Readying CERN for connected device era Speaker Rodrigo

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Readying CERN for connected device era Speaker: Rodrigo Sierra Hubert Odziemczyk CHEP 2019 1

Readying CERN for connected device era Speaker: Rodrigo Sierra Hubert Odziemczyk CHEP 2019 1

Devices “Everything that can be connected will be connected” CHEP 2019 2

Devices “Everything that can be connected will be connected” CHEP 2019 2

Io. T networking • • • Range Data rate Traffic pattern Power Mobility Number

Io. T networking • • • Range Data rate Traffic pattern Power Mobility Number of devices Price Security Coverage Spectrum CHEP 2019 3

Bandwidth Power consumption Io. T networking… WLAN Cellular 802. 11 xx 2 G, 3

Bandwidth Power consumption Io. T networking… WLAN Cellular 802. 11 xx 2 G, 3 G, 4 G PAN NFC, Zig. Bee, BLE LPWAN Lo. Ra, Sigfox, NBIo. T Range CHEP 2019 4

LPWAN Long range Easy and cheap deployment Low data rate LPWAN Long battery life

LPWAN Long range Easy and cheap deployment Low data rate LPWAN Long battery life Low device cost Massive number of devices CHEP 2019 5

Lo. Ra. WAN • • Lo. Ra Alliance (Semtech, Orange, IBM, Cisco… up to

Lo. Ra. WAN • • Lo. Ra Alliance (Semtech, Orange, IBM, Cisco… up to 500) Mature: several national-wide and private networks deployed Unlicensed spectrum: independent of national operators (and borders) High sensitivity (-137 d. Bm): indoor coverage Datarate between 0. 3 and 50 kbps Symmetric encryption and authentication using AES Downlink capabilities (although primarily uplink) Lo. Ra Physical layer • Enables long-range link • Proprietary modulation technology from Semtech Lo. Ra. WAN Medium Access Control • Open standard developed by the Lo. Ra Alliance CHEP 2019 6

Lo. Ra. WAN architecture Radio Engineering End-devices Io. T service development User application Gateways

Lo. Ra. WAN architecture Radio Engineering End-devices Io. T service development User application Gateways • • Packet forwarding CRC control Application Server #1 T Network Server Application Server #2 Application Server #3 • • T Lo. Ra Provisioning Security (encryption, identity, key mgmt) Duplicate control Application differentiation Lo. Ra. WAN CHEP 2019 7

CERN Lo. Ra. WAN architecture CHEP 2019 8

CERN Lo. Ra. WAN architecture CHEP 2019 8

CERN Lo. Ra. WAN architecture • Central IT services: • • • Service orchestration

CERN Lo. Ra. WAN architecture • Central IT services: • • • Service orchestration Monitoring & operation Device provisioning Network configuration Central IT data services for the end user: • • • Kafka connection AAA managed by the data services User decides processing, storage and access CHEP 2019 9

Tunnels • • • Coverage Radiation tolerance Specific services CHEP 2019 10

Tunnels • • • Coverage Radiation tolerance Specific services CHEP 2019 10

What’s coming? • • New requirements and use cases New technologies and standards Wireless

What’s coming? • • New requirements and use cases New technologies and standards Wireless is cool Challenges will remain: • • • Interoperability Security Privacy Scalability Coverage Qo. S Io. T as a Service … Control BYOD 2. 0 CHEP 2019 11