Global Supply Chain Management Simulation Observations Reflections BEFORE

Global Supply Chain Management Simulation Observations & Reflections BEFORE completing the simulation, view these slides to see what kind of information you should collect/write down. Consider ‘why’ your decisions worked (or didn’t). The five general topics are listed below and these can be the ‘headers’ of your paper. Alternatively, you can record audio or video comments for each slide (record over this presentation? Leave recordings on your One. Note Class page? ). • • • Options Forecasting Supplier Selection Production Lessons Learned

Comment on your analysis and decisions regarding: Phone Options For example: What criteria did you use to select options? What tradeoffs did you consider? What analyses did you conduct to support the options selections?

Comment on your analysis and decisions regarding: Forecasting For example: Which approach did you use for your annual forecasts? Why did you use this method? Did you like the results? How did you use the information? How did you adjust your method over the simulation? Why?

Comment on your analysis and decisions regarding: Supplier Selection For example: What criteria did you use to select suppliers? What characteristics were most/least appealing? How did you determine if it was better/worse to use closer/farther suppliers? How did you decide whether to spend more to reduce lead times? How did your supplier selection decisions change? Why?

Comment on your analysis and decisions regarding: Production For example: How did you set initial production levels? How did you allocate across suppliers? How did you factor in carrying costs, capacity constraints, and/or lead times? Did you issue production change orders? Why or why not? Did you invest in the Celldex shows? Why or why not? How did your thinking change year to year? Why?

Comment on your analysis and decisions regarding: Lessons Learned / Questions For example: What conclusions can you draw regarding forecasting? Or global supply chain design? Or adapting to new market information? What information was most valuable? Least? What were the biggest challenges? How might this apply to new electronics being introduced today? Lessons apply to other products, too?
- Slides: 6