Realidades 2 Demonstrative Adjectives Demonstrative Adjectives w Adjectives

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Realidades 2 Demonstrative Adjectives

Demonstrative Adjectives w. Adjectives describe people and things. w. Demonstrative adjectives in English are: this, that, these, and those. There are only four in English.

Demonstrative Adjectives w. Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out something or someone that is close to you, near you, or far away from you.

Demonstrative Adjectives w. There are 12 in Spanish, because of gender and number. w. They come before the noun and agree with the noun that they describe in gender and number.

Demonstrative Adjectives wthis este masculine, singular esta feminine, singular wthese estos masculine, plural estas feminine, plural

Demonstrative Adjectives wthat ese masculine, singular esa feminine, singular wthose esos masculine, plural esas feminine, plural

Demonstrative Adjectives wthat over there aquel masculine, singular aquella feminine, singular wthose over there aquellos masculine, plural aquellas feminine, plural

Singular w este vestido w esta blusa w ese suéter w esa sudadera w aquel libro w aquella puerta this dress this blouse that sweater that sweatshirt that book over there that door over there *Notice the demonstrative adjectives come before the nouns they modify.

Plural w estos vestidos w estas blusas w esos suéteres w esas sudaderas w aquellos libros w aquellas puertas these dresses these blouses those sweaters those sweatshirts those books over there those doors over there *Notice the demonstrative adjectives come before the nouns they modify.

Demonstrative Ajectives w. Esta revista que yo estoy leyendo es buena. w. Ese libro que tú estás leyendo es malo. w. Aquellos libros allá son de mi mamá.

Demonstrative Adjectives w. Words that can be used as clues … waquí here wallí there wallá over there

Demonstrative Adjectives w. Don’t forget the saying …. This and these have t’s, that and those don’t!!!
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