Genre What genres does Stranger Things fit into

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Genre What genres does Stranger Things fit into?

Stranger Things �Horror �Action �Comedy �Thriller �Super Natural

What conventions of genre are there in Stranger Things? Sci-Fi: Eleven is a sci-fi character as she represents the super natural with her powers since she is a lab experiment. Also the sci-fi theme is set at the beginning as we are introduced to an unnamed scientist. The disappearance of will leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions and is mysterious.

What is genre? Four sections: � Character and story � Technical – e. g. camera angles and way its edited. Colours what they mean. � Audio- e. g. sounds and music used to create the mood. � Set – e. g. space

Steve Neale’s genre theory “Genres are instances of repetition and difference”. Genres evolve overtime. It either conforms to subverts. If people didn’t subvert genres films would become boring. “difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre”. For example the Paranormal activity trailer shows a subversion of the horror convention as it is set in just a regular house as they usually pick a spooky location.

How Stanger Things subverts gender tropes. � Portrays females as individuals with different personalities. Take Nancy for example. Petulant, soft-core rebellious, and infatuated with a dude whose hair and ego both defy the laws of physics, at first it’s difficult to connect with her. Nancy fits very neatly into the “final girl” archetype—at least in the first few episodes, where she’s caught between her desire to hook up with Steve and her desire to study for her chemistry test. As she makes increasingly questionable choices, it’s tempting to write her off as future monster chow or boring romantic interest.

How Stranger things conforms in terms of gender. �The women only exist to support the men. Nancy for example has from the beginning a love interest, she is constantly changing her way of life to please her boyfriend.

Theoretical framework �Media language: how to media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques communicate meanings. �Media representations: how the media portray events, issues, individuals and social groups. �Media industries: how the media industries’ �Media audiences