Fascism In Italy Rise of Mussolini Post WWI

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Fascism In Italy Rise of Mussolini

Fascism In Italy Rise of Mussolini

Post WWI Problems u Italian nat’lists felt betrayed by Paris peace treaties. – Yugoslavia

Post WWI Problems u Italian nat’lists felt betrayed by Paris peace treaties. – Yugoslavia u Veterans returned to econ & pol chaos – Strikes – Unemployment – Conflict between workers & industry – Feuding political factions u Mussolini responds to these problems by creating the Fascist party

What is Fascism? Extreme form of aggressive nationalism u Anti-democratic u Anti-communist u Race

What is Fascism? Extreme form of aggressive nationalism u Anti-democratic u Anti-communist u Race used to justify aggression & Social Darwinism. u Individuals subservient to the state. u Children were indoctrinated u Strict obedience. demanded u

Mussolini – Il Duce u u u Organized the Fascist party Spoke of reviving

Mussolini – Il Duce u u u Organized the Fascist party Spoke of reviving Roman glory Organized “black shirts” (combat gangs)which used violence & terror against political opponents such as communists.

Black Shirts – Pre 1922

Black Shirts – Pre 1922

Black Shirts 1922

Black Shirts 1922

Mussolini’s Black Shirts After 1922

Mussolini’s Black Shirts After 1922

March on Rome 1922 u u u Demands change in gov King succumbs Allows

March on Rome 1922 u u u Demands change in gov King succumbs Allows him to become the prime minister

Mussolini’s “Totalitarian” Italy – Single party Dictatorship – State terrorism & police spies –

Mussolini’s “Totalitarian” Italy – Single party Dictatorship – State terrorism & police spies – Use of schools & media for indoctrination – State control of the econ – Censorship – Demands absolute obedience

Corporate State: Economic Policy Economy was under state control. u His “corporate state” preserved

Corporate State: Economic Policy Economy was under state control. u His “corporate state” preserved some elements of capitalism but policy was forged with representatives from business, labor & the fascist gov. u The economy did show improvement. u This came at labor’s expense as strikes were outlawed & wages dropped. u

Social Policies Citizens were bombarded with slogans glorifying the state & Musso. u “Believe,

Social Policies Citizens were bombarded with slogans glorifying the state & Musso. u “Believe, obey, fight” were blasted from loudspeakers. u “A minute on the battlefield is worth a lifetime of peace” was the fascist position. u Women were expected to be “baby machines” u Women who bore 14 or more children were rewarded w/ medals from Musso himself. u

Similarities of Communism & Fascism Both flourished during difficult economic times. u Both promoted

Similarities of Communism & Fascism Both flourished during difficult economic times. u Both promoted extreme programs of social change. u Both had totalitarian governments to bring about a social revolution. u Both were dictatorships. u The USSR, Italy, Japan & Germany were all totalitarian regimes. u

Totalitarianism Single party dictatorship. u (2) State controlled economy. u (3) Use of spies

Totalitarianism Single party dictatorship. u (2) State controlled economy. u (3) Use of spies & state terrorism. u (4) Strict censorship & control of the media. u (5) Use of schools & media to indoctrinate & mobilize citizens. u (6) Civil rights are sacrificed for strict obedience to the state. u (7) War & militarism are glorified u

Mussolini & Totalitarianism Musso built the 1 st totalitarian state which was never as

Mussolini & Totalitarianism Musso built the 1 st totalitarian state which was never as extreme as Germany’s or Soviet Unions. u What was its appeal? u – Promised strong, stable gov & to end political feuding which had paralyzed democracy. – Nationalism appealed to many – revived nat’l pride – Promised to restore the former glory of the Roman Empire by turning the Mediterranean into a Roman lake. – Projected sense of power during times of despair & disorder

For more information of totalitarianism go to www. fresno. k 12. ca. us/. .

For more information of totalitarianism go to www. fresno. k 12. ca. us/. . . /totalitarianism. htm

Three Ideologies u Three ideologies vied for power during the postwar years. – Democracy

Three Ideologies u Three ideologies vied for power during the postwar years. – Democracy in Brit & Fr was challenged by difficult economic challenges & labor. – Communism in USSR – attractive to some workers but seen as a threat to capitalist govs – Fascism in Germ & Italy attractive for its appeal to national unity & patriotism. As the Great Depression deepens fascist ideology will become more attractive.

Female Fascist Youth Group

Female Fascist Youth Group

Catholic Church Supports Mussolini

Catholic Church Supports Mussolini

The Black Shirts. What Art Form is this?

The Black Shirts. What Art Form is this?