Energy Assistance Program FFY 21 Annual Training Introduction

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Energy Assistance Program FFY 21 Annual Training Introduction & Overview

Energy Assistance Program FFY 21 Annual Training Introduction & Overview

Introduction & Overview Michael Schmitz 2

Introduction & Overview Michael Schmitz 2

Introduction & Overview Logistics • Breaks halfway through • We will keep you muted

Introduction & Overview Logistics • Breaks halfway through • We will keep you muted • Enter questions in chat Q&A • For those on phone only, we will unmute during Q&A 3

Introduction & Overview Using Web. Ex Training Sandy Shoubash 4

Introduction & Overview Using Web. Ex Training Sandy Shoubash 4

Introduction & Overview Topics • Introductions • Agenda for next three days • FFY

Introduction & Overview Topics • Introductions • Agenda for next three days • FFY 20 in review • FFY 21 approach • Training overview 5

Introduction & Overview State EAP Staff • Amanuel Asghedom • Sandra Seemann • Shamiere

Introduction & Overview State EAP Staff • Amanuel Asghedom • Sandra Seemann • Shamiere Bridgeford • Sandy Shoubash • Jon Brown • Tracy Smetana • Felicia Cullen • Ian Villa-Watt • Natasha Fedorova • Nicole Westling • Michael Schmitz 6

Introduction & Overview Introductions • Enter your full name and organization when you enter

Introduction & Overview Introductions • Enter your full name and organization when you enter the training • See who is attending in the participant list • Seasoned Coordinators and staff, please offer your time and knowledge 7

Introduction & Overview Day 1 Agenda • Introduction & Overview • Application Processing •

Introduction & Overview Day 1 Agenda • Introduction & Overview • Application Processing • ERR • Debrief • Adjourn 8

Introduction & Overview Day 2 Agenda • Welcome Back & Reconnect • Admin updates,

Introduction & Overview Day 2 Agenda • Welcome Back & Reconnect • Admin updates, including supplement + Safe at Home (SAH) • SSN • Debrief • Adjourn 9

Introduction & Overview Day 3 Agenda • Welcome Back & Reconnect • EAP Oversight

Introduction & Overview Day 3 Agenda • Welcome Back & Reconnect • EAP Oversight • Application & Mailing • SP Update Webinar • Debrief • Adjourn 10

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 in Review • Thank you • Very challenging year

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 in Review • Thank you • Very challenging year – pandemic and massive social unrest • • Closed offices Teleworking Additional outreach Many mid-year policy changes Shifted schedule e. HEAT Next Gen testing, training, and adjustments Damaged buildings and anxious populace 11

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 in Review 180 000 $ 180 000 160 000

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 in Review 180 000 $ 180 000 160 000 $ 160 000 140 000 $ 140 000 120 000 $ 120 000 100 000 $ 100 000 80 000 $ 80 000 60 000 $ 60 000 40 000 $ 40 000 20 000 $ 20 000 0 Federal Funding HHDs Served FEDERAL FUNDING & HHS SERVED $2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Federal Funding 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total HHDs Served (rounded) 12

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 in Review - Estimated • Total number of HHs

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 in Review - Estimated • Total number of HHs served: 115, 000 • Total number of Crisis served: 46, 000 • Total number of ERR events: • 4, 100 repairs • 1, 150 replacements • Average repair: $405 • Average replacement: $4, 190 • Total funding: $127 M 13

Introduction & Overview as of June 8, 2020 14

Introduction & Overview as of June 8, 2020 14

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 Approach • Average Primary Heat benefit of $500 •

Introduction & Overview FFY 20 Approach • Average Primary Heat benefit of $500 • Minimum PHB $200 • Maximum PHB $1, 400 • Crisis benefit of $600 (increased to $1, 200) • 10% EAPWX Transfer • Start up funds • ERR at least $1 M • Admin • A 16 15

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Approach • Full approach is unconfirmed • Likely: •

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Approach • Full approach is unconfirmed • Likely: • 10% EAPWX Transfer • Start up funds • ERR at least $1 M • Admin • A 16 16

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Policy Development • Many sources for FFY 21 policy

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Policy Development • Many sources for FFY 21 policy improvements • Program audits • Issues identified by SPs and Commerce in FFY 20 • Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) • EACA • e. HEAT Next Gen 17

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Policy Development • JAD participants were essential to develop

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Policy Development • JAD participants were essential to develop FFY 21 policies and procedures – thank you! Sandra Cobenais Jean Pelletier Feleshia Edwards Catherine Fair Michael Spilman Emily Luksik Judy Steinke Janice Renner Nora Guerra Lynette Engelhardt Stott Pat Elizondo Andrea Goeden Red Lake AEOA CAP-HC CAPRW Lakes & Pines KOOTASCA LSS Mahube-Otwa Prairie Five Three Rivers United West Central 18

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Policy Development • JAD participants were essential to develop

Introduction & Overview FFY 21 Policy Development • JAD participants were essential to develop FFY 21 policies and procedures – thank you! 19

Introduction & Overview Annual Training Intentions • Prepare for FFY 21 • Enable train-the-trainer

Introduction & Overview Annual Training Intentions • Prepare for FFY 21 • Enable train-the-trainer • By training on • Program and policy changes • Areas of concern • Excludes EAP 101, policy making 20

Introduction & Overview Annual Training Approach • Power. Point presentations by topic • Q&A

Introduction & Overview Annual Training Approach • Power. Point presentations by topic • Q&A between topics – ask questions in chat • Issue a TAD (turn-around-document) • PPTs by topic available on Commerce website • Recordings will be made available – details will be forthcoming • List of policy changes at beginning of Policy Manual 21

Q&A 22

Q&A 22