Literature Searches Online Google scholar http scholar google

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Literature Searches On-line Google scholar - http: //scholar. google. com/ Citeseer - http: //citeseer.

Literature Searches On-line Google scholar - http: //scholar. google. com/ Citeseer - http: //citeseer. ist. psu. edu/ UI Library - http: //www. lib. uidaho. edu/

Literature Searches Backwards References [1] W. Banzhaf, P. Nordin, R. Keller, and F. Francone.

Literature Searches Backwards References [1] W. Banzhaf, P. Nordin, R. Keller, and F. Francone. Genetic Programming: An Introduction. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1998. [2] K. Chellapilla. Evolving computer programs without subtree crossover. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 1(3): 209{216, 1997. [3] D. Goldberg. Genetic algorithms in search, optimization, and machine learning. Addison-Wesley. Reading, MA, 1989.

Literature Searches Forwards Google Scholar Language-based information-flow security - U Idaho Article Linker -

Literature Searches Forwards Google Scholar Language-based information-flow security - U Idaho Article Linker - group of 26 » A Sabelfeld, AC Myers - Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on, 2003 ieeexplore. ieee. org. . . 5 Language-Based Information-Flow Security Andrei Sabelfeld and Andrew C. Myers. . . Page 3. SABELFELD AND MYERS: LANGUAGE-BASED INFORMATION-FLOW SECURITY 7. . . Cited by 245 - Web Search - BL Direct Citeseer Language-Based Information-Flow Security - Sabelfeld, Myers(2002) (Correct) (68 citations) Communications, To Appear, 2002 1 Language-Based Information-Flow Security Andrei Sabelfeld Andrew C. A Program. Sabelfeld And Myers: Language-Based Information-Flow Security 3 Termination Channels Signal 2 (Sabelfeld And Myers: Language-Based Information-Flow Security 5 [e 1 -2] Exp : High H =2 www. cs. cornell. edu/~andrei/. /jsac. ps

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Review/Survey Papers Good place to start Survey/Review Papers ACM Computing Surveys Journals like to

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Reading Papers Need to read efficiently A survey paper or grant could have 100

Reading Papers Need to read efficiently A survey paper or grant could have 100 -200 references. Read 50+ articles a year Need to know how your papers is going to be read. (? ? ? )

Reading Papers What do you want to learn? Just generally interested in the topic

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Reading Order Title – think about what it means Authors – do you know

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Reading Order Is the topic relevant? (title and abstract) Is it new? (abstract) What

Reading Order Is the topic relevant? (title and abstract) Is it new? (abstract) What did they find? (abstract and conclusions) What does it mean? (abstract and conclusions) Are the results relevant? (conclusions and results (and methods)) Are the results trustworthy? (results and methods) Should I use their techniques? (methods)

Reading Papers Write on the paper Important points Weaknesses Counter-arguments Relevant papers Promising citations

Reading Papers Write on the paper Important points Weaknesses Counter-arguments Relevant papers Promising citations