Ancient Art Prehistoric Art Mesopotamian Art Egyptian Art

- Slides: 47

Ancient Art Prehistoric Art Mesopotamian Art Egyptian Art Aegean Art Greek Art Roman Art 24, 000 -12, 000 B. C. 6, 000 -323 B. C. 3, 000 -332 B. C. 2200 -1200 B. C. 650 -146 B. C. – A. D. 323

Prehistoric Art 24, 000 -12, 000 B. C. • 3 major forms of art: Painting, Sculpture and Architecture • Artwork based on cultural values • Common misconception is that art during this time period is a progression from simple to complex. BUT instead it is a variety of pieces highlighting imagination and creativity. • There are no pieces of artwork with identified artist.

Venus of Willendorf (small stone female figure sculpture) Fertility God

Cave Painting at Lascoux, France (hunting/animal images on cave walls and ceiling)

Stonehenge England (Rock sculpture of astronomical calendar)

Mesopotamian Art 6, 000 -323 B. C. • Mesopotamia means the land between two rivers: – the Tigris and Euphrates

Included many historical periods • • Sumerians Assyrians Babylonians Amorites Chaldeans Persians Greeks

Inventions • • Irrigation systems/canals for farming Potter’s wheel Development of the city state Earliest form of writing Cuneiform – Ideograms • Invent math • Build schools, businesses, temples, etc.

Famous Bible stories • Garden of Eden • Tower of Babel • Journey of Abraham

Significant Artists: • None are specifically named but works are attributed to the political leader of the time. • For example: King Nebuchadnezzar

Tower of Babel

Hanging Gardens


Introduction of Bas Relief Sculpture

7 Wonders of the Ancient World • Hanging Gardens Video on you tube Documentary OR Student presentation By Spartansenator 7 Time 9: 05 OF By bobandkimbercook 3: 16

Aegean Art 2200 B. C – 1200 B. C

Mycenaean Minoan Cycladic

Art Based on –Marine Life » Sea Creatures » Fishing » Boating –Type of Work Included: » Sculptures/Idols » Functional Pottery

Main Contributions: Burial Masks • Simpler masks but similar to Egyptian and are made of bronze

Main Contributions: Fresco Paintings • Frescoes – Painting in wet plaster

Main Contributions: Functional Pottery • Used for everyday purposes • IE: carrying water or oil

Main Contributions: Sculptures/Idols

Mycenaean Art was much like Greek art. Focus on Architecture. The Mycenaean's mysteriously disappeared after 1200 B. C ? ? ? Atlantis? ? ?

Egyptian Art 3, 000 -332 B. C. Background: • Motivated by the idea of the afterlife • King called Pharoah vs. Peasants and Slaves

Egyptian Art 3, 000 -332 B. C. Background: • Motivated by the idea of the afterlife • King called Pharoah vs. Peasants and Slaves

Inventors Clocks 365 day calendar Wheels Sails Bricks Tools Bronze Trained animals…. horses chariots Papyrus Hieroglyphics Mummfication

Three Kingdoms • Middle Kingdom • Old Kingdom • New Kingdom

Artwork Included • Paintings • Architecture: – sphinx, pyramids • Jewelry • Pottery • Burial Masks

Pyramids Art inside Preservation for pharaohs' souls First pyramid built was for king Zoser- was a step pyramid= 2600 BC

The Great Sphinx of Giza

• Video: Ancient Egypt by National Geographic 3: 09

Greek Art 650 -146 B. C. Basic Info: – Known as the Golden Age – Creator of the Black Figure Vases – Idealized human proportions in sculpture and painting – Artwork often reflects mythology TAG LINE: ______

Greek THE DISK THROWER Black Figure Vase Parthenon

Type of Columns • Ionic Corinthian Doric

GREEK ART: Tagline options

Roman Art 146 B. C. – A. D. 323 • Tag Line:

Roman Art 146 B. C. – A. D. 323 Basic Info: – Tag Line could read: Bigger and Better – Recreated or Advanced much of the Greek inventions, and style of art (Thieves) – Creators of Cement and therefore many architectural advances • INCLUDING: dome, rounded arch, rotunda, and aquaducts.

Height of the Roman Empire Ranged from England to Egypt and from Spain to Southern Russia.

Pantheon • Temple to all Roman Gods • Example of the Use of Greek ideas…columns • Original idea show: rotunda, and dome

Roman Collosseum • Significant: • … you tube… History of the Roman Collosseum

Laocoon and His sons • Example of sculpture. • Natural forms…. very realistic • Sculpture shows a specific story about the Trojan War. • NOTE: all statues were created with arms…when you see missing pieces it’s likely because of war.
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