Literary Genres What is a genre literary genre

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Literary Genres • What is a genre? • literary genre n : a style of expressing yourself in writing [syn: writing style, genre]

Literary Genres • So what does that definition mean? • Dividing literary works into genres is a way of classifying them into particular categories, like fiction or nonfiction.

What genres will we study in this class? - Nonfiction - Fiction - Novels - Short Stories - Drama - Poetry

How will we study them? We will not look at these genres individually, but rather we will study all of them all year long. We may be simultaneously reading a novel and a short story at the same time that are all tied together by the same theme.

Nonfiction • Nonfiction is a historically accurate story or narrative. The information is all factual. • Some examples of Nonfiction: Biography Autobiography Newspapers Essays Speeches

Fiction • A story or narrative that is based on imagination or made up. • Some examples of fiction: Novel Short Stories • Fiction is then broken into further categories. – – Science Fiction Realistic Fiction Fantasy Many other we’ll cover…

Types of Literary Genres • Like mentioned earlier, after being broken up into fiction and nonfiction, literature can then be further broken up into different genres that each have specific characteristics. • In order for us to identify these different genres, we must understand the different characteristics.

Literary Genres • Short Stories • Usually fictional • Short in length COMPARED to a Novel. • Usually one main conflict.

Literary Genres • Drama • A form of storytelling that is composed primarily of dialogue and is viewed by an audience.

Literary Genres • Novel • Most fictional books, written in first or third person. • Tells a longer story with many different conflicts and plot development.

Literary Genres • Poetry • Written in a specific form or rhyme. Evokes feeling, and much of that feeling is left up to the reader. • Consists of figurative language-- we’ll cover this later, so don’t panic!!!!!!