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Agenda Aim: What is an Enduring Issue? Do Now: What is an issue that

Agenda Aim: What is an Enduring Issue? Do Now: What is an issue that you have had with your parents that has come up over and over? Mini-lesson : Model, scenario, discussion photographs Work Period: Enduring Issues in Your Life Chart Closing: Exit Slip Question

Lesson #3 Enduring Issues Aim: What is an enduring Issue? Do Now: What is

Lesson #3 Enduring Issues Aim: What is an enduring Issue? Do Now: What is an issue that you have had with your parents that has come up over and over? Explain.

Mini-lesson Scenario Max was a responsible student who was on the honor roll and

Mini-lesson Scenario Max was a responsible student who was on the honor roll and captain of the football team but his behavior started to change after his father lost his job. Here is his schedule and attendance patterns for last week. Let’s see if we can identify any patterns and predict what might happen as a result.

Max’s Schedule Day Event Attendancene Monday School – 1 st period Football Practice Late

Max’s Schedule Day Event Attendancene Monday School – 1 st period Football Practice Late Tuesday School – 1 st period Football Practice Present Absent Wednesday School – 1 st period Football Practice Absent Late Thursday School – 1 st period Football Practice Late Present Friday School – 1 st period Football Practice Late Absent Saturday Work at the Grocery Store Late Absent Sunday Work at the Grocery

Mini-lesson § What patterns do you see in Max’s attendance after Max’s dad lost

Mini-lesson § What patterns do you see in Max’s attendance after Max’s dad lost his job? § Do you see any evidence that could be identified as an issue?

Content Area Vocbulary Tier 3 Words Enduring continuing or long lasting Issue A challenge

Content Area Vocbulary Tier 3 Words Enduring continuing or long lasting Issue A challenge or problem for debate or discussion Enduring Issue– a challenge or problem that a society has faced and debated or discussed across time. An enduring issue is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success.

Mini-lesson We encounter enduring issues everyday and people have been dealing with them throughout

Mini-lesson We encounter enduring issues everyday and people have been dealing with them throughout history. They are enduring because they are difficult to solve and come up frequently. What enduring issue do you see shown here?

Enduring Issues are HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT. What is historical significance? Something is SIGNIFICANT if it

Enduring Issues are HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT. What is historical significance? Something is SIGNIFICANT if it is IMPORTANT. Something is HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT if it …. § § affected a lot of people had long-lasting effects

§ Conflict Enduring Issues in Global History § Desire for Power § Inequity §

§ Conflict Enduring Issues in Global History § Desire for Power § Inequity § Need for and Impact of Innovation § Impact of Interconnectedness § Impact of Ideas and Beliefs § Environmental Impact § Scarcity § Population Growth

Based on the list what enduring issues do you see in these pictures? Why

Based on the list what enduring issues do you see in these pictures? Why

Turn & Talk America is a place where inequality still exists! Do you agree

Turn & Talk America is a place where inequality still exists! Do you agree or disagree with statement? Reflect Turn & Talk

Work Period Activity: Use the list that we gave you to choose 3 enduring

Work Period Activity: Use the list that we gave you to choose 3 enduring issues then, describe an event in your life or something you observed in your life, community, country, or the world that is related to each of the enduring issues. Share using class discussion protocol.

Class Discussion Protocol Choose 1 enduring issue that you wrote about in your chart

Class Discussion Protocol Choose 1 enduring issue that you wrote about in your chart and discuss. Respond v Use one of the Class Discussion prompts to respond to your classmate. v

Closing Exit Question: What is an enduring issue? Homework: #3 question on unit outline

Closing Exit Question: What is an enduring issue? Homework: #3 question on unit outline How can we bring attention to these enduring issues and eventually bring about change?