I Need a Superhero ELA Essential Questions What

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I Need a Superhero ELA

I Need a Superhero ELA

Essential Questions What are the elements of a story? What makes someone (or something)

Essential Questions What are the elements of a story? What makes someone (or something) a hero, and what role do heroes play in stories?

Quick Write • What are your prior experiences with reading and writing stories? •

Quick Write • What are your prior experiences with reading and writing stories? • What makes up a story? • What components have to be present for something to be considered a story?

Elbow Partner Share your responses to the Quick Write prompt with your elbow partner.

Elbow Partner Share your responses to the Quick Write prompt with your elbow partner.

Compare/Contrast • Compare your Quick Write with the information in the video. • What

Compare/Contrast • Compare your Quick Write with the information in the video. • What were the similarities? differences?

Revise your Quickwrite • Revise your Quick Write based on what you learned from

Revise your Quickwrite • Revise your Quick Write based on what you learned from the video. • What did you need to add or take away from what you wrote? • Turn back to your Elbow Partner and discuss the changes you made. • Think of one change you could share with the class.

Five Primary Elements of a Story • The five primary elements of a story

Five Primary Elements of a Story • The five primary elements of a story are: � � � plot setting characters conflict theme • What are other elements that are important in a good story? Discuss with your classmates.

Lesson Objectives • Students will explore character traits and develop a complex character. •

Lesson Objectives • Students will explore character traits and develop a complex character. • Students will write narrative stories including plot, setting, conflict, theme and characters.

Superheroes K-W-H-L • K- write everything you know about superheroes • W- write about

Superheroes K-W-H-L • K- write everything you know about superheroes • W- write about what you don’t know or need more information about regarding superheroes • H- write how you will find the information from your “W” section

Class Observations of Superheroes

Class Observations of Superheroes

Class Resources for Superhero Information

Class Resources for Superhero Information

Explore Superhero Resources • Visit www. superheronation. com • Explore the first five (5)

Explore Superhero Resources • Visit www. superheronation. com • Explore the first five (5) links under Superhero Writing Advice • Add at least three good ideas for writing a Superhero story to the “L” section of your graphic organizer

Triangle, Square, Circle • Triangle- write an idea you would share with a friend

Triangle, Square, Circle • Triangle- write an idea you would share with a friend • Square- write an idea you might like to add to your story • Circle- write your favorite idea you learned about superheroes

“The Shadow” Male Shadow [Digital image]. (2016, December 19). Retrieved August 31, 2020, from

“The Shadow” Male Shadow [Digital image]. (2016, December 19). Retrieved August 31, 2020, from https: //www. peakpx. com/394141/male-shadow

Stop and Jot down your reactions to the text. Focus specifically on literary elements

Stop and Jot down your reactions to the text. Focus specifically on literary elements and superhero characteristics.

Write your own Superhero Story With your group: • Visit https: //tinyurl. com/y 6

Write your own Superhero Story With your group: • Visit https: //tinyurl. com/y 6 t 2 mx 5 g • Read the steps for creating your own superhero • Design your own Superhero

Write your own Superhero Story Consider the following as you are creating your story:

Write your own Superhero Story Consider the following as you are creating your story: • • • Choose your superhero's powers Decide how the character got those powers Consider how the powers have evolved Give their superhero a tragic flaw Choose a gender and physical traits for their superhero Flesh out the superhero's personality Create a weakness for the superhero Name your superhero Design a costume for your superhero Give their superhero a trademark Decide if your superhero has an archenemy

Story Rubric • Your story must have a plot, setting, conflict, theme, and characters.

Story Rubric • Your story must have a plot, setting, conflict, theme, and characters. • You must use correct mechanics, spelling and grammar. • You must create an original design of your superhero.

Share your Superhero

Share your Superhero