SAP and the US Navy Presentation to APICS

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SAP and the US Navy Presentation to APICS – Hampton Roads Professional Development Meeting

SAP and the US Navy Presentation to APICS – Hampton Roads Professional Development Meeting Presented by Dennis E. Groat, CPIM 19 May 2005

SAP and the US Navy Team Core Competencies ü Deployment & implementation ü Training

SAP and the US Navy Team Core Competencies ü Deployment & implementation ü Training ü Business process reengineering ü Metrics ü Over-the-shoulder support ü Project management ü SAP configuration & test ü Data center operations ü Network operations ü Information assurance ü Disaster recovery ü Software management ü Hardware management

SAP and the US Navy FM Sales & Distribution Environmental, Health & Safety IM

SAP and the US Navy FM Sales & Distribution Environmental, Health & Safety IM SD EH&S Supply & Materials Management QM Plant Maintenance (MRO) Human Resources Time & Attendance PM HR CO BASIS Information Portal PAY CATS Financial Accounting FI FI MM PP Quality Management Funds Management Controlling AM PS WF IS-PS Asset Management Project Systems Workflow Industry Solution Public Sector

SAP and the US Navy § Financial Management ü ü § Program /Proj Mgt

SAP and the US Navy § Financial Management ü ü § Program /Proj Mgt Planning, Prog & Budgeting Human Resources Management ü ü I-Level Maintenance ü ü ü Financial/Budgeting Managerial Acctg Program Management ü ü § § Workforce Planning & Admin Training & Development Time & Attendance Organization Mgt § Notification Generation Maintenance Planning (Shop) Maintenance Control Work Planning & Prep Material Rqmts Planning (MRP) Maintenance Execution Inspection & QA Maintenance Completion Configuration Mgt Scheduling Content Management Work Load Forecasting Plant Supply ü ü ü Requisition Processing Inventory Management Material Rqmts Planning (MRP) HAZMAT Management Non-Std Procurement Asset Management (Plant Property)

SAP and the US Navy Flt. Comptroller Provide Repair Activity $ RBO Create a

SAP and the US Navy Flt. Comptroller Provide Repair Activity $ RBO Create a Project RBO/ Comptroller FM PS Broker Work 301 Ships in SAP 591 Active (Budgeted) Projects PS 113, 138 Jobs Inducted Fund & Release Project RMC: Planner/Engineer Project Manager Scheduler FM/PS Job Planning • Procedures • Materials • Schedule Supply PS/PM 24, 208 Jobs Brokered & Working Supply/Procurement Shop Supervisor/ Project Manager Work Execution Supervisor Timekeeper AMDCO/Project Manager 56 MM Projects Closed PM 88, 930 Jobs Completed Time-Keeping Close-Out Project • Technical Close • Business Close HR PS/PM/FM/HR

SAP and the US Navy • Deployed at : – RMC Mid-Atlantic - June

SAP and the US Navy • Deployed at : – RMC Mid-Atlantic - June 3, 2002 – RMC Southwest - August 25, 2003 – RMC Southeast - November 5, 2003 – RMC Southeast Det Pascagoula – December 13, 2004 • Preparing to deploy at: – 2 locations in Japan (横須賀 and 佐世保) – Go-live date is May 27

SAP and the US Navy • Managed Atlantic Fleet intermediate ship maintenance during Operation

SAP and the US Navy • Managed Atlantic Fleet intermediate ship maintenance during Operation Iraq Freedom with NEMAIS and met all commitments • Reengineered & standardized maintenance management processes • NEMAIS provides more and better data for managers than legacy…predictive metrics • End of year financial close out in 13 hours compared to several days previously • Consolidation of many commands into the RMC was enabled by NEMAIS…ERP is a significant effectiveness multiplier

SAP and the US Navy Questions?

SAP and the US Navy Questions?