To be a vegetarian or not to be

To be a vegetarian or not to be?

Why do they choose to be a vegetarian? • • • it is wrong to keep and kill animals, a vegetarian diet is healthier , It’s wise to cut down on fats, salt, and sugar, because of their religious beliefs, for ecological reasons.

Sproutarianism - sprouted seeds, such as bean sprouts, wheat sprouts or broccoli sprouts…

Fruitarianism - fruits and berries, juice, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, tomatoes and eggplants…

Raw Foodism - anything cooked at 48°C, the point at which enzymes begin to be destroyed.

Veganism - no meat, dairy, or other animal products – not even honey.

Ovo-vegetarianism - vegetables plus eggs

Lacto-vegetarianism - vegetables and dairy products (butter, cheese, whipped cream, milk shakes, and icecream)

Ovo-lacto-vegetarianism – vegetables, eggs, and dairy. The idea is to avoid killing.

• • • The reasons to eat meat It tastes good. It makes you feel good. It’s a great European tradition. It supports farmers. Your parents did it.

South Dakota cattleman Jody Brown’s website www. rancers. net • “Vegetarians don’t live longer, they just look older” • “If animals weren’t to be eaten, then why are they made out of meat? ” • “Dinner is something the parents put on the table and the kids put in their bodies.

Unacceptable food • • additives and hormones, beef is a four-letter word, “it’s cool to be a vegetarian” “Give up meat, and save lives!”

To be a vegetarian is to be more humane

Watch out for anorexia! • calcium and iron deficiencies, • iron and calcium from animal products are more easily absorbed, • negative impact on skeleton health.

Business sense of vegetarianism

Energy, strength, muscle mass

Thanks for listening.
- Slides: 17