 5 d? authuser=0&hs=179 Law (3 rd grade) Williamson (5 th grade) Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/hrbbdhqpkz ? authuser=0&hs=179 Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/fbk 6 w 3 pdp x? authuser=0&hs=179 Fahey (SPED) Meeting Link: https: //meet. google. com/lookup/bbyjerruhc? authuser=0&hs=179 Mr. Mom (4 th & 5 th grade Orchestra) https: //meet. google. com/lookup/de 33 bx 7 ffe