EDMS 1730795 RP Vacuum cleaners management Grald Dumont

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EDMS 1730795 RP Vacuum cleaners management Gérald Dumont (HSE/RP-AS) 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075

EDMS 1730795 RP Vacuum cleaners management Gérald Dumont (HSE/RP-AS) 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 2

RP Vacuum cleaner management Ø Ø Ø Ø Creation of centralized service for the

RP Vacuum cleaner management Ø Ø Ø Ø Creation of centralized service for the management of vacuum cleaner for Radiation Areas by HSE/RP Includes purchase, storage, provision and reception, periodical checks and maintenance as well as repair Free of charge, except for loss or damage Start and test of new service with EYETS 2016/17 Location: building 574 Initial stock (pool) should include all vacuum cleaner presently in use (about 200), request to hand them over to HSE/RP Announcement sent to vacuum cleaner owners on 15 October 2016 Vacuum cleaner will automatically be included into pool unless HSE/RP has received objection no: 2016 07 -Oct-20 S. Roesler, LS 2 Days – 7 EDMS November 3

CERN’s dry vacuum cleaners Modèles GD 5 HEPA 118 HC SBS IVT 1000 CRH

CERN’s dry vacuum cleaners Modèles GD 5 HEPA 118 HC SBS IVT 1000 CRH Petits travaux destructifs Réservé aux zones où H*10 ≤ 50 µSv/h Nettoyage Travaux de génie civil (poussière béton) Travaux dans les zones cibles Travaux dans les workshops Zones contaminées Laboratoires avec sources non-scellées. Photos Utilisation Restrictions Consignes Ne pas aspirer de liquide Ne pas aspirer de gros objets Ne pas utiliser hors des zones réglementées Entreposer en lieu sûr et sécurisé En fin d’utilisation, protéger les éléments d’aspiration pour prévenir toute contamination En cas d’anomalie de fonctionnement : RISQUE DE CONTAMINATION, contacter RP IMMEDIATEMENT 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 4

Other vacuum cleaners needed DO in progress 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 5

Other vacuum cleaners needed DO in progress 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 5

Mandate of this new RP service Periodic RP checks Storage and maintain the stocks

Mandate of this new RP service Periodic RP checks Storage and maintain the stocks RP service tel. : 70037 Provision to users Corrective &preventive Maintenance 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 6

How to? REQUEST PROVISION USE RETURN • At least 24 H in advance •

How to? REQUEST PROVISION USE RETURN • At least 24 H in advance • Web form : http: //cern. ch/rp-vacuum-cleaners • Provision in Buffer Zone (or B. 574 or delivery in the Radiation Area) • Automatic email confirmation • Before use declare use in TREC • The user is responsible of the vacuum cleaner • Return in Buffer Zone mandatory • Declare the end of use (emptying request) in TREC For any question, please call the RP vacuum cleaner service (Meyrin, B. 574): 70037 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 7

Computing tools Request form: http: //cern. ch/rp-vacuum-cleaners 4 -Nov-16 Follow-up: http: //trec. cern. ch

Computing tools Request form: http: //cern. ch/rp-vacuum-cleaners 4 -Nov-16 Follow-up: http: //trec. cern. ch RSOC, INDICO 586075 8

Planning • • Nov-16: preventive maintenance, labelling Nov-16: procedure release and communication EDMS 1728012

Planning • • Nov-16: preventive maintenance, labelling Nov-16: procedure release and communication EDMS 1728012 – In Work Start of the service: 01/12/2016 EYETS-16 -17: test and statistics Definition of budget/resources needed for LS 2 2017 -2018: renovation of B. 574 Objective: service fully operational before LS 2 4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 9

4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 10

4 -Nov-16 RSOC, INDICO 586075 10