Jeopardy Resting Heart Rate Target Heart Rate Maximal

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Jeopardy Resting Heart Rate Target Heart Rate Maximal Heart Rate Cardiovascular Fitness Tests Case

Jeopardy Resting Heart Rate Target Heart Rate Maximal Heart Rate Cardiovascular Fitness Tests Case Study $100 $100 $200 $200 $300 $300 $400 $400 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

1 - $100 n How many ways can you measure for resting heart rate?

1 - $100 n How many ways can you measure for resting heart rate? n 2

1 - $200 n Where can you locate the pulse on the body? Neck

1 - $200 n Where can you locate the pulse on the body? Neck (carotid) n Wrist (radial) n

1 - $300 n What is the average resting heart rate? n 60 -100

1 - $300 n What is the average resting heart rate? n 60 -100 BPM

1 - $400 n True or false: you can use your thumb to measure

1 - $400 n True or false: you can use your thumb to measure for heart rate? n False: the thumb has a pulse of it’s own.

1 - $500 n What is the short cut to calculate for resting heart

1 - $500 n What is the short cut to calculate for resting heart rate? n Count the pulse for 15 seconds, multiply by 4

2 - $100 n What is an advantage of knowing target heart rate? n

2 - $100 n What is an advantage of knowing target heart rate? n Makes exercising enjoyable

2 - $200 n Why is target heart rate important? n Helps you to

2 - $200 n Why is target heart rate important? n Helps you to know what intensity level to aim for.

2 - $300 n True or false: target heart rate helps to maintain oxygen

2 - $300 n True or false: target heart rate helps to maintain oxygen intake? n True

2 - $400 n Why is target heart rate important while exercising? n Helps

2 - $400 n Why is target heart rate important while exercising? n Helps to reduce your risk of high intensity exercising.

2 - $500 n What is the formula for target heart rate? n 220

2 - $500 n What is the formula for target heart rate? n 220 -age=______*0. 75=target heart rate

3 - $100 n Why is it important to know maximal heart rate? n

3 - $100 n Why is it important to know maximal heart rate? n To know when exercising becomes a risk.

3 - $200 n What is a way to reduce your risk of maximal

3 - $200 n What is a way to reduce your risk of maximal heart rate while exercising? n Checking your heart rate and making sure that you are in your suggested target heart rate zone.

3 - $300 n True or false: maximal heart rate does not effect your

3 - $300 n True or false: maximal heart rate does not effect your oxygen intake n False: oxygen is essential for muscle function.

3 - $400 n What is a disadvantage of not knowing maximal heart rate?

3 - $400 n What is a disadvantage of not knowing maximal heart rate? n Pushing yourself to hard

3 - $500 n What is the formula for maximal heart rate? n 220

3 - $500 n What is the formula for maximal heart rate? n 220 -age=maximal heart rate

4 - $100 n What are the two different cardiovascular fitness tests that we

4 - $100 n What are the two different cardiovascular fitness tests that we learned? YMCA bicycle test n Bruce treadmill test n

4 - $200 n What is submaximal testing? n Submaximal testing is measuring your

4 - $200 n What is submaximal testing? n Submaximal testing is measuring your aerobic fitness.

4 - $300 n What is maximal testing? n Maximal testing is measuring when

4 - $300 n What is maximal testing? n Maximal testing is measuring when exercising becomes a risk.

4 - $400 n What is submaximal testing typically used for? n Healthy people

4 - $400 n What is submaximal testing typically used for? n Healthy people looking to know what their general level of fitness is.

4 - $500 n What special populations does maximal testing target? n Athletes and

4 - $500 n What special populations does maximal testing target? n Athletes and clinical populations.

5 - $100 n Alyssa wants to check for her resting heart rate. She

5 - $100 n Alyssa wants to check for her resting heart rate. She counts her pulse for 15 seconds and comes up with the number 18. What is her resting heart rate? n 72 BPM

5 - $200 n Alyssa is 25 years old. She wants to know what

5 - $200 n Alyssa is 25 years old. She wants to know what her target heart rate is before she goes exercising. What is her target heart rate? n 146 BPM

5 - $300 n Alyssa also wants to know what her maximal heart rate

5 - $300 n Alyssa also wants to know what her maximal heart rate will be to avoid risk while exercising. What is her maximal heart rate? n 195 BPM

5 - $400 n Alyssa is generally a healthy person. She wants to find

5 - $400 n Alyssa is generally a healthy person. She wants to find out if she has a health implication. What kind of cardiovascular test would she need to do? n Submaximal testing (YMCA bicycle test)

5 - $500 n Alyssa wants to train more for a half marathon. In

5 - $500 n Alyssa wants to train more for a half marathon. In order to avoid exercising becoming a risk. What kind of cardiovascular test must she do? n Maximal testing (Bruce treadmill)

Final Jeopardy n Alyssa’s grandmother is a geriatric. She is 70 years old and

Final Jeopardy n Alyssa’s grandmother is a geriatric. She is 70 years old and wants to start living a more healthier lifestyle. What must be done before she can start exercising? n Find her resting heart rate Find her target heart rate Find her maximal heart rate Determine what kind of cardiovascular fitness test she must do n n n