Were all whistleblowers workshop Steve Turner stevecarerightnow co
We’re all whistleblowers workshop Steve Turner steve@carerightnow. co. uk www. carerightnow. co. uk 1
Introduction and Learning Objectives Housekeeping – whistle stop timing! • Introductions • Plan for the session Definition/ workshop/ scenario/ summary / resources • Gathering information - Using the post its and wall charts – feedback • Confidentiality & safe environment • For resource page link info@carerightnow. co. uk 2
Your expectations • Mind map 3
Definition of whistleblowing ‘A stain on the reputation of the NHS’ Other perspectives …open discussion 4
Some healthcare Whistleblowers A common theme? A common theme: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=e 2 w. Wiq_XFco 5
‘Walk a mile in my shoes’ Imagine you are a whistleblower: • Why have you blown the whistle? • What do you want to happen as a result? • Who do you need to help you? Who will you speak to? Imagine you are someone the whistleblower has complained about: • Why do you think they have blown the whistle? • What will you do? • Who do you need to help you? Who will you speak to? 6
Scenario 7
Learning 1. 2. 3. 4. What I’ve learned Positive steps Challenges / concerns …Pledge 8
Links Duty of Care Handbook Tackling Psychopathy (opinion piece) Blog from Roger Kline Bullying in healthcare: the sound of silence still prevails Culture and Leadership in the NHS (Kings Fund) DH Information on whistleblowing Must read books: Margaret Heffernan – Wilful Blindness Turn Up The volume! www. tutv. org. uk @Turn. Up. Conf #turnupbristol 9
Essential reading: The session referred to several long documents which will be useful if you are doing specific work on this. Here are some key summaries. Things which I believe everyone needs to know about whistleblowing and freedom to speak up: • Dr Umesh Prabhu ‘Happy Staff = Happy Patients’ article here: http: //www. worldhealthinnovationsummit. com/ • A whistleblower who stayed Dr Kim Holt , Kings’s Fund talk: http: //www. kingsfund. org. uk/audio-video/kim-holt-what-are-biggest-barriersachieving-culture-change-within-health-service • • Vindicated whistleblowers e. g. Dr Raj Mattu. (Guardian article) : http: //www. theguardian. com/society/2015/feb/11/nhs-whistleblowers-the-staffwho-raised-the-alarm • NHS Employers information pages: http: //www. nhsemployers. org/yourworkforce/retain-and-improve/raising-concerns-at-work-and-whistleblowing • ‘Courageous conversations ‘ 2 minute video from Wendy Addison : https: //vimeo. com/161642124
Some background ‘We're all whistleblowers now’ • In context https: //vimeo. com/155216438 • Bullying and undermining behaviours https: //youtu. be/e 2 w. Wiq_XFco 11
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