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TAKE A MOMENT… • Think back on the classes you’ve been taking and your

TAKE A MOMENT… • Think back on the classes you’ve been taking and your first year as a whole: • Were you in lots of large lecture classes? • Did you have various lab courses? • Did you spend lots of time in your design studios? • Did you have lots of homework to complete each day/week? • Were you involved in different campus organizations? • Did you enjoy spending time at the campus rec center? • Did you work alongside being in classes?

TAKE A MOMENT… • Think now about how different your personal schedule looks and

TAKE A MOMENT… • Think now about how different your personal schedule looks and how you plan to spend your time: • You are in your hometown and can fall back into your old routine • You no longer must be available to go to class, be at an organizational meeting, etc because everything is now online • You can finally read that book, watch that show, finish that project you’ve been planning on for months now • You may not be able to work or you’re now working from home

You may be wondering how time management plays into this new way of living

You may be wondering how time management plays into this new way of living and learning moving forward… Well, it is still super important! Now that you do not have any in person university-related obligations, you may feel like your semester is over, but there is still work that needs your time and attention.

HOW DO YOU DEFINE “TIME MANAGEMENT”? • “… Time management allows you to accomplish

HOW DO YOU DEFINE “TIME MANAGEMENT”? • “… Time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success. ” • “[Time Management] involves a juggling act of various demands upon a person relating to work, social life, family, hobbies, personal interests and commitments with the finiteness of time. ” It is essential that you have a time management plan for finishing out the semester successfully!

TIPS FOR MANAGING TIME WITH ONLINE CLASSES 1. Use a planner, list/priority system, weekly

TIPS FOR MANAGING TIME WITH ONLINE CLASSES 1. Use a planner, list/priority system, weekly Post-It notes/computer Stickies to keep track of your weekly work o With online courses, it is easy to miss/forget about an assignment because you’re not in class each week being reminded by your professor. By writing things down, you’re much less likely to miss one. 2. Plan your days and stick to it o Because your days are most likely very open now, you may feel compelled to do all your work at once or wait until the last minute. It is a good idea to plan how you’ll spend your days because not only will you have designated academic time, you’re also more likely to practice self care. 3. Stay up-to-date with your email and Blackboard/Canvas • Your professors will be sending you updates frequently through these platforms regarding your class and coursework, so it is crucial you don’t miss a beat!

TIPS CONTINUED 4. Find what works for you o As the semester rolls on,

TIPS CONTINUED 4. Find what works for you o As the semester rolls on, you’ll eventually find what routine works best for you and your classes. This may take some trial and error when you include your personal life and other activities but be diligent in finding how best to integrate your coursework into your schedule. 5. Don’t procrastinate! o It is much easier to binge Netflix all day than it is to sit down and do schoolwork, but online class work can sneak up on you if you don’t plan accordingly. 6. Ask for help if/when you need it o While in-person resources may not be available, virtual ones are! Your professors want to see you be successful and will assist you as best as they can. Services through the Learning Commons, such as Academic Coaching and Peer Tutoring, will be available virtually as well to assist you through this transition. Visit the Learning Commons website for more information.

TIPS CONTINUED 7. It’s important to remember to take care of yourself • In

TIPS CONTINUED 7. It’s important to remember to take care of yourself • In a strange and unpredictable time like this, be sure to still put your mental health first. While social distancing helps the spread of viruses, it can take a toll on us mentally. Take time to do things you enjoy, spend time outside, call your friends- anything that keeps your spirits up and keeps you and others safe and healthy!


HERE IS A MOCK SCHEDULE FOR YOU TO CONSIDER AS YOU’RE CREATING YOUR OWN: 8: 30 AM – Breakfast 9: 00 – 10: 00 AM – Active time (take a walk, do yoga, in-home workout, etc. ) 10: 00 AM – 12: 00 PM – Academic Coursework (pick two or three subjects to focus on during this block) 12: 00 PM – Lunch 12: 30 – 1: 30 PM – Hobby time (read a book, play piano, paint, etc. ) 1: 30 – 3: 30 PM – Academic Coursework (pick your other one or two subjects to focus on during this block) 3: 30 – 5: 00 PM – Active time (take another walk, play with your pets, sit outside, etc. ) 5 PM – Dinner 6: 00 – 8: 00 PM – Free time/watch TV/spend time with family

WHAT DOES YOUR SCHEDULE LOOK LIKE? Take a moment to think of your schedule

WHAT DOES YOUR SCHEDULE LOOK LIKE? Take a moment to think of your schedule is going to look like these next couple of weeks. How do you plan to effectively manage your time and make the most of your flexible schedule? Answer this question within the Discussion Board on your Blackboard page associated with this lesson! Remember: Your participation in the Discussion Board counts as your attendance for this week!