Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Supply Chain
- Slides: 43
Supply Chain Management 供應鏈管理
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management Bullwhip Effect
Supply Chain Management • MRP, ERP, and SCM MRP(Material Requirement Planning, 1970) 由物料及生產擴大至財務、行銷 及人事等領域 ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning, 1980) 藉由網路整合上中下游之整合 性系統 SCM(Supply Chain Management)
Supply Chain Management • SCM 中的主要環節 原料供應商 (Supplier/Vendor) 製造產品的 廠 (Facility/Plant) 倉儲中心 (Distribution Center/Warehouse) 顧客 (Customer) 以交通 具來運送物品,已網路傳遞資訊與金錢
Supply Chain Management • SCM 的目標 Supply chain profitability – is the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages Supply chain management – involves the management of flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize total profitability.
Supply Chain Management SCOR (Supply-Chain Operations Reference) Metrics Perspective Metrics Reliability On-time delivery Order fulfillment lead time Fill rate (fraction of demand met from stock) Perfect order fulfillment Flexibility Supply chain response time Upside production flexibility Expenses Supply chain management costs Warranty cost as a percent of revenue Value added per employee Assets/utilization Total inventory days of supply Cash-to-cash cycle time Net asset turns
Supply Chain Management • Decision Phases in a Supply Chain Supply chain strategy or design A company decides how to structure the supply chain. It decides what the chain’s configuration will be and what processes each stage will perform Supply chain planning Companies define a set of operating policies that govern short-term operations. Supply chain operation Make decisions regarding individual customer orders
Supply Chain Management • Process View of a Supply Chain Cycle view of Supply Chain Processes Cycles Stages Customer order cycle Replenishment Cycle Manufacturing Cycle Procurement Cycle Retailer Distributor Manufacturer Supplier
Supply Chain Management • Customer Order Cycle Customer arrival Customer order entry Customer order fulfillment Customer order receiving What do you need to consider? Walk into Call a mail order Via Web
Supply Chain Management • Replenishment Cycle Retail order trigger – to meet future demand; order policy Retail order entry Retail order fulfillment Retail order receiving Objectives?
Supply Chain Management • Manufacturing Cycle Order arrival from the distributor, retailer, or customer Production scheduling Manufacturing and shipping Receiving at the distributor, retailer, or customer Objectives ?
Supply Chain Management • Procurement Cycle Order based on manufacturer’s production schedule Supplier production scheduling Component manufacturing and shipping Receiving at manufacturer What’s different compared with replenishment cycle?
Supply Chain Management • 供應鏈的問題 Vendor Facility Warehouse 追求自己的最大利潤、避免不確定性 長鞭效應 Customer
Supply Chain Management CPFR • Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment • Focuses on information sharing among trading partners • Forecasts can be frozen and then converted into a shipping plan • Eliminates typical order processing
Supply Chain Management • 供應鏈系統架構 Mathematics Model Networks Database GIS 供應鏈產銷決策系統
Supply Chain Management • 網路與資料庫結合 透過 Web Browser 來存取資料 1. 使用 CGI 2. ISAPI (IIS) 3. ASP - 利用ADO(Active. X Data Object), RDS(Remote Data Service),再透過ODBC 4. Java Applet - JDBC API 5. Active. X (IIS+IE) 6. AJAX 7. XML
Supply Chain Management ‧網路與資料庫結合 不透過 Web Browser 來存取資料 1. Client Database Client 2. Client Server Client 3. Java - JDBC API Database
Supply Chain Management • E-Marketplace 2000億美元的採購與 500億美金的供給 e 2 open - Acer, IBM, Nortel, Toshiba, Hitach, Panasonic, LG, Seagate, Lucent, Solectron, Crosspoint Converge - Compaq, HP, 超微, NEC, 旭電, 三星, 神通, 大同 電子業 2000家供應商 ibp - 塑網科技 8000個買家 Convisint - 汽車業 已有4億美元的交易
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