Two Forms of Democratic Government Parliamentary System And

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Two Forms of Democratic Government Parliamentary System And Presidential System

Two Forms of Democratic Government Parliamentary System And Presidential System

Parliamentary System • A multi-party system. • The executive branch (the Cabinet) is appointed

Parliamentary System • A multi-party system. • The executive branch (the Cabinet) is appointed by the Parliament • Members of the Cabinet can be removed if the Parliament disapproves of them. • There is no clear-cut separation between the Parliament (the legislature) and the Cabinet (executive).

Parliamentary System 3 Branches of the Parliamentary System Executive Branch Monarch Prime Minister President

Parliamentary System 3 Branches of the Parliamentary System Executive Branch Monarch Prime Minister President Chancellor Legislative Branch Parliament Judicial Branch All courts

Presidential System • A multi-party system • The president is elected by the people

Presidential System • A multi-party system • The president is elected by the people for a set term in office • The president and his appointed cabinet are part of the executive branch • The legislative branch includes the Senate and the House of Representatives • The legislative and executive systems are separate

Presidential System 3 Branches of the Presidential System Executive Branch President Cabinet (President chooses)

Presidential System 3 Branches of the Presidential System Executive Branch President Cabinet (President chooses) Legislative Branch Senate House of Representatives Judicial Branch All courts

Parliamentary vs. Presidential • A multi-party system • President or Prime Minister—appointed by Parliament

Parliamentary vs. Presidential • A multi-party system • President or Prime Minister—appointed by Parliament • Legislative Branch -Parliament • Executive and Legislative branches have no clear-cut separation of powers • A multi-party system • President—elected by the people • Legislative Branch -Congress • Executive and Legislative branches are separate powers

Map of European Parliamentary Systems English: States currently utilizing parliamentary systems are denoted in

Map of European Parliamentary Systems English: States currently utilizing parliamentary systems are denoted in red and orange—the former being constitutional monarchies where authority is vested in a parliament, and the latter being parliamentary republics whose parliaments are effectively supreme over a separate head of state. States denoted in green have the roles of head of state and head of government in one office, similar to presidential systems, but this office is filled by parliament's choice and not elected separately.