Not Just in it for the Money A

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Not Just in it for the Money: A Qualitative Investigation of Workers’ Perceived Benefits

Not Just in it for the Money: A Qualitative Investigation of Workers’ Perceived Benefits of Micro-task Crowdsourcing 2015 48 th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Ling Jiang City University of Hong Kong lingjiang 2 -c@my. cityu. edu. hk Christian Wagner City University of Hong Kong c. wagner@cityu. edu. hk Bonnie Nardi University of California, Irvine nardi@ics. uci. edu 한성대 지식서비스&컨설팅학과 김기호

Introduction ■ 온라인 노동 시장의 출현 사람들이 점점더 온라인상에서 시간을 많이 소비함에 따라 온라인

Introduction ■ 온라인 노동 시장의 출현 사람들이 점점더 온라인상에서 시간을 많이 소비함에 따라 온라인 작업을 통해 수입을 올리는 것에 관심을 가지게 됨 (Corney, J. R. , Torres-Sanchez, C. , Jagadeesan, P. , Lynn, A. , and Regli, W. , "Outsourcing Labour to the Cloud", International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 4(4), 2009, pp. 294 - 313. ) ■ Crowdsourcing의 정의 “The act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call” (Howe, J. , "Crowdsourcing: A Definition", http: //crowdsourcing. typepad. com/cs/2006/06/ crowdsourcing_a. html, accessed June 11, 2013. ) (Howe, J. , "The Rise of Crowdsourcing", http: //www. wired. com/wired/archive/14. 06/ crowds. html, accessed June 11, 2013. ) ■ Crowdsourcing platform의 2가지 유형 Crowdsourcing platforms : 상당한 수준의 금전적 보상을 통한 혁신적이고 도전적인 프로젝트를 수행하는 형태 (Threadless, i. Stockphoto, Inno. Centive 등, Inno. Centive는 Thin Polymeric Films의 두께 측정방법에 대해 $15, 000을 책정) Micro-task crowdsourcing platforms : 규모가 작고 신속하게 처리할 수 있는 태스크들을 낮은 단가에 거래하는 형태 (Mechanical Turk, Microworkers 등, Mechanical Turk은 쇼핑 영수증에서 구매내역을 추출하는데 $0. 08를 책정)

Demographic statistics of sample

Demographic statistics of sample

Results of thematic analysis

Results of thematic analysis

Finding ■ A portfolio of benefits emerges with compensation as a pervasive benefit 응답자의

Finding ■ A portfolio of benefits emerges with compensation as a pervasive benefit 응답자의 86%는 Mechanical Turk 활동을 하면서 얻는 이익을 금전적 보상으로 대답 앞선 연구에서 규명한것 처럼 Micro task crowdsourcing에서 우선 되는 동기는 금전적 보상임을 확인 금전적 보상이라 답한 430명 중 312명(73%)는 최소 다른 카테고리의 보상을 함께 언급. “I gain knowledge and cash at the same time. It's a win-win. ” “First of all, [I am] earning the additional income for running the family. / Second, [I am able] to use the free time in a productive way. / Third, [I can] keep myself competitive in the current world. ” Mechanical Truk의 Task는 매우 단순하여 일반적으로 작업자들은 HIT를 거의 지식을 획득하지 못하지만, 거의 절반에 가까운 응답자는 HIT 수행을 통해 지식을 얻거나 기술을 향상시킨다고 응답. “I have found that many tasks here are by no means menial, but rather productive and helpful. I feel like I am on the cutting edge of new technology. We workers are often times the front line of testing new things, and it is exciting!” ‘시간의 효율적인 사용’ 역시 많은 응답률을 보임 “It can be an interesting way to spend down-time, for example, waiting for something else to start. ” 전통적인 노동시장에는 “희망임금(Reservation wage)”가 존재하며 이것보다 낮을 경우 노동자들은 고용의사를 거부하지만, Mechanical Turk에서의 노동자들은 Micro Task를 수행할지 결정하는데 있어 일반적으로 금전적보상 이외의 다른것을 함께 고려함을 확인. Micro task에서의 노동자는 작은 덩어리의 작업을 수행하면서 금전적보상과 비금전적보상을

Finding ■ Workers compartmentalize money into nonfungible mental accounts (정신적 자산계정으로 분류) 작업자는 Mechanical

Finding ■ Workers compartmentalize money into nonfungible mental accounts (정신적 자산계정으로 분류) 작업자는 Mechanical Truk로부터 얻은 수익은 전통적인 수익과 다른 계정으로 인식 “I consider it as a secondary income. The pension I get as a retired Bank manager is not enough to make ends meet. ” “My main benefit is earning extra, untaxed income in my free time. It's enough to help us enjoy a few more leisure activities during the month” “I am able to earn some extra income which I can use to buy some gadgets or things that I would normally think twice to buy with my regular income. ” “Even though many requesters seem to desire labor at close to slave wages (often I see hits that require several minutes worth of work for 1 or 2 cents). . . or surveys that take 30 minutes and pay 30 cents. . . completing hits on Mechanical Turk allows me to buy non-essential items with extra-budget money. That is money that I can earn that exists outside my normal budget. ” Microwwork의 외형상 낮은 수익은, 서로 구분되는 정신적 자산계정을 통해 경제적 확장을 위한 합리적인 전략을 더욱 쉽게 포함시킬 수 있다.

Finding ■ Microwork earnings may serve as a primary source of income, especially for

Finding ■ Microwork earnings may serve as a primary source of income, especially for workers in low income regions. 대부분의 작업자는 Mechanical Truk로부터 얻은 수익을 주수입원이 아닌“Extra” 수익으로 인식함 하지만 실업자(unemployed) 또는 수지타산을 맞추기 어려운 사람은 생존을 위한 안정적인 수입으로 인식 “It is my only source of income so I use the money for everything. ” “I am a homemaker and do not have other source of income. This gives me the opportunity to earn. ” “Working on Mechanical Turk HITs provides me an opportunity to earn some extra cash to support my family. I have been laid off by my employer since late 2012 and I do a couple of part-time jobs to make ends meet. But none of them yields me the money I get from MTurk. ” 일부 작업자는 큰 목적을 위해 소액을 저축하기도 함 “I surprised my husband with $600 to pay off our credit card bill. Now I'm saving for a new mattress set for our guest room bed. ” “Pocket money, and save toward a home improvement project” “I make a little bit extra money every month that all goes towards my yearly vacation fund or toward my kids if they need extra money. ”

Finding ■ American workers were more likely to recognize money earned from Mechanical Turk

Finding ■ American workers were more likely to recognize money earned from Mechanical Turk as “extra” earning. 미국인 작업자들이 Mircowork를 “부수입(Extra)으로 인식하는 사람들이 많았지만, 대다수의 인도작업자의 Mechanical Turk를 통해 얻는 수익을 보조수익 또는 일반 기금으로 인식 ■ Indian workers were more likely to view microwork as self-improvement 인도인에게 있어 Mechanical Turk는 빠르게 변화하는 세계를 배우는데 도움을 주는 플렛폼으로 작동 ■ American workers were more likely to consider completing tasks as a means of helping 미국인과 인도인은 Microwork를 즐기는 면에서는 차이가 없으나, 미국인들은 테스크를 완료하는것을 타인에게 도움을 주는 의미로 인식 “You can help others by doing simple tasks and making a little extra spending money” “I also enjoy doing small tasks and giving my honest opinions because at least I can feel like I am contributing to something. Perhaps my information can help the right person. ” “Completing HITs often helps contribute to bodies of research and knowledge. ” “I think my participation helps research by providing a volunteer perspective from a demographic they might not otherwise reach. ”