The National Technological Initiative Contest nticontest ru Multidisciplinary

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The National Technological Initiative Contest nti-contest. ru Multidisciplinary team competition in engineering for ninth-

The National Technological Initiative Contest nti-contest. ru Multidisciplinary team competition in engineering for ninth- to eleventh-graders: National outreach Real-life cases and technological problems University admission privileges (100 points at the Unified State Exam)

National Technological Initiative (NTI) National Technological Initiative is a set of measures aimed at

National Technological Initiative (NTI) National Technological Initiative is a set of measures aimed at forming conceptually new markets and creating conditions for Russia's global technological leadership by 2035. On 4 December 2014, in his message to the Federal Assembly, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin mentioned the National Technological Initiative among the priorities of the State policy. 2

NTI Success Criteria Russian Federation is among top-10 exporters of intellectual property Russian companies

NTI Success Criteria Russian Federation is among top-10 exporters of intellectual property Russian companies and talented people with the "NTI gene" create globally influential tech brands. High-technology businesses constitute up to 50 percent of the economy of the Russian Federation. Cult of knowledge and skills attracts world intellectual assets to the country. Russian Federation is among top-10 world technological powers. 3

The NTI Contest: mission and goals Supporting high school students in their ambition to

The NTI Contest: mission and goals Supporting high school students in their ambition to address technological challenges of the 21 st century 1. Communicating modern technological challenges to high school students and teachers, engaging mixed teams of adolescents and adults in real-life engineering that implies teamwork, freedom to make development decisions, and use of modern means. 2. Enhancing social prestige of real-life engineering activity of high school students through strengthening the status of the Contest, its participants and winners (100 points at the Unified State Exam). 3. Advancing engineering creativity among young people and adults, supporting project development and entrepreneurship, testing new formats of engineering competitions. 4

The NTI Contest: Key features Team competition Real engineering tasks Three to five participants

The NTI Contest: Key features Team competition Real engineering tasks Three to five participants do tasks in the final round. The Contest final is a team competition in engineering, during which participants work on highly desired products or solutions. Interdisciplinary tasks One track includes two to three school subjects. University admission privileges Award-winning place in one of the thirteen NTI Contest sections brings the winner 100 points at the Unified State Exam in a related school subject. 5

The NTI Contest organizers The NTI Contest co-organizers Partner schools: Moscow Aviation Institute Novosibirsk

The NTI Contest organizers The NTI Contest co-organizers Partner schools: Moscow Aviation Institute Novosibirsk State University Siberian Federal University Murmansk Arctic State University Novgorod State University Bauman Moscow State Technical University National Research Nuclear University MEPh. I Skoltech National University of Science and Technology MISi. S Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology Irkutsk National Research Technical University North-Caucasus Federal University Ural Federal University Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 6

The NTI Contest partners 7

The NTI Contest partners 7

The NTI Contest Rounds 1 st round 2 nd round The first qualification round

The NTI Contest Rounds 1 st round 2 nd round The first qualification round of the Contest runs online, on the education website Stepik. org. It allows to shortlist motivated participants having the necessary domain knowledge. The second qualification round, in its turn, demands teamwork. Participants should prepare for the final round solving interdisciplinary tasks and modeling engineering systems using the simulators. 3 rd round The final round of the Contest is a team competition in solving an engineering problem. Within four days, participants must design and test a technological product in a hackathon-like format. It is easy to identify the winner: his model functions! 8

The NTI Contest sections, AY 2018/19 Autonomous Transportation Systems Technology of Composite Materials Analysis

The NTI Contest sections, AY 2018/19 Autonomous Transportation Systems Technology of Composite Materials Analysis of Space Images and Geospatial Data Nanosystems and Nanoengineering Aerospace Systems Neurotechnologies Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Advanced Fabrication Technologies Biotech, Agrotechnologies subsection Biotech, Genome Editing subsection Software Engineering in Financial Technologies Big Data and Machine Learning Marine Robotic Systems Intellectual Power Systems Space Systems Engineering Wireless Technologies Smart City VR & AR, Virtual Reality subsection VR & AR, Augmented Reality subsection Cognitive Technologies Several NTI Contest 2018/19 sections are recommended for the Russian Council of School Olympiads list. Winners will get university admission privileges (100 points at the Unified State Exam). 9

Preparing high school students for the NTI Contest ONLINE COURSES In parallel with the

Preparing high school students for the NTI Contest ONLINE COURSES In parallel with the NTI Contest, online courses are being published at Stepik. org to help high school students go beyond school curriculum, acquire new knowledge for addressing the NTI Contest tasks, and immerse into the world of modern engineering. HACKATHONS Time-constrained team competitions in engineering. At hackathon venues, participants attend lectures and workshops by leading industry experts and, in teams, solve simplified problems that precede tasks of the NTI Contest final round. KRUZHKI Thanks to the NTI collaboration with Quantorium, children technological cluster network, and Youth Innovative Art Centers, participants can prepare for the final tasks using the same equipment as in the NTI Contest final. 10

The NTI Contest: participation statistics 1 round 2 round 1 Finals Были отобраны в

The NTI Contest: participation statistics 1 round 2 round 1 Finals Были отобраны в финал 11

The NTI Contest: media coverage 12

The NTI Contest: media coverage 12

The NTI Lesson This is a teaching aid that helps students to: choose the

The NTI Lesson This is a teaching aid that helps students to: choose the NTI Contest section, get career guidance, understand relation between school subjects and real-life professions. The 45 -minutes intensive includes: an eye-catching video, interesting tasks, a mobile game to play along in class. 13

How to become a part of the NTI Contest Preparation venue is a participants'

How to become a part of the NTI Contest Preparation venue is a participants' camp, a place to run hackathons. Venue is a location where the NTI Contest final is held. Team mentor can work at one or several venues or not to submit an application for a venue. Partner supports the NTI Contest financially, lends equipment, or organizes expertise. Media partner is a printed media or a website that covers the NTI Contest events. 14

Kruzhok Association: focus areas Kruzhok Association is an all-Russian community of technical creativity enthusiasts.

Kruzhok Association: focus areas Kruzhok Association is an all-Russian community of technical creativity enthusiasts. It is based on a principle of horizontal ties between people, ideas and resources. NETWORKS CHALLENGES Manage talents digitally, so that community members had tools to control their own competences and decision-making through an intellectual man-machine system. Create a system of tech competitions, contests, olympiads, that would encourage tech enthusiasts to explore and create new things in the fields of NTI markets and cross-disciplinary technologies. RESOURSE CENTERS Unite the existing resourse centers into one network to run kruzhokrelated projects and to engage participants of resourse centers programs in solving NTI challenges. EVENTS Organize a set of events (project camps, fairs, festivals) to ensure unity of values and activities of the Kruzhok Association. MENTORS Engage and train adult tech enthusiasts (as project heads, moderators, consultants, mentors) that are field-competent and can communicate with kruzhok members in non-directive manner. 15

Kruzhok Association: Annual operation cycle New Year Continuation of project work in kruzhki Hackathons

Kruzhok Association: Annual operation cycle New Year Continuation of project work in kruzhki Hackathons Developing hard skills The NTI Contest Final Fall vacations camp Analyzing scenarios of the future. Launching projects. Starting dialog with the industry. Preparing for the NTI Contest Developing hard skills. Introduction to the NTI topics. Engineering contests Introducing a broad audience of school students to the NTI topics. Popularizing NTI topics among school students. Benchmarking the region, preparation venues, schools Spring vacations camp Finalizing projects hardware. Defending them before a professional community. Engaging wider audience through a festival. Mentors School Replication of mentoring practices. Mentors' community building Practices of the Future Summer School Forming leader project teams. Executing projects of the best regional companies. Professional development for the best regional mentors. 16

Kruzhok Association: points of entry "I have an innovative product I wish to bring

Kruzhok Association: points of entry "I have an innovative product I wish to bring to the global market" "I have a systemic federal project" "I represent an innovative company" "I am an education manager" "I run my own kruzhok" "I am a school teacher" "I am an expert in technology" "I am a high school student" 17

Kruzhok Association: why join Community building at regional level Way to advance one's own

Kruzhok Association: why join Community building at regional level Way to advance one's own and community interests Influence over the sector professional stanards and regulatory framework Access to education and certification, informational support Participation in the events organized by the Association Database of successful practices Wide network of partners and experts for your projects Way to team up with like-minded people and become a part of creating new education Join us at KRUZHOK. ORG 18

APPENDIX: The NTI Contest profiles 2018/2019

APPENDIX: The NTI Contest profiles 2018/2019

Advanced Fabrication Technologies Finalists will design and build an autonomous travelling crane model for

Advanced Fabrication Technologies Finalists will design and build an autonomous travelling crane model for a railway yard. It should run on railway yard tracks and move marked containers between platforms. Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics physics NTI Markets: Tech. Net 20

Aerospace Systems Finalists will design a planet rover and control it via a radio

Aerospace Systems Finalists will design a planet rover and control it via a radio channel. The final task is to develop mechanics and electronics for a water extraction and analysis unit; to design software for reception and transmission of telemetry data, command links, autonomous mobility of the rover; and to collect and analyze water in automatic mode. Organizers and partners: School subjects: physics informatics NTI Markets: Aero. Net Space. Net 21

Analysis of space images and geospatial data Finalists will update a map of tree

Analysis of space images and geospatial data Finalists will update a map of tree plantations in a tropical region. The teams will have the original digital plantation map as of several years back (accuracy and error of the original map are known). The task will be to create an updated plantation map using the most up-to-date space images of the territory for the competition time. Organizers and partners: School subjects: geography informatics NTI Markets: Auto. Net Mari. Net Aero. Net Energy. Net Neuro. Net 22

Autonomous transportation systems Finalists will design a transportation system based on self-driving cars and

Autonomous transportation systems Finalists will design a transportation system based on self-driving cars and air drones. The system should be able to function on difficult terrain in a winter city (road signs, traffic lights, gas and car wash stations etc. ), be accident-proof, and observe traffic rules. Organizers and partners: School subjects: physics informatics NTI Markets: Auto. Net Aero. Net 23

Big Data and Machine Learning The final task is to analyze a set of

Big Data and Machine Learning The final task is to analyze a set of data to predict certain characteristics. Algorythm quality will be evaluated on a hidden test set and measured with use of performance functionals corresponding to an applied task. ООО Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: maths informatics NTI Markets: Neuro. Net 24

Biotech: Agrobiotechnologies subsection The final task is projecting and optimizing aquaponic systems; creating optimal

Biotech: Agrobiotechnologies subsection The final task is projecting and optimizing aquaponic systems; creating optimal conditions for growing fish and aquaculture; automation of the given systems; isolating optimal strains of nitrifying bacteria in the system biofilter and genotyping to find genes associated with key commercial features of plants (i. e. acclimatization, growth rate etc. ) and aquaculture (i. e. fat content). The strains should be identified in a model mixed culture of nitrifying bacteria (aquarium system nitrification culture with patented content protected by the producer). Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: chemistry biology NTI Markets: Health. Net Food. Net 25

Biotech: Genome Editing subsection Finalists will analyze the functioning of CRISPR/Cas 9 genome editing

Biotech: Genome Editing subsection Finalists will analyze the functioning of CRISPR/Cas 9 genome editing system in a cell line. They will recover genomic DNA from lysate of cell culture taken from a patient with mutations; run a bioinformatic search for the sequence of target gene, a PCR with primers specific to the target gene region, and a Sanger DNA sequencing reaction; analyze sequencing results and reading frame shift in the target gene sequence as a result of genome editing. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: chemistry biology NTI Markets: Health. Net 26

Cognitive Technologies Finalists will design a neuro-intensifier allowing to register electroencephalograms; create and test

Cognitive Technologies Finalists will design a neuro-intensifier allowing to register electroencephalograms; create and test a brain-computer interface; train and select operators whose task will be to pass a route using neurocontrol. Organizers and partners: School subjects: biology informatics NTI Markets Neuro. Net 27

Intellectual Robotic Systems Finalists will work with a warehouse model and three to four

Intellectual Robotic Systems Finalists will work with a warehouse model and three to four logistic robots solving problems of automatic navigation and graphic patterns recognition (using a cameraà. The modeled situation is that of a system crash after which the robots have to resume operation by themselves; exchange hypotheses about their whereabouts via a wireless channel for more rapid localization; avoid collisions. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: maths informatics NTI Markets: Tech. Net Auto. Net Aero. Net Mari. Net 28

Intellectual Power Systems The final task includes designing and managing a smart power circuit

Intellectual Power Systems The final task includes designing and managing a smart power circuit on a specially designed stand. At the tables, teams calculate and construct their smart power circuit, program its operation (working at a computer, setting-up, etc. ) During the model test, they try operation of their algorithms. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: maths informatics NTI Markets: Energy. Net 29

Marine Robotic Systems Finalists will assemble an underwater robot, create a hydroacoustic communication system

Marine Robotic Systems Finalists will assemble an underwater robot, create a hydroacoustic communication system allowing the robot to communicate with the base, and run tests in the pool. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: physics informatics NTI Markets: Mari. Net 30

Nanosystems and Nanoengineering Finalists will create three quantum-dot based light-emitting devices emitting blue, green,

Nanosystems and Nanoengineering Finalists will create three quantum-dot based light-emitting devices emitting blue, green, and red light (RGB elements). Generation mechanism for such radiation is based on the so-called downconversion: transformation of the higher-energy violet radiation into less energetic blue, green, and red radiations. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: physics chemistry NTI Markets: Tech. Net Health. Net 31

Neurotechnologies This year, finalists will create a psychophysiological state monitoring system for truck drivers.

Neurotechnologies This year, finalists will create a psychophysiological state monitoring system for truck drivers. They will find ways to detect drowsiness and lapse of concentration. Contest participants will design a data collection system, process the data, and interpret it physiologically. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics biology NTI Markets: Neuro. Net Health. Net ООО «ИНРОБО» 32

Smart City Finalists will construct a model of a building, equip it with security

Smart City Finalists will construct a model of a building, equip it with security sensors and create a distributed network controlling behavior of detection and reaction systems. In those systems, false alarm prevention and operation during power cuts should be provided. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics physics NTI Markets: Energy. Net Safe. Net 33

Software Engineering in Financial Technologies The final task will connect biometrics, information security, and

Software Engineering in Financial Technologies The final task will connect biometrics, information security, and blockchain. Finalists will create a camera-based facial recognition solution able to identify a person and, in case of successful identification, to grant them access to simple financial operations in the blockchain such as checking account balance, making payments, accessing payment history and the like. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics maths NTI Markets: Fin. Net Safe. Net 34

Space Systems Engineering Finalists will design an ERS satellites constellation to conduct shooting in

Space Systems Engineering Finalists will design an ERS satellites constellation to conduct shooting in the optical range. For this, they will use an orbital movement simulator allowing to create lifelike spacecraft operation sequences and calculate optimal orbit parameters. The result will be sent to referees' satellite data receiving center. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics physics NTI Markets: Aero. Net Space. Net 35

Technology of Composite Materials Finalists will construct and optimize a wing box made of

Technology of Composite Materials Finalists will construct and optimize a wing box made of polymeric composite materials, using the method of vacuum infusion. They will prepare shape-generating molding tools; develop binders; install a vacuum bag; run vacuum infusion with polymer binder, and proceed with polymerization cycle for the product. Organizers and partners: School subjects: physics chemistry NTI Markets: Aero. Net Tech. Net 36

Unmanned Aviation Systems Finalists will solve the problem of on-the-ground object spotting in automatic

Unmanned Aviation Systems Finalists will solve the problem of on-the-ground object spotting in automatic mode, using a fixedwing RPAS and computer vision. The task implies working with RPAS elements and systems, modeling a flight, developing an automatic control system, working with computer vision, and testing. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: physics informatics NTI Markets: Aero. Net Mari. Net 37

Wireless Technologies Using various wireless channels, finalists will have to localize problems and restore

Wireless Technologies Using various wireless channels, finalists will have to localize problems and restore operation of a remote object. This problem appears regularly in such cases as restoring operation of automated spacecrafts. After decoding the data received through communication channels, teams will assemble, repair, or finalize the unit model which is their checking rig. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics maths NTI Markets: Aero. Net Space. Net 38

VR & AR: Virtual Reality subsection Finalists will develop a thematic VR application using

VR & AR: Virtual Reality subsection Finalists will develop a thematic VR application using their own 3 D models and object recognition system. The main task is to accomplish real-time object recognition using software tools and open source libraries for video files and video streamings. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics maths NTI Markets: Neuro. Net 39

VR & AR: Augmented Reality subsection Finalists will create a quest-like AR-application. The quest

VR & AR: Augmented Reality subsection Finalists will create a quest-like AR-application. The quest will use AR-objects to create in-game immersive content and to allow interactions with the environment in the gameplay. Finalists will develop bonus system; design routes best adjusted for wheelchairs; transform visual information in audio messages and vice versa. Included in the Russian Council of School Olympiads list Organizers and partners: School subjects: informatics maths NTI Markets: Neuro. Net 40

The NTI Contest website: WWW. NTI-CONTEST. RU/ENGLISH If you have any further questions, please

The NTI Contest website: WWW. NTI-CONTEST. RU/ENGLISH If you have any further questions, please contact: INFO@NTI-CONTEST. RU