NAPA implementation in practice current status of the

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NAPA implementation in practice – current status of the LDCF portfolio Prepared for LEG

NAPA implementation in practice – current status of the LDCF portfolio Prepared for LEG stocktaking meeting on the National Adaptation Programmes of Action 3 -5 September, 2007 by Bonizella Biagini, Cluster Coordinator Climate Change, Adaptation Global Environment Facility 1

LDCF – Operational Principles and Priorities l l Scope of the LDCF: – Support

LDCF – Operational Principles and Priorities l l Scope of the LDCF: – Support for the Preparation of NAPAs (almost completed) – Support for the Implementation of NAPAs to finance the urgent and immediate adaptation needs in Least Developed Countries as identified in completed National Adaptation Plan of Actions (NAPAs) (ongoing) Priority Areas, as identified by the NAPAs: Water Resources; Food Security and Agriculture; Health; Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management; Coastal zone management and Infrastructure; Natural Resource Management; Community Level Adaptation. 2

First Ten Projects submitted for NAPA Implementation under the LDCF Bangladesh Community Based Adaptation

First Ten Projects submitted for NAPA Implementation under the LDCF Bangladesh Community Based Adaptation to CC through Coastal Afforestation, UNDP, $3 M Bhutan Reduce CC-induced Risks and Vulnerabilities from Glacial Lake Outbursts in the Punakha-Wangdi and Chamkar Valleys, UNDP, $3. 6 M Cambodia Building Capacities to Integrate Water Resources Planning in Agricultural Development, UNDP, $1. 8 M Djibouti Reducing impacts and vulnerability of coastal productive systems in Djibouti, UNEP, $2 M Eritrea Integrating Climate Change Risks into Community Based Livestock Management in the Northwestern Lowlands of Eritrea, UNDP, $3 M Malawi Climate Adaptation for Rural Livelihoods and Agriculture (CARLA), Af. DB, $3 M Mauritania Reducing Vulnerability of Arid Oasian Zones to Climate Change through Improved Watershed Management, UNEP, $1. 3 M Niger Implementing NAPA Priories to Build Resilience and Adapt. Capacity of the Agriculture Sector to CC in Niger, UNDP, $2 M Samoa Integrated Climate Change Adaptation in Samoa , UNDP, $2 M Sudan Implementing NAPA priority interventions to build resilience in the agriculture and water sectors to the adverse impacts of climate change in Sudan, UNDP, $3 M total expected allocation from LDCF/GEF (incl. fees and prep. ): $28. 4 M 3

Distribution of projects submitted under the LDCF by region and by sector 4

Distribution of projects submitted under the LDCF by region and by sector 4

Bangladesh: Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation (LDCF) LDCF/GEF $3. 00

Bangladesh: Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation (LDCF) LDCF/GEF $3. 00 M CC Vulnerabilities: l Sea level rise and saltwater intrusion makes former agricultural land uninhabitable/non productive l Rising frequency of storms and floods poses risks to infrastructure and life in the coastal zone ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Pilots implemented at community level – Forest management and mangrove/wetland restoration natural coastal protection – Innovative ways of securing potable water – Promotion of alternative livelihoods l Improving institutional and technical capacity, including Early Warning Systems ↓ Outcomes: l Reduced risk of hunger, migration and conflict over reduced resources l Reduced loss of life and infrastructure from climate change induced disasters 5

Bhutan: Reduce CC-induced Risks and Vulnerabilities from Glacial Lake Outbursts in the Punakha-Wangdi and

Bhutan: Reduce CC-induced Risks and Vulnerabilities from Glacial Lake Outbursts in the Punakha-Wangdi and Chamkar Valleys (LDCF) LDCF/GEF $3. 64 M CC Vulnerabilities: l Glacial lakes reaches critical threshold as Himalayan glaciers melt massive flashfloods in river valleys ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Increase disaster risk management capacity in affected valleys l Artificial lowering of water level in glacial lakes l Creation of an Early Warning System for glacial flashfloods ↓ Outcomes: l Decreased risk of massive destruction from glacial flash floods l Limitation of human and economic loss if/when catastrophic flash floods occur 6

Cambodia: Building Capacities to Integrate Water Resources Planning in Agricultural Development (LDCF) LDCF/GEF $1.

Cambodia: Building Capacities to Integrate Water Resources Planning in Agricultural Development (LDCF) LDCF/GEF $1. 85 M CC Vulnerabilities: l Increased drought and/or flooding poses risk to agricultural sector and food security ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Training of ‘adaptation experts’ in agricultural extension teams l Implementation of pilot projects in local communities – Rainwater harvesting techniques – Measures to decrease soil erosion and preserve genetic diversity in rice agriculture – Changed design of reservoirs and irrigation channels to prevent risks from increased peak flows l Lessons learned disseminated to national and international levels ↓ Outcomes: l Increased food security and sustainable agricultural development l Reduced risks of climate induced disasters 7

Djibouti: Reducing Impacts and Vulnerability of Coastal Productive Systems in Djibouti LDCF/GEF $2 M

Djibouti: Reducing Impacts and Vulnerability of Coastal Productive Systems in Djibouti LDCF/GEF $2 M CC Vulnerabilities: l Decreasing availability of fresh water caused by decreasing rainfall and salt water intrusion l Increasing risk of coastal erosion and inundation l Increasing frequencies of flash floods ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Rehabilitation of natural coastal buffers such as mangroves and coral reefs. Provision of alternate livelihood options to relieve the root causes of destruction of coastal buffers. l Strengthened Early Warning System, and improved disaster management capacity l Increased institutional capacity to implement integrated coastal zone management, including CC effects on productive coastal systems, in particular in the water, fisheries and coastal agriculture sectors. ↓ Outcomes: l Reduced risks of climate induced disasters l Reduced impact of CC on productivity and food security in coastal communities 8

Eritrea: Integrating Climate Change Risks into Community Based Livestock Management in the Northwestern Lowlands

Eritrea: Integrating Climate Change Risks into Community Based Livestock Management in the Northwestern Lowlands of Eritrea LDCF/GEF $3 M CC Vulnerabilities: l Increased frequency of seasonal and multiyear droughts reduced productivity of pastoralist systems decreasing food security for an already marginalized group. ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Pilot demonstrations of improved water and forage management systems which incorporate the effects of CC l Improved dissemination of short to medium term climate forecasts to pastoral communities l Promotion of alternative and/or supplemental livelihoods for pastoral communities l Capacity building for agricultural extension service to better understand water and forage management in the context of CC ↓ Outcomes: l Food security and sustainable development for pastoral communities l Reduced competition for water resources between agriculturalists and pastoralists in the face of increasing water stresses. 9

Malawi: Climate Adaptation from Rural Livelihoods and Agriculture (LDCF) LDCF/GEF amount: : $3. 00

Malawi: Climate Adaptation from Rural Livelihoods and Agriculture (LDCF) LDCF/GEF amount: : $3. 00 million CC Vulnerabilities: l Drought and rainfall variability will pose risks to the agricultural sector and food security ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Targeted adaptation pilots including – Crop diversification – Improved cropping sequences – Conservation tillage – Irrigation and efficient water use – Food storage l Creation of an enabling environment for Climate Risk Management – Policy development and implementation – Institutional coordination – Generation of knowledge and awareness raising ↓ Outcomes: l Increased food security and sustainable agricultural development 1

Mauritania: Reducing Vulnerability of Arid Oasian Zones to Climate Change and Variability through Improved

Mauritania: Reducing Vulnerability of Arid Oasian Zones to Climate Change and Variability through Improved Watershed Management (LDCF) LDCF/GEF amount: : $1. 33 million CC vulnerabilities: l Decreasing rainfall combined with poor water management poor recharging of vital ground water aquifers and oasian zones ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Demonstration projects to improve capacity and awareness for sustainable water management – Run-off dikes to capture rainfall – Promotion of water efficient technologies – Dissemination of ‘drip irrigation’ techniques l Building codes to prevent building of structures on ground water recharge zones l Policy and institutional support to improve long term planning in water management ↓ Outcomes: l Sustainable availability of water for agriculture, domestic use and tourism purposes 1

Niger: Implementing NAPA Priority Interventions to Build Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of the Agriculture

Niger: Implementing NAPA Priority Interventions to Build Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of the Agriculture Sector to Climate Change in Niger (LDCF) LDCF/GEF amount: : $2. 00 million CC Vulnerabilities: l Decreasing rainfall and increasing temperatures limits productivity of both agriculture and pastoralism reduced food security and land degradation ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Pilot measures implemented at community level – Water harvesting techniques – Introduction of drought resistant varieties of local crops – Facilitation of food banks – Promotion of irrigation from the Niger River l Institutional support for the agricultural sector – Distribution of seasonal forecasts and extension services to farmers ↓ Outcomes: l Increased food security and sustainable agricultural development 1

Samoa: Integrated Climate Change Adaptation in Samoa (LDCF) LDCF/GEF amount: : $2. 00 million

Samoa: Integrated Climate Change Adaptation in Samoa (LDCF) LDCF/GEF amount: : $2. 00 million CC Vulnerabilities: l Sea Level Rise loss of land salt intrusion into freshwater loss of livelihood l Increased storm activity flooding, loss of life, crops and infrastructure l Increasing frequencies of climate related health problems l Increasing intensity of both rainfall and drought loss of crops and agricultural productivity ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Improvement of health sector capacity l Pilot measures on agriculture and food security l Improving and disseminating seasonal forecasts l Improvement of Early Warning System ↓ Outcomes: l Decreased loss of life to tropical disease l Increased food and water security l Decreased loss of life and livelihood from climate disaster events 1

Sudan: Implementing NAPA priority interventions to build resilience in the agriculture and water sectors

Sudan: Implementing NAPA priority interventions to build resilience in the agriculture and water sectors to the adverse impacts of climate change in Sudan LDCF/GEF amount: : $2. 00 million CC Vulnerabilities: l Decreasing annual rainfall, increasing rainfall variability and temperatures agroclimatic zones shift southwards small scale rain fed farmers unable to sustain current production levels ↓ Adaptation Actions: l Pilot measures implemented locally, including: – – l Improved water harvesting, storage, and small scale irrigation techniques Introduction of new heat and drought tolerant plant varieties Planting of wind barriers and trees along irrigation canals Rehabilitation of vegetation cover and rangelands Improved Early Warning System, and capacity building at local and national levels Outcomes: l Increased food security and sustainable agricultural development 1

LDCF – Expected submissions l l l l Burundi Burkina Faso Ethiopia Haiti Liberia

LDCF – Expected submissions l l l l Burundi Burkina Faso Ethiopia Haiti Liberia Rwanda Zambia Will be submitted before the next LDCF/SCCF council meeting 1

LDCF – Operational and Programming Experience: Positive Remarks On NAPA implementation: l 10 projects

LDCF – Operational and Programming Experience: Positive Remarks On NAPA implementation: l 10 projects have been submitted to the GEF l More projects are expected in the next few months l We are overall satisfied by both the level of resources that are currently available and the positive response from the LDCs; l The LDCs and the Agencies have appreciated the special options available for the LDCF (such as MSPs up to $2 million); 1

LDCF – Operational and Programming Experience: Challenges l l l l General issue of

LDCF – Operational and Programming Experience: Challenges l l l l General issue of integrating adaptation measures into development plans, programs and projects Different baselines and in country capacity Prioritization: one or more sectors? Need for much more frequent interactions with GEF Agencies and upstream consultations and direct involvement of GEF Costs of adaptation Comparative advantage Adamant linkage between adaptation and development: expected increased role of regional development banks and other development-related agencies 1

LDCF – Existing Resources and Projected Needs l l l $150 million mobilized insofar

LDCF – Existing Resources and Projected Needs l l l $150 million mobilized insofar Initial targeted resources for NAPA implementation $124 million As $10 million were utilized for NAPA preparation => $140 are available for projects –we have already exceeded the initial target! GEF continues to mobilize funds Pledges continue to come 1

Thank you GEF Adaptation-related papers www. thegef. org GEF projects database: www. gefonline. org

Thank you GEF Adaptation-related papers www. thegef. org GEF projects database: www. gefonline. org 1