he Johari Window The Johari Window is a

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he Johari Window • The Johari Window is a model for getting and giving

he Johari Window • The Johari Window is a model for getting and giving feedback. • It is a communication model, and we can see it working in the classroom, on the job, and at home. • Two psychologists, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingrham, originally developed the window.

These windowpanes represent our personality. Things I know about myself Things others know about

These windowpanes represent our personality. Things I know about myself Things others know about me Things others don’t know about me Things I don’t know about myself

Aren • The information that you a know about yourself and that • The

Aren • The information that you a know about yourself and that • The obvious e. g. othersthings, also know. race, name, height, • weight, Things you etc. tell others when you introduce • Allyourself. the info. you want others to know Things I know about myself Things others know about me Things others don’t know about me Arena Things I don’t know about myself

Hidden • Contains all that Arena information that we don’t want others to about

Hidden • Contains all that Arena information that we don’t want others to about us • Closet know of feelings, insecurities, and not-so. The private experiences. • great information Things I know about myself Things others know about me Things others don’t know about me Arena Hidde n Arena Things I don’t know about myself

Blind • Information that others Spot know about you, but you don’t know about

Blind • Information that others Spot know about you, but you don’t know about yourself. • Examples: “You’re a good listener!” “You snore. ” You are really charismatic We mayabout feel that we are not a things!” good listener or talker, but our friends may feel differently. Things I know about myself Things others know about me Things others don’t know about me Arena Hidde n Arena Things I don’t know about myself Blind Spot

Unknown • Information that you don’t Arena know and others don’t know. • Could

Unknown • Information that you don’t Arena know and others don’t know. • Could be abilities and potentials that you have not discovered about yourself yet Things others know about me Things others don’t know about me Example: You could be an amazing Public Relations Rep, or Guidance Counselor but you just wouldn’t know that yet. Things I know about myself Arena Things I don’t know about myself Blind Spot Unknown Hidden Arena