Chapter 13 Retailing The Role of Retailing u

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Chapter 13 Retailing

Chapter 13 Retailing

The Role of Retailing u. Retailing is one of the largest employers u. Retailers

The Role of Retailing u. Retailing is one of the largest employers u. Retailers ring up almost a third of the U. S. GDP u. Industry is dominated by a few giant organizations, such as Wal-Mart

Classification Summary Type of Retailer Service Level Assortment Price Gross Margin Department Store Mod

Classification Summary Type of Retailer Service Level Assortment Price Gross Margin Department Store Mod Hi-High Broad Mod-High Mod High Specialty Store High Narrow Mod-High Supermarket Low Broad Moderate Low Convenience Store Low Med-Narrow Mod High Drugstore Low-Mod Medium Moderate Low Full-line Discounter Mod-Low Med-Broad Mod Low Specialty Discounter Mod-Low Med-Broad Mod Lo-low Mod Low Warehouse Clubs Low Broad Low-lower Off-price Retailer Low Med-Narrow Low Restaurant Low-High Med-Narrow Low-High Low

Major Types of Retail Operations Department Stores Specialty Stores Supermarkets Drugstores Convenience Stores Discount

Major Types of Retail Operations Department Stores Specialty Stores Supermarkets Drugstores Convenience Stores Discount Stores Restaurants

Scrambled Merchandising The tendency to offer a wide variety of nontraditional goods and services

Scrambled Merchandising The tendency to offer a wide variety of nontraditional goods and services under one roof.

Nonstore Retailing Automatic Vending Direct Retailing Major Forms of Nonstore Retailing Direct Marketing Electronic

Nonstore Retailing Automatic Vending Direct Retailing Major Forms of Nonstore Retailing Direct Marketing Electronic Retailing

Direct Marketing Direct Mail Types of Direct Marketing Catalogs & Mail Order Telemarketing Electronic

Direct Marketing Direct Mail Types of Direct Marketing Catalogs & Mail Order Telemarketing Electronic Retailing

Electronic Retailing Types of Electronic Retailing Shop-at-Home Networks On-Line Retailing

Electronic Retailing Types of Electronic Retailing Shop-at-Home Networks On-Line Retailing

Choosing the Retailing Mix Choose the Retailing Mix Product Place Price Personnel Promotion Presentation

Choosing the Retailing Mix Choose the Retailing Mix Product Place Price Personnel Promotion Presentation

The Retailing Mix Product Personnel Promotion Target Market Presentation Place Price

The Retailing Mix Product Personnel Promotion Target Market Presentation Place Price

Presentation of the Retail Store Employee Type & Density Merchandise Type & Density Fixture

Presentation of the Retail Store Employee Type & Density Merchandise Type & Density Fixture Type & Density Factors in Creation of a Store’s Atmosphere Sound Odors Visual Factors

Trends in Retailing Entertainment Trends in Retailing Convenience and Efficiency Customer Management

Trends in Retailing Entertainment Trends in Retailing Convenience and Efficiency Customer Management