SOMERSET ASA Volunteering the Volunteer Coordinator Role Volunteering

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SOMERSET ASA Volunteering & the Volunteer Coordinator Role

SOMERSET ASA Volunteering & the Volunteer Coordinator Role

Volunteering v. The Challenges v Opportunities v How can we help

Volunteering v. The Challenges v Opportunities v How can we help

THE CHALLENGES Recruiting: Why don’t people volunteer? Lack of time Perception that there’s lots

THE CHALLENGES Recruiting: Why don’t people volunteer? Lack of time Perception that there’s lots involved Communication Lack of knowledge Policies/Rules Lack of respect Expectation

The steps to support volunteer management Support and retention Training What, why, who? The

The steps to support volunteer management Support and retention Training What, why, who? The environment The start Planning, implementation, monitoring

The Start How did you get involved in volunteering? What was your first role?

The Start How did you get involved in volunteering? What was your first role? What was your first impression of your club?

The Challenges cont’d Retention – why don’t they stay? Overburdened Older volunteers dominate, young

The Challenges cont’d Retention – why don’t they stay? Overburdened Older volunteers dominate, young constrained No succession planning Lack of training Costs – travel/training/time off work Rules & Regs – safeguarding, health and safety Pay versus volunteer Plus all those for recruiting

The Environment Think about your organisation – describe it using words other than ‘club’,

The Environment Think about your organisation – describe it using words other than ‘club’, ‘sport’, ‘team’

The Opportunities Why do people volunteer? They are asked to! Social Give something back

The Opportunities Why do people volunteer? They are asked to! Social Give something back Additional experience

The opportunities cont’d Why do volunteers stay? Enjoy it Feel rewarded Gaining experience/qualification Feel

The opportunities cont’d Why do volunteers stay? Enjoy it Feel rewarded Gaining experience/qualification Feel needed

The Volunteer Journey – theory! Review current volunteer s Club Needs Maintain and review

The Volunteer Journey – theory! Review current volunteer s Club Needs Maintain and review role outlines Identify needs Recruit Provide role outlines and communicate Plan and Train identify training, support and mentoring Recognise Say THANK YOU Reward A bigger thank you

How can we help? Swim England have launched the Club & County Volunteer Co-ordinators

How can we help? Swim England have launched the Club & County Volunteer Co-ordinators Support Package Support the appointment and development of these roles One point of contact in clubs focusing on volunteers = better management Job descriptions/succession planning/mentoring Club VCs also have one point of contact within the county Organise training as needed and more local

WHAT IS IN THE PACKAGE? Digital Package with welcome video, club welcome presentation template

WHAT IS IN THE PACKAGE? Digital Package with welcome video, club welcome presentation template Access to Swim England volunteer recognition scheme and resources including editable certificates TYR branded technical polo Webinar series and bitesize guides on key topics Invitation to join Swim England’s National Volunteer Coordinator Network

Identity and Connection

Identity and Connection

WHAT IS IN THE PACKAGE? Option to feature on Swim England’s Volunteer Coordinator database

WHAT IS IN THE PACKAGE? Option to feature on Swim England’s Volunteer Coordinator database Exclusive access to Careers in Aquatics to advertise vacancies at your club Exclusive opportunities to meet with other volunteer coordinators in your county/region led by Swim England staff Access to training and development opportunities. How to create a Facebook group infographic

Volunteer Coordinator Network Swim England recognise that Volunteer Coordinators need support to fulfil their

Volunteer Coordinator Network Swim England recognise that Volunteer Coordinators need support to fulfil their role in the same way that all volunteers do. It is therefore their ambition to create a Volunteer Coordinator Network which aims to encourage peer to peer support alongside the support provided from Swim England. This network will connect through a forum where you can share ideas and challenges, allowing individuals to learn from the experience of others. All registered Swim England Volunteer Coordinators will be invited to join this network.

Club Volunteer Coordinator Guide Includes information and suggestions on: The role itself and what

Club Volunteer Coordinator Guide Includes information and suggestions on: The role itself and what is involved Preparing a volunteer development plan Recruitment Retention Training Recognition Succession Planning

So what happens next? If your club already has a Volunteer Coordinator make sure

So what happens next? If your club already has a Volunteer Coordinator make sure they register via the Swim England website https: //www. swimming. org/careers/become-avolunteer-coordinator/ If you don’t then you need to find someone willing to take on the role. If you have any questions, Jackie Hilleard is the Regional Lead for the programme.

County Volunteer Coordinator We currently don’t have a County Volunteer Coordinator Please promote this

County Volunteer Coordinator We currently don’t have a County Volunteer Coordinator Please promote this role within your clubs. Without one we cannot help

In the meantime …. How can the County help? What do you need to

In the meantime …. How can the County help? What do you need to help you support your volunteers? Let us have your ideas ……. .



We need volunteers but they need a volunteer coordinator!! USEFUL CONTACTS: Swim England: volunteering@swimming.

We need volunteers but they need a volunteer coordinator!! USEFUL CONTACTS: Swim England: volunteering@swimming. org Jackie Hilleard (Regional Lead): Jackiehilleard@gmail. com