Catholic Reformation Counter Reformation Catholic Reformation Millions remained

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Catholic Reformation Counter Reformation

Catholic Reformation Counter Reformation

Catholic Reformation • Millions remained in the Catholic Church • Movement started to reform

Catholic Reformation • Millions remained in the Catholic Church • Movement started to reform the Church

Ignatius of Loyola • Founder of the Society of Jesus – Jesuits • Wrote

Ignatius of Loyola • Founder of the Society of Jesus – Jesuits • Wrote a book called Spiritual Exercises – Plan for daily prayer, meditation and study

Jesuits • Members of the Society of Jesus 1. Founded schools (Boston College) 2.

Jesuits • Members of the Society of Jesus 1. Founded schools (Boston College) 2. Convert non-Christians to Catholicism 3. Stop the spread of Protestantism

Paul III • Pope took four important steps in reforming the Church 1. Council

Paul III • Pope took four important steps in reforming the Church 1. Council of Cardinals investigated abuses of the Church 2. Approved the Jesuits 3. Used Inquisition to seek out heresy 4. Called for Council of Trent

Paul IV • Carried out Council of Trent’s decrees • Index of Forbidden Books-

Paul IV • Carried out Council of Trent’s decrees • Index of Forbidden Books- gathered books and burned them

Council of Trent • Meeting held by the Church to agree on several reforms.

Council of Trent • Meeting held by the Church to agree on several reforms. Bishops and Cardinals were in attendance 1. Church’s interpretation of the Bible was final. Any Christian who substituted their own interpretation was a heretic 2. Christians need faith and good works to reach salvation

Council of Trent Decrees 3. Bible and Church tradition were equally powerful authorities 4.

Council of Trent Decrees 3. Bible and Church tradition were equally powerful authorities 4. Indulgences were valid expressions of faith. But the false selling of indulgences was banned