Genres Genres When you speak about genres and


Genres When you speak about genres and literature, genre means a category, or kind of story.

Fiction vs. Nonfiction The two main categories separating the different genres of literature are fiction and nonfiction. Fiction Nonfiction Other • Realistic Fiction • Informational • Poetry • Historical Fiction • Narrative Nonfiction • Drama/Play • Fantasy • Biography • Science Fiction • Autobiography • Traditional Literature • Mystery

We will start with the fiction genres: Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Fantasy Science Fiction Traditional Literature Mystery

Realistic Fiction A story using made up characters and events, but it could really happen Takes place in modern times

Historical Fiction a made-up story that takes place in a particular time in the past the setting may be real, or the characters may be based on real people

Fantasy a story including elements that are impossible, such as magic or talking animals

Science Fiction a type of fantasy that deals with science, technology and the future

Question Time! 1. Which genre is consists of made up stories that take place in the past? a. b. c. d. Science Fiction Historical Fiction Realistic Fiction Fantasy

Traditional Literature cultural stories that are passed down through generations by word of mouth, such as folk tales, fairy tales, legends, fables, tall tales and myths

Mystery a suspenseful story about a puzzling event, such as a crime, and is solved at the end of the story

Question Time! 2. Which genre contains other genres such as tall tales, myths, legends, folk tales, and fairy tales? a. b. c. d. Science Fiction Mystery Traditional Literature Fantasy

Now we will switch gears to nonfiction genres: Informational Narrative Nonfiction Biography Autobiography

Informational texts that provide facts about a variety of topics

Narrative Nonfiction A true story about real people, things, animals, or events

Biography the story of a real person’s life written by another person

Autobiography the story of a real person’s life written by that person

Question Time! 3. Which genre consists of a true story about real people, things, or events? a. b. c. d. Narrative Nonfiction Biography Autobiography Informational

There are two more genres we will discuss: Poetry Drama/Play

Poetry written to create emotion; often has imagery, rhythm and rhyme

Drama/Play written as a script for a theatrical performance where conflicts and emotion are expressed through dialogue

Question Time! 4. Which genre is written to express emotion, and will sometimes have rhyme and rhythm? a. b. c. d. Informational Autobiography Fantasy Poetry

Question Time! 5. Which genre is the story of someone’s life, written by another person? a. b. c. d. Biography Autobiography Informational Narrative Nonfiction

Question Time! 6. Which genre tells a story using made up characters and takes place in present times? a. b. c. d. Biography Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Informational

Question Time! 7. Which genre deals with science, technology, and the future? a. b. c. d. Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Science Fiction Informational

Question Time! 8. Which genre uses suspense to solve puzzling events? a. b. c. d. Realistic Fiction Mystery Poetry Autobiography

Question Time! 9. Which genre is the story of someone’s life, written by that person? a. b. c. d. Biography Informational Narrative Nonfiction Autobiography

Question Time! 10. Which genre uses story elements that could never happen in real life, such as magic and talking animals? a. b. c. d. Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Poetry Fantasy

Question Time! 11. Which genre is meant to be acted out on stage using dialogue? a. b. c. d. Drama Historical Fiction Poetry Informational

Question Time! 12. Which genre contains facts and information about a topic? a. b. c. d. Informational Historical Fiction Autobiography Narrative Nonfiction

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