Validation of SMOS SSS with in situ SSS

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Validation of SMOS SSS with in situ SSS Validation of ESA L 2 OS

Validation of SMOS SSS with in situ SSS Validation of ESA L 2 OS v 5 and v 6 (to be released end 02/16) Validation of CATDS L 3 products (with/without land sea contamination systematic correction)

SSS SMOS –ISAS (Argo OI) 0. 5 ESA v 550 Asc+Desc -0. 5 ESA

SSS SMOS –ISAS (Argo OI) 0. 5 ESA v 550 Asc+Desc -0. 5 ESA v 622 Asc+Desc -0. 5 See more in reprocessing report to be released soon

Comp. ESA v 5 & v 6 Ascending All Months Bias (SMOS-TSG) V 5:

Comp. ESA v 5 & v 6 Ascending All Months Bias (SMOS-TSG) V 5: -0. 17 V 6: -0. 08 (SMOS-ISAS -0. 12, -0. 06) Std (SMOS-TSG) V 5: 0. 35 V 6: 0. 32 (SMOS-ISAS 0. 32, 0. 30)

Descending All Months Bias (SMOS-TSG) V 5: 0. 02 V 6: -0. 11 (SMOS-ISAS

Descending All Months Bias (SMOS-TSG) V 5: 0. 02 V 6: -0. 11 (SMOS-ISAS 0. 03, -0. 04) Std (SMOS-TSG) V 5: 0. 37 V 6: 0. 32 (SMOS-ISAS 0. 36, 0. 34)

SMOS debiased SSS compared with ship TSG SSS (Kolodziejczyk et al. , RSE, in

SMOS debiased SSS compared with ship TSG SSS (Kolodziejczyk et al. , RSE, in rev. , 2016) (comparisons of monthly averages in 100 kmx 100 km) ~ESA v 6 CATDS Debias <0. 25 at >1000 km from coast

SMOS debiased SSS compared with ship TSG SSS (Kolodziejczyk et al. , RSE, in

SMOS debiased SSS compared with ship TSG SSS (Kolodziejczyk et al. , RSE, in rev. , 2016) (comparisons of monthly averages in 100 kmx 100 km) CATDS L 3 SSS (~ESA v 6 L 2 SSS) to be delivered this week Implementation of land-sea contamination correction on Tb (ESA v 7 reprocessing end 2016), and on SSS (CATDS CEC-LOCEAN Debias available 2010 -2014, implementation at CPDC ongoing) ~ESA v 6 CATDS Debias

Summary Reprocessing of ESA L 2 SSS v 6 & CATDS L 3 SSS

Summary Reprocessing of ESA L 2 SSS v 6 & CATDS L 3 SSS ~ESA v 6 to be released in the next few days : smaller latitudinal systematic error, better RFI flagging, improved TEC correction on descending orbits => improvement in open ocean SSS rmsd but still some systematic errors latitudinal/seasonal and up to ~800 km from continents Most systematic errors close to land can be corrected with systematic bias removal either on SSS (2010 -2014 CATDS-CEC LOCEAN debias product available at CATDS (Kolodziejczyk et al. , RSE, in rev. , 2016)) or on Tb (Tenerelli et al. ): such a Tb correction is has been successfully tested in ESA L 2 OS => ESA reprocessing to be available end of 2016