Go Figure Figurative Language Grades 6 8 Recognizing

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Go Figure! Figurative Language Grades 6 -8

Go Figure! Figurative Language Grades 6 -8

Recognizing Literal Language “I’ve eaten so much I feel as if I could literally

Recognizing Literal Language “I’ve eaten so much I feel as if I could literally burst!” n In this case, the person is not using the word literally in its true meaning. Literal means "exact" or "not exaggerated. " By pretending that the statement is not exaggerated, the person stresses how much he has eaten. Literal language is language that means exactly what is said. Most of the time, we use literal language.

Recognizing Figurative Language The opposite of literal language is figurative language. Figurative language is

Recognizing Figurative Language The opposite of literal language is figurative language. Figurative language is language that means more than what it says on the surface. n It usually gives us a feeling about its subject. n Poets and song writers use figurative language. n When you read poetry or listen to songs, you must be conscious of the difference. Otherwise, a poem may make no sense at all.

Figurative and Literal Language Literally: words function exactly as defined The car is blue.

Figurative and Literal Language Literally: words function exactly as defined The car is blue. He caught the football. Figuratively: figure out what it means I’ve got your back. You’re a doll. ^Figures of Speech

Types of Figurative Language n Simile n Metaphor n Alliteration n Personification n Onomatopoeia

Types of Figurative Language n Simile n Metaphor n Alliteration n Personification n Onomatopoeia n Hyperbole n Idioms

Imagery n Language that appeals to the senses. • Sight • Hearing • Touch

Imagery n Language that appeals to the senses. • Sight • Hearing • Touch • Taste • Smell PAINTING A PICTURE WITH YOUR WORDS! Used most often within a simile or metaphor: 1. They fought like cats and dogs. 2. The taste of the first defeat was bitter. 3. He could hear the footsteps of doom approaching.

Simile Comparison of two things using “like” or “as. ” Examples The metal twisted

Simile Comparison of two things using “like” or “as. ” Examples The metal twisted like a ribbon. She is as sweet as candy.

Important! Using “like” or “as” doesn’t make a simile. A comparison must be made.

Important! Using “like” or “as” doesn’t make a simile. A comparison must be made. Not a Simile: I like pizza. Simile: The moon is like a pizza.

Metaphor Two things are compared without using “like” or “as. ” Examples All the

Metaphor Two things are compared without using “like” or “as. ” Examples All the world is a stage. Men are dogs. Her heart is stone.

Alliteration n Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words.

Alliteration n Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words. Example: She was wide-eyed and wondering while she waited for Walter to waken.

Personification n A figure of speech which gives the qualities of a person to

Personification n A figure of speech which gives the qualities of a person to an animal, an object, or an idea. Example: “The wind yells while blowing. " The wind cannot yell. Only a living thing can yell.

Personification MORE Examples The sunlight danced. Water on the lake shivers. The streets are

Personification MORE Examples The sunlight danced. Water on the lake shivers. The streets are calling me.

Onomatopoeia n A word that “makes” a sound n SPLAT n PING n SLAM

Onomatopoeia n A word that “makes” a sound n SPLAT n PING n SLAM n POP n POW

Another Onomatopoeia n The use of words that mimic sounds. Example: The firecracker made

Another Onomatopoeia n The use of words that mimic sounds. Example: The firecracker made a loud ka-boom!

Hyperbole Exaggerating to show strong feeling or effect. Examples I will love you forever.

Hyperbole Exaggerating to show strong feeling or effect. Examples I will love you forever. My house is a million miles away. She’d kill me.

Hyperbole n An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect. It is not used to

Hyperbole n An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect. It is not used to mislead the reader, but to emphasize a point. Example: She’s said so on several million occasions.

Idiom n A saying that isn’t meant to be taken literally. n cannot be

Idiom n A saying that isn’t meant to be taken literally. n cannot be matched or directly translated word -for-word in another language. n Doesn’t “mean” what it says Examples: n Don’t be a stick in the mud! n You’re the apple of my eye. n I have an ace up my sleeve.

Quiz On a separate sheet of paper… I will put an example of figurative

Quiz On a separate sheet of paper… I will put an example of figurative language on the board. 2. You will write whether it is an simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole. 3. You can use your notes. 1.

1 He drew a line as straight as an arrow.

1 He drew a line as straight as an arrow.

2 Knowledge is a kingdom and all who learn are kings and queens.

2 Knowledge is a kingdom and all who learn are kings and queens.

3 Can I see you for a second?

3 Can I see you for a second?

4 The sun was beating down on me.

4 The sun was beating down on me.

5 A flag wags like a fishhook there in the sky.

5 A flag wags like a fishhook there in the sky.

6 Ravenous and savage from its long polar journey, the North Wind is searching

6 Ravenous and savage from its long polar journey, the North Wind is searching for food—

7. n The clouds smiled down at me.

7. n The clouds smiled down at me.



9. n She is as sweet as candy

9. n She is as sweet as candy

10. n I could sleep forever!

10. n I could sleep forever!

11. BONUS n The wheat was waving wildly while wind was blowing.

11. BONUS n The wheat was waving wildly while wind was blowing.

12. n The streets called to him.

12. n The streets called to him.

13. BONUS!! n It’s raining cats and dogs out there!

13. BONUS!! n It’s raining cats and dogs out there!

14. n Your face is killing me!

14. n Your face is killing me!

15. n She was as white as a ghost.

15. n She was as white as a ghost.