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JENIS PENGECER / TOKO ECERAN DAN RITEL JASA Klasifikasi Toko Eceran 1. By ownership

JENIS PENGECER / TOKO ECERAN DAN RITEL JASA Klasifikasi Toko Eceran 1. By ownership : • Corporate retail chain • Coorporative chain • Franchise system 2. By size : • Sales • Number of employee

3. By assortment and variety a. General line store : refers to operations that

3. By assortment and variety a. General line store : refers to operations that carry a wide variety of product line with at least some depth of the assortment in each line. Terdiri dari : 1. Department store (toserba) 2. Discount store 3. Category Specialist

b. Limited line store refers to operations that carry only one or few related

b. Limited line store refers to operations that carry only one or few related line of merchandise. Limited line stores sell a single but broad category of merchandise. Terdiri dari : 1. 2. 3. 4. Specialty store Superstore Boutique Factory outlet

c. Food retailing, terdiri dari : 1. 2. 3. 4. Supermarket (pasar swalayan) Hypermarket

c. Food retailing, terdiri dari : 1. 2. 3. 4. Supermarket (pasar swalayan) Hypermarket Convenience store Wharehouse club

4. Non store retailing : a. Electronic tailing (e-tailing) b. Catalog and direct mail

4. Non store retailing : a. Electronic tailing (e-tailing) b. Catalog and direct mail retailing. *Catalog : *Direct mail retailing : c. Direct selling is d. TV home shopping

Services Retailing Services retailer is : 1. 2. Retailers for which the major aspect

Services Retailing Services retailer is : 1. 2. Retailers for which the major aspect of their offering is services versus merchandise. Firms / retailers selling primarily services rather than merchandise (Levy and Weitz, 2004 : 63) Contoh-contoh service retailer : Airline : Merpati, garuda Automobile retail : Cipaganti Bank : BNI, BCA Credit card : Visa, Citibank Education : Unpad, Unpar