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HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

HOLY SPIRIT: His Work • DEFINITION OF SOTERIOLOGY – A. Hoekema, “The study of the application of the work of redemption to the people of God is called soteriology, from two Greek words, soteria and logos, meaning “the doctrine of salvation. ” – C. Hodge, Soteriology includes “the plan of salvation (predestination and the covenant of grace), the person and work of Christ, and the application of the work by the Holy Spirit. ” – W. G. T. Shedd, “Soteriology includes the work of Christ. . . and the application of salvation by the Spirit. ” 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 2

HOLY SPIRIT: His Work • We will follow the narrower model of Hoekema – The plan of salvation is discussed under the category of theological anthropology (Covenant of Works, Covenant of Grace) and under the doctrine of Christ, “Divine Election. ” – Objective Soteriology is largely subsumed under the “Work of Christ. ” – Subjective Soteriology, or the application of redemption, is the focus of this discussion of the doctrine of salvation under the “Work of the Holy Spirit. ” 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 3

HOLY SPIRIT: His Work • KEY EMPHASES – God is the ultimate decision-maker in the dispensing of his grace – All that transpires in time, regarding the application of redemption, is the outworking of God’s eternal decree – The Gospel Call is universal; the saving grace of God is particular – Ultimately, salvation depends upon what God does, and not what the believer does – Apart from the work of regeneration, the people of God are actively at work, willing and working in accomplishing their salvation; nevertheless, the application of redemption is always primarily the work of the Holy Spirit – There is no conflict in the application of redemption between the work of God and the response of his people. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 4

HOLY SPIRIT: His Work • The Role of Paradox – Concerning the relationship between God’s work in salvation and ours, “it would be better to say that in these aspects of salvation (distinct from regeneration) God works and we work. Our sanctification, for example, is at the same time one hundred percent God’s work and one hundred percent our work. ” A. Hoekema 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 5

HOLY SPIRIT: His Work • The Role of Paradox – “We could say that we are here dealing with what is commonly called a paradox- that is, a combination of two thoughts which seem to contradict each other. It does not seem possible for us to harmonize in our minds these two facets of biblical truth: that on the one hand God must sanctify us wholly but that on the other hand we must work out our sanctification by perfecting our holiness. Nor does it seem possible for us to harmonize these two apparently contradictory thoughts: that God is totally sovereign over our lives, directing them in accordance with his will, but that nevertheless we are required to make our own decisions and are held totally responsible for them. ” -A. Hoekema 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 6

HOLY SPIRIT: His Work • The Role of Paradox – A. Hoekema, “We must believe, however, that both sides of these apparently contradictory sets of thoughts are true, since the Bible teaches both. ” – G. K. Chesterton, “Christianity got over the difficulty of combining furious opposites, by keeping them both, and keeping them both furious. ” 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 7

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis • Origin: In 1737, the phrase was coined by Jacob Carpov, a Lutheran minister. • Definition: Norman Shepherd, formerly of Westminster Theological Seminary, said the ordo salutis is “a series of steps by which transition is made from wrath to blessing. ” – Some are ACTS (momentary, instantaneous step). – Some are PROGRESSIVE, steps taking place over time. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 8

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis-Murray • • Effectual Calling (Spirit Drawing the Elect) Regeneration (New Birth) Faith (Turning to God, trust in Christ) Repentance (Turning from sin to God) Justification (Right legally before God) Adoption (Brought into the family of God) Sanctification (Ongoing Renewal into the likeness of Christ) • Perseverance (Remaining steadfast in the faith) • Glorification (Transformed into the image of Christ) 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 9

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 10

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis • The order is not necessarily a chronological order, although chronology plays some part. For example: – Predestination is certainly prior to effectual calling. – Glorification is certainly subsequent to regeneration. • Rather than chronological, many of the distinctions are logical; i. e. , “this” must occur before “that” can occur. – For example, at the same moment you flip the light switch, light appears in the bulb. – However, there is a logical priority to the flipping of the switch. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 11

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis • Why is Reformed theology concerned with the ordo salutis? – to establish a sequence in the application of redemption so that man’s faith and repentance do not undercut God’s sovereign grace. • Problem: The Ordo Salutis is oriented to the model of adult conversion. – It is an elaborate description of an unsaved adult being brought to salvation. – In the discussion over faith and justification, there is no consideration of the experience of children of the covenant who cannot reason and are thus beyond the ordinary means of salvation. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 12

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis • The Synthetic Method: Begins with Predestination and proceeds to ask how it is received in time (Doctrine of Decrees). This is, generally, the CALVINISTIC METHOD. • The Analytic Method: Begins with Faith and the Experience of the believer historically. This is either the LUTHERAN or ARMINIAN METHOD. • The MODEL SHOULD BE COVENANTAL which deals first with God’s grace and his calling, justification, sanctification; then, turns to deal with human responsibility and the means of grace. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 13

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis • An ordo salutis may solve a number of problems in the logical relationship between the various aspects of salvation; but it may also obscure certain key relationships. – Regeneration and Sanctification are not separate aspects of salvation, although they are distinguished in the ordo salutis. – In fact, they are one seamless experience of the transforming grace of God. • An ordo salutis can serve to obscure the biblical-theological emphasis on union with Christ. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 14

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis • The correct model is not “how are adults saved? ”; but, “how are the blessings of the covenant, given by God to Israel, now extended to Gentiles? ” • This is the model of the Westminster Confession of Faith (Calling, as transition chapter, deals with infants as well as adults, 10. 3) – The model is not adult conversion, but covenantal pattern. – X-Of Effectual Calling; XI-Of Justification; XII- Of Adoption; XIIIOf Sanctification >All highlight the priority of God’s action and speak of saving work from God’s perspective (Covenant Grace). – XIV- Of Saving Faith; XV- Of Repentance Unto Life; XVI- Of Good Works; XVII- Of the Perseverance of the Saints; XVIII-Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation> speak of human response to God’s grace. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 15

HOLY SPIRIT: The Ordo Salutis • An alternative approach that avoids the issues raised by the ordo salutis follows the order of the Westminster Confession of Faith. – This approach lists God’s saving activities, beginning with effectual calling, and then proceeds to list man’s response to these gracious activities, beginning with saving faith. – “This effectual call is of God’s free and special grace alone, not from any thing at all foreseen in man; who is altogether passive therein, until, being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit, he is thereby enabled to answer this call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it. ” WCF, X, 3. 12/14/2021 Holy Spirit, Pt. 2 16

HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, Pt. 2
Come holy spirit come inflame our souls with love
Names of the holy spirit
Holy holy god almighty the great i am
You are holy lord of heaven and earth
Spirit spirit of gentleness
Names of the holy spirit
Holy spirit
Seven sins against the holy spirit
Vocal gifts of the holy spirit
Article 7 apostles creed
Pentecost pictures holy spirit
Grieve the holy spirit
Eph 1:13
Sweet holy spirit sweet heavenly dove
Holy spirit
The manifestation of the holy spirit
Feeling the wind of the holy spirit
Prayer to the holy spirit