I Open Innovation and National Innovation System ICAN
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I Open Innovation and National Innovation System
ICAN 과학기술정책에 대한 고민 대학교육의 기업수요 충족도 수준급 엔지니어 공급정도 28 38 29 47 34 52 54 2014 2015 2016 Source: IMD, 2014 -2017. World Talent Report. 2017 12 27 WEF-Korea IMDF-Korea 24 23 18 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 36 29 2004 56. 3 53. 7 49. 9 45. 6 42. 3 39. 0 37. 3 33. 2 31. 0 25. 0 19. 8 45 31 38 39 2006 60. 6 27 37 37 39 36 42 2002 2018 40 32 32 2017 77. 2 8 24 2016 기업의 외부협력 비중(%) 5 20 18 2015 Source: IMD, 2014 -2018. World Competitiveness Yearbook. 산학협력 세계순위 10 32 33 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Source: WEF, 2002 -2017. The global competitiveness report; IMD, 2002 -2018. World Competitiveness Yearbook. 영벨일 국기본 에 오 그체덴폴 헝스 프핀스이 스 리코마란 가페 랑란웨스 트 크드 리인 스드덴라 리스 아 엘 Source: OECD, 2015 네 독노 포호한터 칠 이 덜 일르 르주국키 레 태 리 란 웨투 드 이칼
II Open Innovation and National Innovation System
ICAN III Open Innovation and National Innovation System
ICAN 산학협력 정책 1 거버넌스 [기술혁신관련 정부조직 변화] 2007 [영국] DTI Departm ent of Trade & Industry Energy Business /Trade Science Innovation Df. ES Departm ent for Educati on & Skills 2008 -09 BERR Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory reform DECC Energy & Climate Change BIS Department for Innovation, & Skills DIUS Department for Innovation, University & Skills BEIS Lifelong Learning / Skills Children / Family Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy DCFS Department Children, Schools & Families Source: 영국 정부홈페이지 및 기록관 for DCFS → (Df. E) Department for Children , Schools & Families Df. E Department for Education 2008 Trade MIE Ministry of Industry and Energy MOST Ministry of Science and Technolo gy Energy Industry Innovation MIE Science MOST Infrastructur e MOE Policy coordinatio n University MEHRD Ministry of Educatio n Lifelong Learning Df. E (University Education) 2002 [한국] BEIS (University Research) University Schools 2016 (ex. Basic R&D) Schools MKE MEST 2013 2017 MOTIE SMBA MSIP MOE
ICAN 산학협력 정책 2002 영 국 Medical Research Council (1913) Natural Environment Research Council (1965) Economic and Social Research Council (1965) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences (1994) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (1994) Arts and Humanities Research Council (2005) Science and Technology Facilities Council (2007) 2018 2007 Research Councils UK Innovate UK Higher Education Funding Council for England Research England (HEFCE, 1992) Office for Students UK Research and Innovation - BEIS 소속 - Source: 영국 정부홈페이지 및 기록관. 1976 한 국 MSIP MOTIE DAPA SMBA MOHW MOLIT ME KMA MOF MAFRA 1995 ▷NRF Source: 과학기술 40년사 및 각 기관 홈페이지 2000 2005 ▷NIPA▷KISTEP ▷KEIT ▷KIAT 2010 ▷IITP ▷KETEP ▷DTa. Q ▷TIPA ▷KHIDI ▷KAIA ▷KEITI ▷KMITI ▷KIMST ▷IPET
ICAN 산학협력 정책 [영국 정부 R&D의 부처별 비중] 56. 1% 50. 0% 55. 0% 50. 0% 45. 0% 40. 0% 2000 2015 35. 0% 30. 0% 25. 0% 35. 0% 50. 0% 34. 3% 1990 2000 2015 30. 0% 25. 0% 20. 0% 15. 0% 10. 0% 5. 0% 0. 0% Source: 영국 통계청. D NI CM D S EC C D f. T O H th O er D W D P EU ep ar D co tm f. E nt e rib nt ut s io n D BI M S o. D D o. H SG FI D W D G EF RA 0. 0% MSIP MOTIE DAPA(MND) MOE SMBA RDA MOF MOHW PMO MOLIT ME MAFRA KMA KFS MCST MFDS MOIS MIC Etc 60. 0% [한국 정부 R&D의 부처별 비중] Source: 국가연구개발조사분석자료
ICAN 산학협력 정책 영국 전문기관 (영국통계청) Research Councils HEFCE Do. H BIS DFID Mo. D Organisations receiving funds for R&D (2013) Elsewhere within UK Local Higher Business Others Central Authorities Education Government Research Councils Elsewhere within Own Organisation 2. 2% 0. 0% 3. 2% 0. 0% 74. 7% 0. 1% 0. 0% 0. 7% 2. 1% 7. 8% 0. 1% 0. 0% 0. 2% 0. 0% 0. 1% 0. 2% 0. 0% 0. 3% 0. 0% 73. 0% 2. 0% 0. 0% 100. 0% 22. 7% 5. 3% 0. 0% 0. 1% 0. 0% 2. 2% 56. 6% 0. 0% 93. 8% Abroad Total 12. 8% 7. 1% 100% 0. 0% 1. 1% 8. 2% 16. 9% 0. 0% 25. 5% 74. 9% 5. 8% 100% 100% Organisations receiving funds for R&D (2015) 한국 (국가연구개발 조사분석) MSIP MOTIE DAPA MOE SMBA RDA MOHW MOLIT ME MAFRA KMA MCST National and public Research institutes 0% 0% 0% 75% 10% 0% 23% 23% 0% Governmentsupported Research Institutes 64% 18% 64% 5% 5% 1% 16% 36% 22% 12% 42% 30% Universities Business Government Etc. Total 22% 10% 2% 93% 11% 15% 51% 24% 23% 36% 15% 17% 6% 56% 17% 0% 81% 4% 14% 29% 34% 23% 3% 41% 2% 0% 17% 0% 0% 5% 0% 0% 4% 0% 5% 16% 0% 2% 4% 1% 8% 11% 3% 6% 14% 13% 100% 100% 100%
ICAN 산학협력 정책 기술분야별 R&D 투자 비중(2015) 한국 (국가연구개발 조사분석) Environment Construction /Transport Agriculture/ Fishery /Food Earth Science 25. 8% 18. 8% 21. 1% 8. 4% 33. 1% 28. 5% 61. 9% 12. 1% 5. 0% 3. 0% 0. 9% 0. 6% 39. 9% 0. 7% 0. 8% 16. 1% 0. 0% 1. 6% MOE 6. 7% 1. 3% 1. 5% 3. 2% 3. 6% 1. 5% SMBA 4. 3% 10. 5% 3. 3% 5. 4% 2. 1% 2. 2% 0. 0% RDA 0. 2% 0. 0% 0. 1% 0. 0% 46. 2% 0. 1% MOF 0. 1% 3. 3% 4. 8% 1. 5% 9. 9% 39. 8% MOHW 28. 1% 0. 0% 0. 1% 0. 0% MOLIT 0. 1% 0. 3% 1. 0% 2. 4% 47. 0% 0. 5% ME 0. 0% 1. 3% 50. 7% 0. 2% 0. 0% 1. 8% MAFRA 0. 3% 0. 0% 0. 2% 0. 4% 0. 0% 14. 1% 0. 0% KMA 0. 0% 1. 9% 0. 0% 18. 8% Others 5. 8% 0. 9% 1. 0% 1. 1% 3. 8% 12. 4% 1. 7% Total 100% 100% Health care Electricity/ Electronics Energy MSIP 37. 7% 17. 8% MOTIE 16. 2% DAPA(MND)
ICAN 산학협력 정책 영국은 산학협력이 꾸준히 향상되는 반면, 한국의 경우 오히려 악화 추세 § (영국) 5대 분야별로 양과 질적 성과 모두 꾸준히 증가 추세 § (한국) 특허출원, 이전 건수 등 기술이전의 특정분야 중심으로 양적 성과는 급증, 그러나, 기술이전수입 등 질적 성과는 미흡, 전반적인 협력수준은 악화 추세 연도별 특허 등록 건수 기술이전 건수 및 수입 (£ 000 s) 14, 000 200, 000 7, 000 UK IP income(except for software) KOR IP income UK Number of patents granted i. . . KOR Number of patents granted. . . 12, 000 (Number) 6, 000 UK Total number of licences (except for software) 150, 000 10, 000 LOR Total number of licences 5, 000 8, 000 4, 000 100, 000 6, 000 3, 000 4, 000 2, 000 50, 000 2, 000 1, 000 0 0 2003 2005 2007 2009 Source: HE-BCI survey / BUS survey 2011 2013 2015 0 2003 2005 2007 Source: HE-BCI survey / BUS survey 2009 2011 2013 2015
ICAN 산학협력 정책 산학협력/기업간 협력 순위 1 4 10 11 21 4 16 19 50% 4 47% 4 6 7 44% 40% 41% 39% 19 23 24 19 23 31 21 22 25 26 20 23 26 30% 27% 23% 29 31 30% 20% 35 41 39 38 39 16% 39 42 2005 40% 16 24 31 8 9 12 2 기업의 외부협력 비중 2010 10% 2016 12% 8% UK KOR UK - University-industry collaboration in R&D / WEF UK -Technological collaboration between companies / IMD KOR - University-industry collaboration in R&D / WEF KOR - Technological collaboration between companies / IMD 0% 2000 2004 2008 Source: UK IS survey/KIS survey 2010 2012 2014
ICAN IV Open Innovation and National Innovation System
과학기술정보통신부 Open Innovation and National Innovation System
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