Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

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Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Remember that you use demonstrative adjectives to point out

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Remember that you use demonstrative adjectives to point out people or things that are nearby and farther away. • A demonstrative adjective always comes before the noun and agrees with it in gender and number.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Me gusta mucho trabajar en este centro recreativo. •

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Me gusta mucho trabajar en este centro recreativo. • I really like to work at this recreation center. • ¿Quién donó esa comida? • Who donated that food? • Voy a ayudar a aquellos pacientes. • I´m going to help those patients.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Demonstrative adjectives can also be used as pronouns to

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Demonstrative adjectives can also be used as pronouns to replace nouns. • To distinguish them from demonstrative adjectives, they have a written accent.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Me es imposible trabajar para este candidato, pero me

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Me es imposible trabajar para este candidato, pero me encantaría trabajar para ése. • It´s impossible for me to work for this candidate, but I would love to work for that one. • ¿Ves esas bolsas? Por favor, recoge ésa, pero no recojas aquélla. • Do you see those bags? Please pick up that one, but don´t pick up that one over there.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • To refer to an idea, or something that has

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • To refer to an idea, or something that has not been identified, use the demonstrative pronouns esto, eso, or aquello. • None of these has an accent mark.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Esto es injusto. • This is unfair. • Me

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Esto es injusto. • This is unfair. • Me encantaría eso. • I would love that. • ¿Qué es aquello? • What is that (over there)?

This and These (close enough to touch) Keep the “t” Adjectives Este (this) Esta

This and These (close enough to touch) Keep the “t” Adjectives Este (this) Esta (this) Pronouns Éste Ésta estos estas (this one) éstos (this one) éstas (these) (these ones)

That and Those “away it (the t) goes!” Adjectives Ese (that) Esa (that) Pronouns

That and Those “away it (the t) goes!” Adjectives Ese (that) Esa (that) Pronouns Ése Ésa esos esas (that one) ésos (that one) ésas (those) (those ones)

That and Those Over There (far from both of you) Adjectives Aquel (that over

That and Those Over There (far from both of you) Adjectives Aquel (that over there) Aquellos (those over there) Aquella (that over there) Aquellas (those over there) Pronouns Aquél (that one over there) Aquéllos (those ones over there) Aquélla (that one over there) Aquéllas (those ones over there)

Practice 1. Hay muchas personas en _____ comedor de benefecencia. (éste/este) 2. ¿Qué es

Practice 1. Hay muchas personas en _____ comedor de benefecencia. (éste/este) 2. ¿Qué es ____? (eso/ese) 3. -¿Dónde están los árboles que vamos a sembrar? -¿Son _____ que están allí? (aquéllos/aquellos) 4. ____ voluntarios son muy buenos. Nos están ayudando mucho. (éstos/estos) 5. ¡_______ no es justo! (ésto/esto)