Who am I Mihajlo Jovanovic Pronounced like Meehighloh

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Who am I? • Mihajlo Jovanovic – Pronounced like “Mee-high-loh Yovanovich” • jovanovm@franklin. edu

Who am I? • Mihajlo Jovanovic – Pronounced like “Mee-high-loh Yovanovich” • jovanovm@franklin. edu • www. franklin. edu/~jovanovm Names used in distributed communication 11/30/2020 COMP 655 1

My background • Computer Science Education – MS (2002) – University of Cincinnati –

My background • Computer Science Education – MS (2002) – University of Cincinnati – B. A. (1997) - Otterbein University • Adjunct Faculty at Franklin University since 2007 – COMP 121 – COMP 321 – COMP 655 • Application Architect, Emerging Technologies, Enterprise Systems, JPMorgan Chase 11/30/2020 COMP 655 2

My research interests • Enterprise systems architecture, distributed systems • Rule engines (AI) •

My research interests • Enterprise systems architecture, distributed systems • Rule engines (AI) • Emergent Internet technologies • Publications 11/30/2020 COMP 655 3

Who are you? • Form pairs or a circle • Talk for a couple

Who are you? • Form pairs or a circle • Talk for a couple of minutes • Introduce the other person – – – Name Where did they do undergraduate study? Level of experience with network programming Level of experience with Java If currently working in the IT industry, • Where do they work? • What do they do there? 11/30/2020 COMP 655 4

A word about privacy • Your personal information is private, including – Phone number

A word about privacy • Your personal information is private, including – Phone number – Grades • I cannot email a grade 11/30/2020 COMP 655 5

Submitting assignments • Mechanics: – For written assignments, turnitin. com and the drop box

Submitting assignments • Mechanics: – For written assignments, turnitin. com and the drop box – For code, use the drop box • Do it before 6 pm EST on the due date Ø DON’T be late – It’s better to submit unfinished stuff on time – Max credit 75% for late assignments up to one week late – NO assignments accepted if more than a week late – Talk to me ASAP in exceptional cases 11/30/2020 COMP 655 6

About plagiarism 11/30/2020 COMP 655 7

About plagiarism 11/30/2020 COMP 655 7