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Why use these presentations? • The FCIM power points are a resource which you

Why use these presentations? • The FCIM power points are a resource which you may choose to utilize or not utilize; however, consider this: – They are technology-based. – Many of the videos/articles are high-interest topics for teens. – They are cross-curricular. – They include several writing and project activities. – The skills are taught in small bits rather than large bites.

Research says… • We must focus on the SKILLS in doing these mini lessons.

Research says… • We must focus on the SKILLS in doing these mini lessons. – There is nothing in the research that suggests by having students read longer passages, they will be more successful on standardized tests. • FCAT practice tests are only helpful in making students familiar with the format of the test, not developing the skills. – SKILLS must be the focus because once those skills become embedded in the student, they will be able to transfer them to any given situation. • We must use graphic organizers as a means of extending and refining, not simply as worksheets.

Format • Each presentation has four major sections: – – Launch activities Acquisition Practice

Format • Each presentation has four major sections: – – Launch activities Acquisition Practice and Assessment Extending and Refining • Each presentation has at least one activity related to each of the subject areas below: – – Math Science Social Studies English

Preview • It is highly recommended that you preview the slides before using them

Preview • It is highly recommended that you preview the slides before using them because: – Links may be dead or have changed and need to be altered. – There are several “You Tube” videos and you want to ensure you have access to “You Tube” through our network. • NOTE: All the videos in the presentations were linked through the school network, so they should all work. – There answers on the slides which you will probably want to discuss before going over. – There are writing opportunities as well as project opportunities, which you may be able to weave into your specific content.

Pacing • It is up to you whether or not you want to use

Pacing • It is up to you whether or not you want to use all or part of the power points; therefore, it is up to your professional discretion how you want to pace the use of the power points. – Each activity in the practice/assessment portion was designed to take approximately 10 -15 minutes; however, you may want to include some extending activities over a few days or you may want to supplant one of those activities with something of your own.

Links • There a number of links to videos and presentations online. When you

Links • There a number of links to videos and presentations online. When you are in the full “slideshow” mode, you should be able to simply click the link and the video/presentation will automatically open. • If not, follow these steps:

Right click on the link text

Right click on the link text

Click “Open Hyperlink” in the drop down menu

Click “Open Hyperlink” in the drop down menu



Math Charlie's Monthly Expenses $50 $150 $250 Groceries Entertainment $150 $100 Rent Utilities Cable

Math Charlie's Monthly Expenses $50 $150 $250 Groceries Entertainment $150 $100 Rent Utilities Cable TV School $600 Current Total Income: $1, 300 per month

Cost of the car • Total Cost: interest) • Monthly Loan payment: • Loan

Cost of the car • Total Cost: interest) • Monthly Loan payment: • Loan payment duration: $3, 200 (plus $85. 00 4 years

Promotion • Charlie’s promotion will pay him an additional $200 a month but will

Promotion • Charlie’s promotion will pay him an additional $200 a month but will require him to move to an apartment costing him $800 a month.

Writing Opportunity! • What does Charlie have to give up in order to afford

Writing Opportunity! • What does Charlie have to give up in order to afford the car? • EXPLAIN your answer!!!

Science - Read the article Bionic Cat Gets Artificial Paws Oscar the cat may

Science - Read the article Bionic Cat Gets Artificial Paws Oscar the cat may have lost one of his nine lives, but his new prosthetic paws make him one of the world's few bionic cats. After losing his two rear paws in a nasty encounter with a combine harvester last October, the black cat with green eyes was outfitted with metallic pegs that link the ankles to new prosthetic feet and mimic the way deer antlers grow through skin. Oscar is now back on his feet and hopping over hurdles like tissue paper rolls. Together with biomedical engineering experts, Fitzpatrick gave Oscar two metal prosthetic implants, or pegs. Those were attached to custom-built faux paws that are a bit wobbly, to imitate a cat's natural walk. But first, he covered the brown implants with black tape to match Oscar's fur.

Multiple Choice Question 1. Based on the article, the word bionic probably means: A.

Multiple Choice Question 1. Based on the article, the word bionic probably means: A. Something with human parts. B. Something with biological and mechanical parts. C. Something with only mechanical parts. D. Something with unnatural elements or parts. Write down the answer AND your reasoning behind it. You MAY NOT use a dictionary!!!

Answer 1. Based on the article, the word bionic probably means: A. Something with

Answer 1. Based on the article, the word bionic probably means: A. Something with human parts. B. Something with biological and mechanical parts. C. Something with only mechanical parts. D. Something with unnatural elements or parts.

Social Studies MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Mexico announced some of the toughest restrictions in

Social Studies MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Mexico announced some of the toughest restrictions in its history on dollar cash transactions on Tuesday in an attempt to fight money laundering that is fueling an increasingly bloody drug war. Tourists and Mexicans without bank accounts will be limited to exchanging a maximum of $1, 500 per month, Finance Secretary Ernesto Cordero said. The measure is meant to help stem the flood of about $10 billion per year in suspicious cash flows that are thought to be linked to drug trafficking.

Answer the following question using the information provided in the article • What is

Answer the following question using the information provided in the article • What is the main concern of the Mexican Government in making these changes in monetary transactions?

Answers “The measure is meant to help stem the flood of about $10 billion

Answers “The measure is meant to help stem the flood of about $10 billion per year in suspicious cash flows that are thought to be linked to drug trafficking. ”

English • Read and listen to the poem http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=g. GB_R

English • Read and listen to the poem http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=g. GB_R 2 Yy. FYY

Answer the questions below 1. 2. 3. What caused the bicycle to slow down

Answer the questions below 1. 2. 3. What caused the bicycle to slow down in Mrs. Gee’s dream? a. The Vicar chasing her b. The back pedal break c. Her loneliness d. she became tired What does the speaker imply caused Mrs. Gee’s cancer? a. Poor diet b. He has no clue c. Her loneliness d. her poverty Why do the students most likely hang her body from the ceiling? a. to study her cancerous cells b. to make fun of her c. to harvest her organs d. to attempt surgery

Answers 1. 2. 3. What caused the bicycle to slow down in Mrs. Gee’s

Answers 1. 2. 3. What caused the bicycle to slow down in Mrs. Gee’s dream? a. The Vicar chasing her b. The back pedal break c. Her loneliness d. she became tired What does the speaker imply caused Mrs. Gee’s cancer? a. Poor diet b. He has no clue c. Her loneliness d. her poverty Why do the students hang her body from the ceiling? a. to study her cancerous cells b. to make fun of her c. to harvest her organs d. to attempt surgery

Resources • • • • • • • Online (external) Resources www. tweentribune. com

Resources • • • • • • • Online (external) Resources www. tweentribune. com www. sciencedaily. com http: //www. sciencenewsforkids. org/ http: //www. sciencemadesimple. com/science. html http: //math-and-reading-help-for-kids. org/math_for_teens. html http: //www. mathgoodies. com/articles/ http: //www. suite 101. com/articles. cfm/math_fun www. history. com http: //www. socialstudiesforkids. com/ http: //www. google. com/Top/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/ http: //findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa 3823/ http: //rhlschool. com/reading. htm http: //www. bbc. co. uk/ http: //www. culinary-yours. com/Articles. html http: //www. videomaker. com/learn/production/articles/1/ http: //kids. britannica. com/comptons/article-202016/law School and District (internal) Resources http: //ws 1791 a/HCHS/default. aspx http: //www. polk-fl. net/students/onlineresources/default. htm http: //www. polk-fl. net/staff/teachers/reading. htm

Questions? • Feel free to email me at: Charles. wynne@polk-fl. net if you have

Questions? • Feel free to email me at: Charles. wynne@polk-fl. net if you have questions about the presentations.