Acceleration Acceleration The rate at which velocity changes

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Acceleration �The rate at which velocity changes �*** velocity is a combination of speed

Acceleration �The rate at which velocity changes �*** velocity is a combination of speed and direction. �Acceleration can be change in speed, change in direction, or changes in both. �Acceleration is a vector �***vector is a number that has magnitude and direction

Change in Speed �This change may be due to either an increase or a

Change in Speed �This change may be due to either an increase or a decrease in speed �Positive: increasing change in speed �Negative: decreasing change in speed

Free Fall �Movement of an object toward Earth solely because of gravity �Due to

Free Fall �Movement of an object toward Earth solely because of gravity �Due to change in speed �Rate of change in speed is 9. 8 meters per second (9. 8 m/s 2)

Changes in Direction �Acceleration may be due to its direction constantly changing even though

Changes in Direction �Acceleration may be due to its direction constantly changing even though it is traveling at constant speed �Ex: horse on a carousel �A horse on the carousel is traveling at a constant speed, but it is accelerating because its direction is constantly changing.

Changes in Speed and Direction �Sometimes motion is changing in both speed and direction

Changes in Speed and Direction �Sometimes motion is changing in both speed and direction at the same time �Ex. Roller Coaster

Constant Acceleration �A steady change in velocity �An airplane’s acceleration may be constant during

Constant Acceleration �A steady change in velocity �An airplane’s acceleration may be constant during a portion of its takeoff.

Calculating Acceleration �Rate �Vi at which velocity changes is the initial velocity, vf is

Calculating Acceleration �Rate �Vi at which velocity changes is the initial velocity, vf is the final velocity, and t is total time. �If the velocity increases, the acceleration is positive. �If the velocity decreases, the acceleration is negative.

Calculating Acceleration 1. A ball rolls down a ramp, starting from rest. After 2

Calculating Acceleration 1. A ball rolls down a ramp, starting from rest. After 2 seconds, its velocity is 6 meters per second. What is the acceleration of the ball?

Calculating Acceleration 2. A car traveling at 10 m/s starts to decelerate steadily. It

Calculating Acceleration 2. A car traveling at 10 m/s starts to decelerate steadily. It comes to a complete stop in 20 seconds. What is its acceleration?

Calculating Acceleration 3. An airplane travels down a runway for 4. 0 seconds with

Calculating Acceleration 3. An airplane travels down a runway for 4. 0 seconds with an acceleration of 9. 0 m/s 2. What is its change in velocity during this time?

Calculating Acceleration 4. A child drops a ball from a bridge. The ball strikes

Calculating Acceleration 4. A child drops a ball from a bridge. The ball strikes the water under the bridge 2. 0 seconds later. What is the velocity of the ball when it strikes the water?

Acceleration Graphs �Acceleration is the slope of a speed-time graph �The slope is change

Acceleration Graphs �Acceleration is the slope of a speed-time graph �The slope is change in speed divided by time

Speed VS Time �The skier’s acceleration is positive. The acceleration is 4 m/s 2.

Speed VS Time �The skier’s acceleration is positive. The acceleration is 4 m/s 2.

Speed VS Time �The biker moves at a constant speed and then slows to

Speed VS Time �The biker moves at a constant speed and then slows to a stop.

Distance VS Time Accelerated motion is represented by a curved line on a distance-time

Distance VS Time Accelerated motion is represented by a curved line on a distance-time graph. In a nonlinear graph, a curve connects the data points that are plotted.

Instantaneous Acceleration �Instantaneous acceleration is how fast a velocity is changing at a specific

Instantaneous Acceleration �Instantaneous acceleration is how fast a velocity is changing at a specific instant.