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Overview • • When: Launched in September 2008 Why: Because too many patients suffer

Overview • • When: Launched in September 2008 Why: Because too many patients suffer from low quality care Who: Health graduate students (nursing, pharmacy, medicine, health management, etc. ) Where: o o • Online: www. ihi. org/openschool Face-to-Face: Chapter Network What you can do: o o o Join our Chapter Complete a course online Access free online resources (audio, video, case studies) Join the next WIHI: *INSERT UPCOMING WIHI DATE AND TITLE* Attend the IHI National Forum in December 2012

IHI Open School Mission “Advance health care improvement and patient safety competencies in the

IHI Open School Mission “Advance health care improvement and patient safety competencies in the next generation of health professionals worldwide. ” IHI Open School Chapter Congress, Dec 09

IHI Open School Chapters

IHI Open School Chapters

What do Chapters do? • Education o o • Projects o o o •

What do Chapters do? • Education o o • Projects o o o • Lead an improvement project for your student-run health clinic Join an improvement project or patient safety initiative at a local hospital Participate in national projects and competitions Group activities o o • Work with your Faculty Advisor to identify courses where resources can be incorporated Create an elective for your campus Review a case study with an interprofessional group Host a guest speaker from a local health care organization Start a journal club Facilitate an IHI Open School Chapter activity (available online) Visit the IHI Open School website to learn more: o o Chapter Progress Report Results Chapter Posters Community Updates Weekly Chapter Notes newsletter

Course Catalog Leadership Topic Leader: Jim Reinertsen, MD, Senior Fellow, IHI ◊ L 101:

Course Catalog Leadership Topic Leader: Jim Reinertsen, MD, Senior Fellow, IHI ◊ L 101: So You Want to Be a Leader in Health Care? Patient Safety Topic Leader: Lucian Leape, MD, Adjunct Professor of Health Policy, Dept. of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health ◊ PS 100: Introduction to Patient Safety ◊ PS 104: Root Cause and Systems Analysis ◊ PS 101: Fundamentals of Patient Safety ◊ PS 105: Communicating with Patients after Adverse Events ◊ PS 102: Human Factors and Safety ◊ PS 106: Introduction to the Culture of Safety ◊ PS 103: Teamwork and Communication ◊ E PS 1: Partnering to Heal: Teaming Up Against Healthcare. Associated Infection Quality Improvement Topic Leader: Lloyd Provost, MS, Associates in Process Improvement ◊ QI 101: Fundamentals of Improvement ◊ QI 104: Putting It All Together ◊ QI 102: The Model for Improvement ◊ QI 105: The Human Side of Quality Improvement ◊ QI 103: Measuring for Improvement ◊ QI 106: Level 100 Tools Patient-and-Family-Centered Care Topic Leader: James Conway, MS, Faculty, Harvard University School of Public Health; Sue Sheridan, MIM, MBA, President, CAPS ◊ PFC 101: Dignity and Respect Managing Health Care Operations Topic Leader: Eugene Litvak, Ph. D, President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Optimization ◊ MHO 101: Achieving Breakthrough Quality, Access, and Affordability Population Health Topic Leader: Jonathan Finkelstein, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Harvard University Medical School ◊ PH 101: Introduction to Population Health

Certificate of Completion Requirements o o o Quality Improvement 101 -106 Patient Safety 100

Certificate of Completion Requirements o o o Quality Improvement 101 -106 Patient Safety 100 -106 Leadership 101 Patient-and-Family-Centered Care 101 Managing Health Care Operations 101

Chapter Name [Suggested information to share with others] • Chapter Leader Name o Contact

Chapter Name [Suggested information to share with others] • Chapter Leader Name o Contact info • Faculty Advisor Name o Faculty info • Chapter Website, Blog, Facebook Group? • Chapter Goals • Activity/Event Info • Next Meeting: DATE

Thank you to the IHI Open School’s generous donors The Rx Foundation The Kaiser

Thank you to the IHI Open School’s generous donors The Rx Foundation The Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit The John D. and Catherine T. Mac. Arthur Foundation The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation …and many individual donors too numerous to mention: http: //www. ihi. org/IHI/Programs/IHIOpen. School. Fundraising. htm